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Forked from stecman/
Last active November 11, 2024 14:10
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Steam auto trader

Maximum Hax

Automates the UI actions (clicks, typing) to sell Steam trading cards from the Steam web interface. To use this:

  1. Log into your Steam account in Chrome
  2. Go to [Username] -> Inventory
  3. Open the Javascript console (View -> Developer -> Javascript Console)
  4. Paste in the entire script below and press enter
  5. To start selling all trading cards in your inventory, type doHax() in the console and press enter
  6. ...
  7. Profit (kind of.. yay! cents!)

The quickest way way to stop the process once it has started is to refresh or close the current tab.

* Schedule a function to run on the next tick
* This is useful to wait for the DOM to render changes that have just been made
* @param {function} func
function setImmediate(func) {
setTimeout(func, 0);
* Timeout as a promise
* @param {int} time - time in milliseconds to wait
* @return {Promise}
function timeout(time) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
setTimeout(resolve, time)
* Return a promise that resolves once a function returns true
* @param {function() : bool} conditionFunc
* @return {Promise}
function wait(conditionFunc) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var interval;
interval = setInterval(function() {
if (conditionFunc()) {
}, 100);
* Round a number to a specified number of decmial places
* Javascript's Math.round function doesn't support specifying decimal places
* @param {number} number
* @param {int} decimalPlaces
* @return {number}
function round(number, decimalPlaces) {
var offset = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces);
return Math.round(number * offset) / offset;
* Calculate the average of the recent price history for the selected trading card
* @return {int} dollars
function calcAveragePrice() {
// Use the last 100 data points displayed in the visible price history graph
// This is equal to about five days most of the time
var data =;
var recent = data[0].slice(-100);
var recentTotal = recent.reduce((sum, item) => {
// item is an array in the form: [dateString, priceInDollars, number]
return sum + item[1];
}, 0);
return recentTotal / recent.length;
* Calculate the price to sell the current selection for
* @return {number} dollars
function calcSalePrice() {
var avg = calcAveragePrice();
var price = round(avg * 0.9, 2);
// Print the amount details in the console
var name = document.getElementById('market_sell_dialog_item_name').innerText;
console.log('Will list %s for %f (average is %f)', name, price, avg);
return price;
* Perform all UI actions to sell the selected card
* @return {Promise} - promise to be resolved once the sale operation is complete
function sellSelection() {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Trigger Steam's trade dialog to display for the selected card
wait(function() {
// Wait for the price history graph to be rendered
// At this point we know the trading dialog is completely ready to use
if (jQuery('.pricehistory_notavailable_info').length > 0) {
return jQuery('#pricehistory:visible').length > 0;
}).then(function() {
// Calculate sale price using the graph data
var price = calcSalePrice();
// Update the "buyer pays" field in the UI (converted to dollars, truncated to 2 dp)
document.getElementById('market_sell_buyercurrency_input').value = price.toFixed(2);
return timeout(50);
}).then(function() {
// Call their event handler to register the amount we're selling for in their code
return timeout(50);
}).then(function() {
// Accept terms of sale
document.getElementById('market_sell_dialog_accept_ssa').checked = true;
SellItemDialog.OnAccept(new Event('click'));
// Wait for the UI to update
return timeout(50);
}).then(function() {
// Click the sell button
// Wait for the final OK button to be visible
return wait(function() {
return jQuery('#market_sell_dialog_ok:visible').length > 0;
}).then(function() {
// Click the sell confirmation button
function process(index, cards) {
// Click the "Sell" button in the inventory to bring up the sell dialog for this item
var node = cards[index];;
.then(function() {
return sellSelection()
.then(function() {
// Once selection is sold, wait for the UI to return
return wait(function() {
return SellItemDialog.m_bWaitingOnServer === false
&& jQuery('#inventories:visible').length > 0;
.then(function() {
// Process the next item
if (cards[index + 1]) {
process(index + 1, cards);
} else {
function doHax() {
// Get all of the links for trading cards rendered on the current page
// (This may include cards that aren't visible in on the current 25-per-page view)
cards = document.querySelectorAll('.inventory_item_link[href^="#753_6"]');
if (cards.length) {
console.log('Starting to process %d cards', cards.length);
process(0, cards);
} else {
console.log('No cards to process');
// add new button to gui
(function () {
var button = '<a class="btn_darkblue_white_innerfade btn_medium new_trade_offer_btn" onclick="doHax()"><span>Auto Sell 🚀</span></a>';
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