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Last active April 4, 2021 21:03
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- Run the code :F9
- Step into/ over instructions: F7/F8
- Execute until selecyted instruction : F4
- Execute until next return : Ctrl + F9
- Show Previous/next executed instructions: -/+
- Return to previous view : *
- Go to specific expression: Ctrl+g
- Insert comment/label : ;/;
- Show current function as a graph : g
- Find Specific pattern : Ctrl + b
- Set Software breakpoint on specific instruction : Select instruction + F2
- Set software breakpoint on API: Go to command prompt > SetBPX API Name
- Highlight all occurrences of the keyword in disassembler : h > Click on keyword
- Assemble instruction in place of selected one : Select instruction > Spacebar
- Edit data in memory or instruction opcode : Select data or instruction + Ctrl+o
- Extract API call references : Right-click in disassembler > Search for > Current module > Intermodular calls
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