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Last active September 4, 2017 18:14
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Installation instructions for setting up a Kubernetes environment on Vagrant and installing the postgres-operator.

Installing postgres-operator

Following these instructions will allow you to install the required Kubernetes environment in addition to postgres-operator, start-to-finish, in no time at all. This is an optimal testing environment.

Installing Kubernetes

Follow this link to set up a one-node Kubernetes installation on Vagrant - this will make life much easier for testing.

The kubeadm installation will create /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf for the kubeconfig file you will use to execute the postgres-operator, it needs to be readable from your user account, to enable this change the permissions:

sudo chmod +r /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf

Once you have your Kube VM created, install some of the required dependencies:

sudo apt-get install git gettext

Create Project and Clone

In your .bashrc file, include the following:

export GOPATH=$HOME/odev
export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin
export COROOT=$GOPATH/src/
export CO_BASEOS=centos7
export CO_VERSION=1.5

Don’t forget to log out and back into the Vagrant machine at this point to refresh your .bashrc file.

Then execute these commands to build the project structure:

mkdir -p $HOME/odev/src $HOME/odev/bin $HOME/odev/pkg
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd postgres-operator

Get Packaged Dependencies

Next, enable Docker for the standard Ubuntu user:

sudo usermod -a -G docker ubuntu

Remember to log out of the Vagrant session for the Docker group to be added to your current session. Once it’s added, you’ll be able to run Docker commands from your user account.

You can ensure your someuser account is added correctly by running the following command and ensuring docker appears as one of the results:


At this point if you want to avoid building the images and binary from source, you can pull down the Docker images as follows:

docker pull crunchydata/lspvc:centos7-1.5
docker pull crunchydata/postgres-operator:centos7-1.5

Then to get the pgo client, go to the Releases page and download the tar ball, uncompress it into your $HOME directory:

cd $HOME
tar xvzf ./postgres-operator.1.5.tar.gz

Lastly, add the pgo client into your PATH.

Deploy the PostgreSQL Operator

Note: This will create and use /data on your local system as the persistent store for the operator to use for its persistent volume:

cd $COROOT/examples/operator
kubectl get pod -l 'name=postgres-operator'
kubectl get thirdpartyresources

There are example scripts that will create PV and PVC resources that can be used in your testing. Execute the following scripts:

kubectl create -f $COROOT/examples/operator/crunchy-pvc.json

Note that this example will create a PVC called crunchy-pvc that is referenced in the examples and pgo configuration file as the desired PVC to use when databases and clusters are created.

When you first run the operator, it will create the required ThirdPartyResources.


The pgo client requires two configuration files be copied to your $HOME as follows:

cp $COROOT/examples/pgo.yaml.emptydir $HOME/.pgo.yaml
cp $COROOT/examples/pgo.lspvc-template.json $HOME/.pgo.lspvc-template.json
vi $HOME/.pgo.yaml

Edit the $HOME/.pgo.yaml file changing the following settings:

KUBECONFIG:  /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
LSPVC_TEMPLATE:  /home/yourid/.pgo.lspvc-template.json

Note that this config file assumes your Kubernetes config file is located in /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf. Update this kubeconfig path to match your local Kube config file location. Also, update the location of the LSPVC_TEMPLATE value to match your $HOME value.

Viewing Operator Resources

When you first run the operator, it will look for the presence of its third party resources, and create them if not found. You can view the various resources created and used by the operator as follows:

kubectl get thirdpartyresources
kubectl get pgclusters
kubectl get pgbackups
kubectl get pgupgrades
kubectl get pgpolicies
kubectl get pgclones

At this point, you should be ready to start using the pgo client!

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