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Created August 6, 2016 02:45
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A fairly fast Java quad tree.
package pw.ske.quadtree;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;
import java.util.Iterator;
* A basic quad tree.
* <p>
* This class represents any node, but you will likely only interact with the root node.
* @param <T> The type of object this quad tree should contain. An object only requires some way of getting rough bounds.
public class QuadTree<T extends QuadTree.QuadTreeObject> {
private int maxObjectsPerNode;
private int level;
private Rectangle bounds;
private Array<T> objects;
private static Rectangle tmp = new Rectangle();
private boolean leaf;
private QuadTree<T> bottomLeftChild;
private QuadTree<T> bottomRightChild;
private QuadTree<T> topLeftChild;
private QuadTree<T> topRightChild;
* Constructs a new quad tree.
* @param maxObjectsPerNode How many objects may be in a node before it will split.
* Should be around 3-5 for optimal results, depending on your use case.
* @param bounds The total bounds of this root node
public QuadTree(int maxObjectsPerNode, Rectangle bounds) {
this(maxObjectsPerNode, 0, bounds);
private QuadTree(int maxObjectsPerNode, int level, Rectangle bounds) {
this.level = level;
this.bounds = bounds;
this.maxObjectsPerNode = maxObjectsPerNode;
objects = new Array<T>();
leaf = true;
private void split() {
if (!leaf) return;
float subW = bounds.width / 2;
float subH = bounds.height / 2;
leaf = false;
bottomLeftChild = new QuadTree<T>(maxObjectsPerNode, level + 1, new Rectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, subW, subH));
bottomRightChild = new QuadTree<T>(maxObjectsPerNode, level + 1, new Rectangle(bounds.x + subW, bounds.y, subW, subH));
topLeftChild = new QuadTree<T>(maxObjectsPerNode, level + 1, new Rectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y + subH, subW, subH));
topRightChild = new QuadTree<T>(maxObjectsPerNode, level + 1, new Rectangle(bounds.x + subW, bounds.y + subH, subW, subH));
// Transfer objects to children if they fit entirely in one
for (Iterator<T> iterator = objects.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
T obj =;
QuadTree<T> child = getFittingChild(tmp);
if (child != null) {
private void unsplit() {
if (leaf) return;
leaf = true;
bottomLeftChild = bottomRightChild = topLeftChild = topRightChild = null;
* Inserts an object into this node or its child nodes. This will split a leaf node if it exceeds the object limit.
public void insert(T obj) {
if (!bounds.overlaps(tmp)) {
// New object not in quad tree, ignoring
// TODO: throw an exception?
if (leaf && (objects.size + 1) > maxObjectsPerNode) split();
if (leaf) {
// Leaf, so no need to add to children, just add to root
} else {
// Add to relevant child, or root if can't fit completely in a child
QuadTree<T> child = getFittingChild(tmp);
if (child != null) {
} else {
* Removes an object from this node or its child nodes.
public void remove(T obj) {
if (leaf) {
// Leaf, no children, remove from root
objects.removeValue(obj, true);
} else {
// Remove from relevant child
QuadTree<T> child = getFittingChild(tmp);
if (child != null) {
} else {
// Or root if object doesn't fit in a child
objects.removeValue(obj, true);
if (getTotalObjectCount() <= maxObjectsPerNode) unsplit();
private QuadTree<T> getFittingChild(Rectangle boundingBox) {
float verticalMidpoint = bounds.x + (bounds.width / 2);
float horizontalMidpoint = bounds.y + (bounds.height / 2);
// Object can completely fit within the top quadrants
boolean topQuadrant = boundingBox.y > horizontalMidpoint;
// Object can completely fit within the bottom quadrants
boolean bottomQuadrant = boundingBox.y < horizontalMidpoint && (boundingBox.y + boundingBox.height) < horizontalMidpoint;
// Object can completely fit within the left quadrants
if (boundingBox.x < verticalMidpoint && boundingBox.x + boundingBox.width < verticalMidpoint) {
if (topQuadrant) {
return topLeftChild;
} else if (bottomQuadrant) {
return bottomLeftChild;
// Object can completely fit within the right quadrants
else if (boundingBox.x > verticalMidpoint) {
if (topQuadrant) {
return topRightChild;
} else if (bottomQuadrant) {
return bottomRightChild;
// Else, object needs to be in parent cause it can't fit completely in a quadrant
return null;
* Returns the leaf node directly at the given coordinates, or null if the coordinates are outside this node's bounds.
public QuadTree<T> getNodeAt(float x, float y) {
if (!bounds.contains(x, y)) return null;
if (leaf) return this;
if (topLeftChild.bounds.contains(x, y)) return topLeftChild.getNodeAt(x, y);
if (topRightChild.bounds.contains(x, y)) return topRightChild.getNodeAt(x, y);
if (bottomLeftChild.bounds.contains(x, y)) return bottomLeftChild.getNodeAt(x, y);
if (bottomRightChild.bounds.contains(x, y)) return bottomRightChild.getNodeAt(x, y);
// This should never happen
return null;
* Fills the out parameter with any objects that may intersect the given rectangle.
* <p>
* This will result in false positives, but never a false negative.
public void getMaybeIntersecting(Array<T> out, Rectangle toCheck) {
if (!leaf) {
if (topLeftChild.bounds.overlaps(toCheck)) topLeftChild.getMaybeIntersecting(out, toCheck);
if (topRightChild.bounds.overlaps(toCheck)) topRightChild.getMaybeIntersecting(out, toCheck);
if (bottomLeftChild.bounds.overlaps(toCheck)) bottomLeftChild.getMaybeIntersecting(out, toCheck);
if (bottomRightChild.bounds.overlaps(toCheck)) bottomRightChild.getMaybeIntersecting(out, toCheck);
* Returns whether this node is a leaf node (has no child nodes)
public boolean isLeaf() {
return leaf;
* Returns the bottom left child node, or null if this node is a leaf node.
public QuadTree<T> getBottomLeftChild() {
return bottomLeftChild;
* Returns the bottom right child node, or null if this node is a leaf node.
public QuadTree<T> getBottomRightChild() {
return bottomRightChild;
* Returns the top left child node, or null if this node is a leaf node.
public QuadTree<T> getTopLeftChild() {
return topLeftChild;
* Returns the top right child node, or null if this node is a leaf node.
public QuadTree<T> getTopRightChild() {
return topRightChild;
* Returns the entire bounds of this node.
public Rectangle getBounds() {
return bounds;
* Returns the objects in this node only.
* <p>
* If this node isn't a leaf node, it will only return the objects that don't fit perfectly into a specific child node (lie on a border).
public Array<T> getObjects() {
return objects;
* Returns the total number of objects in this node and all child nodes, recursively
public int getTotalObjectCount() {
int count = objects.size;
if (!leaf) {
count += topLeftChild.getTotalObjectCount();
count += topRightChild.getTotalObjectCount();
count += bottomLeftChild.getTotalObjectCount();
count += bottomRightChild.getTotalObjectCount();
return count;
* Fills the out array with all objects in this node and all child nodes, recursively.
public void getAllChildren(Array<T> out) {
if (!leaf) {
* Represents an object in a QuadTree.
public interface QuadTreeObject {
* Fills the out parameter with this element's rough bounding box. This should never be smaller than the actual object, but may be larger.
void getBoundingBox(Rectangle out);
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