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Created April 20, 2017 03:04
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Initial including right click/copy clip path thing
#!/bin/env python
# Filename:
# Copyright (c) 2008 Autodesk Canada Co.
# All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
# agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
# otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
# *****************************************************************************
# Hook called when a sequence finishes rendering (even if unsuccessful).
# moduleName : Name of the rendering module -- String.
# sequenceName : Name of the rendered sequence -- String.
# elapsedTimeInSeconds : number of seconds used to render -- Float
def renderEnded(moduleName, sequenceName, elapsedTimeInSeconds):
# Hook called when a sequence finishes playback (even if unsuccessful).
# sequenceName : Name of the rendered sequence -- String.
# fps : FPS -- Float
# debugInfo: Debugging Playback Information -- Dict
def playbackEnded(sequenceName, fps, debugInfo):
# Hook called when the user changes the video preview device. The following
# values are read from the init.cfg VideoPreviewDevice keyword.
# description : Description of the video preview device -- String
# (ex : "1920x1080@5994i_free")
# width : Width of the preview device -- Integer.
# height : Height of the preview device -- Integer.
# bitDepth : Bit depth of the preview device -- Integer.
# rateString : Rate of the preview device -- String.
# (ex : "6000i")
# syncString : Sync source of the preview device -- String.
# (ex : "freesync")
def previewWindowConfigChanged(description,width,height,bitDepth,
# Hook returning the custom ui actions to display to the user in the
# contextual menu.
# Returns a tuple of group dictionaries.
# A group dictionary defines a custom menu group where keys defines
# the group.
# Keys:
# name: [String]
# Name of the action group that will be created in the menu.
# actions: [String]
# Tuple of action dictionary which menu items will be created
# in the group.
# An action dictionary of userData where the keys defines
# the action
# Keys:
# name: [String]
# Name of the action that will be passed on customUIAction
# callback.
# caption: [String]
# Caption of the menu item.
# For example: 2 menu groups containing 1 custom action
# def getCustomUIActions():
# action1 = {}
# action1[ "name" ] = "action1"
# action1[ "caption" ] = "Action Number 1"
# group1 = {}
# group1[ "name" ] = "Custom Group 1"
# group1[ "actions" ] = ( action1, )
# action2 = {}
# action2[ "name" ] = "action2"
# action2[ "caption" ] = "Action Number 2"
# group2 = {}
# group2[ "name" ] = "Custom Group 2"
# group2[ "actions" ] = ( action2, )
# return ( group1, group2 )
def getCustomUIActions():
pathcopyaction = dict(name='pathcopy', caption='Copy to clipboard')
pathcopygrp = dict(name='Clip path', actions=(pathcopyaction,))
return (pathcopygrp,)
# Hook called when a custom action is triggered in the menu
# info [Dictionary] [Modifiable]
# Information about the custom action,
# Keys:
# name: [String]
# Name of the action being triggered.
# selection: [Tuple]
# Tuple of wiretap ids.
# userData [Dictionary] [Modifiable]
# Dictionary that is passed to getCustomUIActions.
def customUIAction(info, userData):
if info['name'] == 'pathcopy':
import re, os
import PySide.QtGui as qtg
import libwiretapPythonClientAPI as wt
qa = qtg.QApplication.instance()
paths = []
wtserver = wt.WireTapServerHandle('localhost')
wtmeta = wt.WireTapStr()
for wtid in info['selection']:
wtclip = wt.WireTapNodeHandle(wtserver, wtid)
wtclip.getMetaData('EDL', '', 1, wtmeta)
wtedl = wtmeta.c_str()
for line in wtedl.splitlines():
if 'ORIGIN' in line and re.match('^DLEDL: EDIT:[0-9]+ ORIGIN: .+$', line):
path = line.split(':')[3][1:]
pathstogether = '\n'.join(paths)
print "Copying to clipboard: " + pathstogether
# Hook called when starting the application and when switching project
# This value will be used as default for the rename shotname dialog
# project: [String]
# Usually called with current project.
# Ex: if project == "project_name":
# return "<track>_<segment>_project"
# return "<track>_<segment>_global"
def timelineDefaultShotName( project ):
return ""
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