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Created April 4, 2021 21:06
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  • Variables:

                      var = For defining variables
                  mov = move a value from place to another
                $RESULT = Stores the Result of an operation
  • Conditional Jumps:

                      JNE = Jump if not equal
                      JE = Jump if Equal
                      JMP = Jump
                      JB = Jump if Below
                      JA = Jump if Above
                      CMP = Compare two operands
  • Commands:

                      STI = Execute F7
                      run = Execute F9 (run)
                      STO = Execute F8
                      BC = Clear a Breakpoint
                      BP = Set BreakPoint
                      BPHWS = Set Hardware Breakpoint
                      BPHWC = Remove Hardware Breakpoint
                      msg = Display Message
                      find = find an expression at an address
                      cmt = put comment
                      go = go to address
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