In short:
You'll need to give write acess to the correct /dev/hidrawN
device and possibly turn off SELinux enforcing while you're running the VIA app, be sure to turn it back on afterwards.
- You need a chromium-based browser
- Go to and load the device, if all is well: great.
When it fails:
- Open the
URL in your browser, and find the line which describes access denied, i.e.:
[20:08:02] Failed to open '/dev/hidraw4': FILE_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
- Now we know the correct hid is
(YMMV) - run this:sudo chmod a+rw /dev/hidraw4
- If SELinux is enabled, you may want to create either a policy, or temporarily run
setenforce 0
- Try the VIA app again, it should work.
- Do whatever you need to do.
- Once you're done, run:
setenforce 1