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Last active December 29, 2023 23:43
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Ansible Advent of Code 2023 Day 4
# Set the input
- name: Set example input
day4_input: |-
Card 1: 41 48 83 86 17 | 83 86 6 31 17 9 48 53
Card 2: 13 32 20 16 61 | 61 30 68 82 17 32 24 19
Card 3: 1 21 53 59 44 | 69 82 63 72 16 21 14 1
Card 4: 41 92 73 84 69 | 59 84 76 51 58 5 54 83
Card 5: 87 83 26 28 32 | 88 30 70 12 93 22 82 36
Card 6: 31 18 13 56 72 | 74 77 10 23 35 67 36 11
when: day4_input is not defined
# Get a list we can loop over
- name: Split input into separate lines
lines: "{{ day4_input | split('\n') }}"
# Store as dict with the game number as key. We can loop over this later, allows us to easily get the game ID
- name: Store as dict with the game number as key
games_dict: "{{ games_dict | default({}) | combine({game_id: game_line}) }}"
loop: "{{ lines }}"
game_id: "{{ item | regex_findall('[0-9]+') | first }}"
# Remove the card number, remove duplicate whitespace
game_line: "{{ item | regex_replace('^Card[ ]+[0-9]+: ', '') | regex_replace('[ ]+', ' ') }}"
# Loop over the dict and set the points
- name: Loop over games
points: "{{ points | default([]) + [current_points] }}"
loop: "{{ games_dict | dict2items }}"
game_id: "{{ item.key }}"
game_line: "{{ item.value }}"
# Get the numvers as a list
game_numbers: "{{ game_line | trim | split(' | ') | first | trim | split(' ') | map('trim') | list }}"
# Get the winners as a list
game_winners: "{{ game_line | trim | split(' | ') | last | trim | split(' ') | map('trim') | list }}"
# Get the intersection of the numbers and winners, this shows the winning numbers
game_winning_numbers: "{{ game_numbers | intersect(game_winners) }}"
# If no winners, points is 0, otherwise 2 to the power of the number of winners - 1
current_points: "{% if game_winning_numbers | length > 0 %}{{ 2 ** (game_winning_numbers | length - 1) }}{% else %}0{% endif %}"
- name: ANSWER TO PART 1 | Sum the points
msg: "{{ points | map('int') | sum }}"
# So... part 2 is recursion. this will not be fun.
# I'm deathly afraid of this part
- name: Set list of cards
cards: "{{ cards | default([]) + [current_card] }}"
loop: "{{ games_dict | dict2items }}"
current_card: "{{ [item.key, item.value] }}"
# Set list like [number of wins in this card, number of copies of this card]
# We set the number of copies of this card to 1 for now, we'll update it later
- name: Set list of cards and their wins
# List of lists, each list is [number of wins in this card, number of copies in this card (we keep this at 1 for now)]
card_counts: "{{ card_counts | default([]) + [[new_cards_length, 1]] }}"
loop: "{{ cards }}"
# Same calcs as before, now as a list, we don't care about the games anymore!
current_card: "{{ [item.key, item.value] }}"
game_id: "{{ item[0] }}"
game_line: "{{ item[1] }}"
game_numbers: "{{ game_line | trim | split(' | ') | first | trim | split(' ') | map('trim') | list }}"
game_winners: "{{ game_line | trim | split(' | ') | last | trim | split(' ') | map('trim') | list }}"
game_winning_numbers: "{{ game_numbers | intersect(game_winners) }}"
# How many winning numbers are there in this card? This is how many copies of the NEXT card there will be
new_cards_length: "{{ game_winning_numbers | length }}"
# One of the worst tasks ever.
# Doesn't look like much, but this logic took hours to figure out.
# Thanks @Quantum-Cucumber for the help! Your name is now forever attached to this hellhole of an Ansible project :).
- name: Update the copies of each card
card_counts_copies: "{{ _card_counts | from_yaml }}"
# Set a dict, loop over every card
# For each win of this card, add the amount of copies of this card to the amount of copies to the next X cards, where X is the amount of wins of this card
# By doing it this way, we avoid an exponential loop, or needing to extend the loop variable while in the loop, both of which Ansible does not support
_card_counts: "
{# COMMENT: Set temporary dict #}
{%- set ns = namespace(card_counts=card_counts) -%}
{# COMMENT: For every card #}
{%- for index in range(card_counts | length) -%}
{# COMMENT: Loop over every card below this card for each amount of wins #}
{%- for i in range(index + 1, index + card_counts[index][0] | int + 1) -%}
{# Create a new list element with updated value and replace the old one #}
{%- set new_element = [ns.card_counts[i][0], ns.card_counts[i][1] + ns.card_counts[index][1] | int] -%}
{# COMMENT: Commit changes. we can't update the list entries inline in Jinja2, so we use this method.. #}
{%- set ns.card_counts = ns.card_counts[:i] + [new_element] + ns.card_counts[i+1:] -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ ns.card_counts }}"
# Get the copies of each card, sum them
- name: ANSWER TO PART 2 | Get how many cards are in the stack
msg: "{{ card_counts_copies | map(attribute='1') | map('int') | sum }}"
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