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Created April 18, 2017 16:31
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  • Save x0rz/3e2967cab5b5b96fa67f6806c56d57c2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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echo "[+] Getting \system\\currentcontrolset\\services"
$raw_services = Get-ChildItem -Path hklm:\system\\currentcontrolset\\services | select Name
$services = @()
foreach ($srv in $raw_services) {
$shortname = "$srv".Split("\")[-1]
$shortname = $shortname.Substring(0,$shortname.Length-1)
$services += $shortname
echo "[+] Downloading drv_list.txt from Github (safe)"
$drv_list = (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("")
foreach ($line in $drv_list.Split([Environment]::NewLine)) {
$srv = $line.Split('",')[1]
if ($services -contains $srv) {
$desc = $line.Split('",')[4]
if ($desc -like "KILL") {
echo "You most likely have an Equation Group malware"
write-host "$srv`t => $desc" -foreground "red"
} elseif ($desc -match '[**|!!]') {
write-host "$srv`t => $desc" -foreground "yellow"
} else {
echo "$srv`t => $desc"
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