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Last active February 3, 2025 03:58
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Every Angle (Beta)

Every Angle (Beta)

All-in-one Steam Controller layout for Elite: Dangerous Odyssey. Access 6DOF in 2D and VR with gyroscopic controls optimized for Flight Assist Off. Supports flick stick and optional AX fire control macros.

Quick Start

  1. Exit both Elite Dangerous and Steam.
  2. Copy the .vdf file to the steamapps\common\Steam Controller Configs\ACCOUNT_ID\config\359320\ folder in your Steam installation directory, where ACCOUNT_ID your Steam account ID, e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Steam Controller Configs\11223344\config\359320\.
  3. Copy the .binds file to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings.
  4. Restart Steam, turn on your Steam Controller, select Elite Dangerous, and enable the "Every Angle" controller configuration.
  5. Start Elite Dangerous and select the "Every Angle" controls in all four categories.

If playing Elite Dangerous as a non-Steam game (e.g., via the Epic Store), save the controller configuration as a template and use that, instead. The template directory is in the Steam installation directory under controller_base\templates\, e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\controller_base\templates\.


  • Angular Flight Standard Pro: Final release by Mr. Angular
  • Big Angular Flight Picture Mode 1.0: Update to support FA off
  • Big Angular Flight Picture Mode 1.1: Map shutdown field neutralizer (same as ECM)
  • Big Angular Flight Picture Mode 2.0: Add staggered Gauss macro
  • Big Angular Flight Picture Mode 2.5: Adjust staggered Gauss timing; add Gatling Gauss macro; fix distributor macros
  • Big Angular Flight Picture Mode 3.0 (unreleased): Map the relative mouse toggle; refactor action set layers
  • Every Angle (beta): From-scratch re-implementation including complete keyboard/mouse bindings, always-on distributor macros, max-RoF modshard and 3x/4x Gauss fire controls, on-foot dual-stage triggers, and flick stick support


Steam Controller bindings are mostly the same as Big Angular Flight Picture Mode with the following exceptions:

  • Tap a direction on the left trackpad to use the D-pad, instead of clicking it.

  • Distributor macros are always on now. Click and hold that direction on the D-pad to activate the corresponding distributor preset as before.

  • The left shoulder button is still secondary fire, but via the right mouse button.

  • The right shoulder button is still primary fire, but via the left mouse button.

  • Use the grips to switch tabs in the user interface. Use X plus the grips to page up/down.

  • Select plus tapping the right trackpad reconfigures it as a flick stick; repeat that button combo to switch the right trackpad back to a joystick.

  • In flick stick mode, click and hold the right trackpad to open a radial menu with emotes. Use the right trackpad to select the desired emote. Release the right trackpad to make the gesture.

Fire control macros have been completely reworked; see below for details.

Fire Groups

X plus the left shoulder button activates action set layer AX1 (staggered Gauss and phalanx modshards). X plus the right shoulder button activates action set layer AX2 (4x and 3x Gatling Gauss). Switch directly from one action set layer to the other by pressing the corresponding button chord. Deactivate the current action set layer by pressing the same button chord again.

Trigger a fire control macro by double clicking and holding the left or right shoulder button. The macros work by holding down the primary fire key and switching fire groups every few hundred milliseconds. See below for each macro's fire group configuration.

Staggered Gauss (action set layer AX1, left shoulder button)

Use this macro for an alternating fire pattern. It switches fire groups every 625 ms. Each pair of Gauss cannons will complete a full cycle (charge and shoot) before the macro switches to the next pair. This is compatible with three- and four-cannon load outs.

Gun 1 x x
Gun 2 x x
Gun 3 x x
Gun 4 (optional) x x

This macro may also be used for rapid fire with a four-cannon load out. Use this firing pattern when implementing Gatling Gauss on ships with weaker power distributors that cannot sustain the Gauss cannons' maximum rate of fire.

Gun 1 x x
Gun 2 x x
Gun 3 x x
Gun 4 x x

Phalanx Modshards (action set layer AX1, right shoulder button)

This macro switches fire groups every 349 ms. Use it with four modshard cannons for a repeating fire pattern at their maximum rate of fire. As the current modshard cannon is firing, the second cannon prepares to fire while the third begins charging.

