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Alex Plugaru xarg

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DannyAziz / notify.mdc
Created February 11, 2025 02:14
Cursor Composer notify rule on macos
description: At the end of any task
globs: *
At the end of any task run the command `osascript -e display notification "{message}" with title "{title}"`. Fill in message and title based on the task you just completed
* This is an example to create persistent forms using
* HTML5 localStorage + jQuery serialization and
* url.decode from
* The example bellow is seriously unoptimized.
* It listens to changing events in the form and
* serializes the data of the form in localStorage
<!-- ZPT: write clean inline JavaScript code -->
<!-- rstk.json_dumps translates the Python dict to a JS dict, used in JS code -->
function setup_my_html(config) {
var e = document.getElementById(config.the_id);