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Last active August 26, 2023 00:57
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frame transformer with wasm
const W = 640; // video frame width
const H = 360; // video frame height
const pixelData = await imageLoader("./seaside.png"); // get the pixel data of the backgroung image in RGBA format
const buffer = new Uint8Array(W * H * 1.5); // byte buffer for the incoming frame in YUV 422 format
const bufferRGB = new Uint8Array(W * H * 4); // byte buffer for the result frame in RGBA format
const transformer = new TransformStream({
async transform(videoFrame, controller) {
const copyResult = await videoFrame.copyTo(buffer);
const { stride, offset: Voffset } = copyResult[1];
const { offset: Uoffset } = copyResult[2];
// the WebAssembly function is called here, it uses the previously allocated buffers
// the "instance" object keeps the reference for the compiled WebAssembly module.
// We will discuss the compiling and JS binding later
const init = {
timestamp: videoFrame.timestamp,
codedWidth: W,
codedHeight: H,
format: "RGBA",
const newFrame = new VideoFrame(bufferRGB, init); // construct an RGBA frame
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