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Last active April 3, 2017 20:22
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import Data.Vect
Matrix : Nat -> Nat -> Type -> Type
Matrix x y t = Vect x (Vect y t)
createEmpties : Vect n (Vect 0 elem)
createEmpties = replicate _ []
transposeMatrix : Matrix rows columns elem ->
Matrix columns rows elem
transposeMatrix [] = createEmpties
transposeMatrix (row :: rows) =
transposedRows = transposeMatrix rows
zipWith (::) row transposedRows
multiplyMatrix : Num numType =>
Matrix firstRows n numType ->
Matrix n secondColumns numType ->
Matrix firstRows secondColumns numType
multiplyMatrix [] [] = [] -- for empty element we do nothing
multiplyMatrix [] (secondRow :: secondRows) = []
multiplyMatrix (firstRow :: firstRows) [] = ?onlyFirstMatrix
multiplyMatrix (firstRow :: firstRows) secondMatrix =
transposedSecondMatrix = transposeMatrix secondMatrix
(transposedSecondRow :: transposedSecondRows) = transposedSecondMatrix
multiplyHelper transposedSecondRow firstRow firstRows transposedSecondRows transposedSecondMatrix secondMatrix
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