- Install wireguard if required.
wg genkey | tee wgprivatekey | wg pubkey > wgpublickey
- note your private key is along with the public key in the folder you just executed the above commands in.
- grab the generated privatekey and put it at the logical place with the rest of this config in
ListenPort = SOMEPORT
Endpoint = REMOTEINTERNETIPHERE (clients only)
- Do the same on the client
- Bring the VPN up by doing
wg-quick up someinterface
- Give yourself a pat on the shoulder (either shoulder works for this purpose)
LOCALVPNADDRESS is the IP address the machine will have inside the VPN, not on the internet. That's what the Endpoint parameter is for.
you only need to have an Endpoint on one of the two machines, after a connection is established they'll automatically roam to new IPs without configuration.
to get the public key you have to echo the private key into
wg pubkey
. The command will otherwise appear to hang.
Useful links