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Last active March 26, 2018 09:59
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Uses a binary search tree algorithm to locate a value in the specified array.
* Uses a binary search algorithm to locate a value in the specified array
* Due to internal function call overhead (count, floor), it might be inefficient to use on small arrays
* Original:
* @author Nicholas C. Zakas
* @see
* PHP port by:
* @author Aleksandar Puharic <[email protected]>
* @see
* @param array $items Array to search in
* @param string|int $value The value to search for
* @return int The zero-based index of the value in the array or -1 if not found
* Note: Return value might be 0 which evaluates to false, but is correct array index
* Use following for in_array behaviour
* (bool)(binarySearch($animalsArray, 'Zebra') >= 0)
function binarySearch(array $items, $value): int
$startIndex = 0;
$stopIndex = count($items) - 1;
$middle = (int)floor(($stopIndex + $startIndex) / 2); // Casting is required since floor returns float
while ($items[$middle] !== $value && $startIndex < $stopIndex) {
//adjust search area
if ($value < $items[$middle]) {
$stopIndex = $middle - 1;
} else if ($value > $items[$middle]) {
$startIndex = $middle + 1;
//recalculate middle
$middle = (int)floor(($stopIndex + $startIndex) / 2); // Casting is required since floor returns float
//make sure it's the right value
return ($items[$middle] !== $value) ? -1 : $middle;
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