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Created December 29, 2023 23:45
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Ansible Advent of Code 2023, Day 7
# Set the input
- name: Set example input
day7_input: |-
32T3K 765
T55J5 684
KK677 28
when: day7_input is not defined
# This is for later to determine the winner in ties
- name: Set card values
'2': 2
'3': 3
'4': 4
'5': 5
'6': 6
'7': 7
'8': 8
'9': 9
'T': 10
'J': 11
'Q': 12
'K': 13
'A': 14
# So what we're gonna do is collapse how many times each card appears in the hand
# If we sort this, we can easily check for pairs, three of a kind, etc
# We can do this by getting the list of how many times each card appears, then sorting it and joining it as a string
# e.g. T55J5 can get sorted down to [3, 1, 1] and then joined to "311", which is three of a kind
- name: Set priorities for hand types
'5': 6 # Five of a kind
'41': 5 # Four of a kind
'32': 4 # Full house
'311': 3 # Three of a kind
'221': 2 # Two pairs
'2111': 1 # One pair
'11111': 0 # High card
# Get a list we can loop over
- name: Split input into separate lines
lines: "{{ day7_input | split('\n') }}"
# Store as list of dicts with the hand, bid, strengths, and type
- name: For every hand (line), get the hand type
hands: "{{ hands | default([]) + [current_hand] }}"
loop: "{{ lines }}"
hand: "{{ item | split(' ') | first }}"
bid: "{{ item | split(' ') | last }}"
# Get the hand as a list
hand_list: "{{ hand | list }}"
# Get how many times each card appears in the hand
hand_list_counted: "{{ hand_list | community.general.counter }}"
# Ensure they're in order from highest to lowest
handlist_sorted: "{{ hand_list_counted | dict2items | map(attribute='value') | sort | reverse | join('') }}"
# We sort with the card priorities, so we can easily compare them later
strengths: "{{ [card_priorities[hand_list.0], card_priorities[hand_list.1], card_priorities[hand_list.2], card_priorities[hand_list.3], card_priorities[hand_list.4]] }}"
# Return the hand as a dict with the bid, strengths, and type
current_hand: "{{ {'hand': hand, 'bid': bid, 'strengths': strengths, 'type': hand_types[handlist_sorted]} }}"
# Sort the types into seperate dicts so we can sort inside the types later
- name: Select hands by type and sort them
hands_sorted: "{{ hands_sorted_per_category | reverse | flatten }}"
# Get them per category,
# then sort them by strength
# Store this in a temporary list we then reverse (so it goes from highest type to lowest)
# and then flatten it (this preserves orders in sublists)
hands_sorted_per_category: [
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 0) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 1) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 2) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 3) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 4) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 5) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 6) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
- name: Multiply the bid by the index
winnings: "{{ winnings | default([]) + [ | int * (loop_index | int + 1)] }}"
loop: "{{ hands_sorted | reverse }}"
index_var: loop_index
- name: ANSWER TO PART 1 | Return sum of wins
msg: "{{ winnings | map('int') | sum }}"
- name: Reset vars for part 2
hands: []
hands_sorted: []
winnings: []
# Set new card values
- name: Set card values
'2': 2
'3': 3
'4': 4
'5': 5
'6': 6
'7': 7
'8': 8
'9': 9
'T': 10
'J': 1 # This is absolutely unnecessary to include since we replace them with a random value later, this defaults to 1
'Q': 12
'K': 13
'A': 14
# The new rule says:
# J cards can pretend to be whatever card is best for the purpose of determining hand type; for example, QJJQ2 is now considered four of a kind.
# This basically just means for every joker in the hand, we can turn the hand into the best possible hand
- name: Set new mapping of joker upgrades
6: 6 # Five of a kind stays the same
5: 6 # Four of a kind becomes five of a kind
4: 5 # Full house becomes four of a kind
3: 5 # Three of a kind can become four of a kind too!
2: 4 # Two pairs becomes full house
1: 3 # One pair becomes three of a kind
0: 1 # High card becomes two pairs
- name: For every hand (line), get the hand type
hands: "{{ hands | default([]) + [current_hand] }}"
loop: "{{ lines }}"
hand: "{{ item | split(' ') | first }}"
bid: "{{ item | split(' ') | last }}"
# Get the hand as a list
hand_list: "{{ hand | list }}"
# We need to replace the Js with some random values do we don't start off with a too high hand type
# e.g. JJJ34 can't start off as a three of a kind, since that would upgrade it to a five of a kind, when that obviously isn't possible
# We just use ZYXWV here since they're not already cards
_hand_list_j_replaced: "
{%- set replacementmap = {
0: 'Z',
1: 'Y',
2: 'X',
3: 'W',
4: 'V'
} -%}
{%- set ns = namespace(hand_list = hand_list) -%}
{% for i in range(0, hand_list | length) %}
{% if hand_list[i] == 'J' %}
{%- set new_element = replacementmap[i] -%}
{%- set ns.hand_list = ns.hand_list[:i] + [new_element] + ns.hand_list[i+1:] -%}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ ns.hand_list }}"
hand_list_j_replaced: "{{ _hand_list_j_replaced | trim | from_yaml }}"
j_count: "{{ hand_list | select('eq', 'J') | list | length }}"
# # Get how many times each card appears in the hand
hand_list_counted: "{{ hand_list_j_replaced | community.general.counter}}"
# Ensure they're in order from highest to lowest
handlist_sorted: "{{ hand_list_counted | dict2items | map(attribute='value') | sort | reverse | join('') }}"
vanilla_hand_type: "{{ hand_types[handlist_sorted] }}"
# For every J, use the lookup map to get the new hand type
hand_type: "
{%- set ns = namespace(hand_type = vanilla_hand_type) -%}
{% for i in range(0, j_count | int) %}
{%- set ns.hand_type = joker_upgrades[ns.hand_type | int] -%}
{% endfor %}
{{ ns.hand_type }}"
# We sort with the card priorities, so we can easily compare them later
# this line is ugly.
# i dont care!
strengths: "{{ [card_priorities[hand_list_j_replaced.0] | default(1), card_priorities[hand_list_j_replaced.1] | default(1), card_priorities[hand_list_j_replaced.2] | default(1), card_priorities[hand_list_j_replaced.3] | default(1), card_priorities[hand_list_j_replaced.4] | default(1)] }}"
# Return the hand as a dict with the bid, strengths, and type
current_hand: "{{ {'hand': hand, 'bid': bid, 'strengths': strengths, 'type': hand_type | trim | int} }}"
# Exact same deal as before!
- name: Select hands by type and sort them
hands_sorted: "{{ hands_sorted_per_category | reverse | flatten }}"
hands_sorted_per_category: [
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 0) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 1) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 2) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 3) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 4) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 5) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
"{{ hands | selectattr('type', 'eq', 6) | list | sort(attribute='strengths') | reverse }}",
- name: Multiply the bid by the index
winnings: "{{ winnings | default([]) + [ | int * (loop_index | int + 1)] }}"
loop: "{{ hands_sorted | reverse }}"
index_var: loop_index
- name: ANSWER TO PART 2 | Return sum of wins
msg: "{{ winnings | map('int') | sum }}"
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