Gun 1 x x x
Gun 2 x x x
Gun 3 x x x
Gun 4 x x x

4x Gatling Gauss (action set layer AX2, left shoulder button)

This macro switches fire groups every 513 ms. Use it with four Gauss cannons for a repeating fire pattern at their maximum rate of fire. This does 18% more damage per second than the staggered fire macro at the cost of faster WEP distributor drain and higher heat generation.

Gun 1 x x x
Gun 2 x x x
Gun 3 x x x
Gun 4 x x x

3x Gatling Gauss (action set layer AX2, right shoulder button)

This macro switches fire groups every 684 ms. Use it with three Gauss cannons for a repeating fire pattern at their maximum rate of fire.

Gun 1 x x
Gun 2 x x
Gun 3 x x

Known Bugs

Fixed in v42: Macro activators overlap game LS click/face button bindings.

Fixed in v64: The D-pad will mistakenly enable shields.

As before, using these bindings on Linux will likely require changing the controller device identifier.

The distributor presets sometimes misfire, resulting in configurations like 1-4-1 (D-PAD UP) or 1-1-4 (D-PAD RIGHT). This is due to a Steam Controller bug that affects the behavior of mode shifts or start press/release press activators on trackpad click. As a workaround, try the desired preset again.

Fixed in v49: I would prefer to use the right stick for the emote/item wheel. However, when releasing the right trackpad, the right stick returns to center before the game registers the corresponding key-up event, losing the wheel selection in the process.

Fixed in v49: Note that the flick stick is active in mouselook mode, but since mouselook disables the flight/steering controls, inadvertent flicks only change one's view left or right.

Note that activating the flick stick also deactivates any fire control macros.

Worked around in v64: The menu wheel cannot be used while the flick stick is active. The in-game radial menu has been replaced with a Steam Controller radial menu for emotes only. Utility functions are mapped to other controller button combinations.

Fixed in v53: The boost cannot be reliability activated by double-clicking the right trigger.

Fixed in v60: The boost gets activated when firing a heat sink while also using an AX fire control macro.

Keyboard/Mouse Bindings

Strip the controller bindings if using just a mouse and keyboard. This command using jq and yq will get you close:

xq -x "(.. | (.Primary?, .Binding?) | select(.["""@Device"""] == """28DE11FF""")?) = {"""@Device""": """{NoDevice}""", """@Key""": """"}" < "Every Angle.4.1.binds"
"version" "3"
"revision" "885"
"title" "Every Angle 65"
"description" "Your modified layout for this game."
"creator" "76561197982337851"
"progenitor" ""
"url" "autosave://C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Steam Controller Configs\\22072123\\config\\359320\\controller_steamcontroller_gordon.vdf"
"export_type" "personal_local"
"controller_type" "controller_steamcontroller_gordon"
"controller_caps" "2179061"
"major_revision" "0"
"minor_revision" "0"
"Timestamp" "0"
"title" "Default"
"legacy_set" "1"
"title" "Flick Stick"
"legacy_set" "1"
"title" "AX1"
"legacy_set" "1"
"set_layer" "1"
"parent_set_name" "Default"
"title" "AX2"
"legacy_set" "1"
"set_layer" "1"
"parent_set_name" "Default"
"title" "Gamepad With Camera Controls"
"description" "This template is for most games that already have built-in gamepad support and have a first or third person controlled camera. FPS or Third Person Adventure games, etc."
"title" "Gamepad s ovládáním kamery"
"description" "Tato šablona je pro většinu her podporujících gamepad a disponujících kamerou z pohledu první nebo třetí osoby. Mezi takové hry patří například akční hry z pohledu první nebo třetí osoby."
"title" "Gamepad med kamerastyring"
"description" "Denne skabelon er til de fleste spil, der allerede har indbygget gamepad-understøttelse og har et første- eller tredjepersonskontrolleret kamera. FPS eller tredjepersons adventure-spil osv."
"title" "Gamepad met camerabesturing"
"description" "Deze template is voor de meeste spellen die reeds ingebouwde gamepadondersteuning hebben en die een camera hebben die wordt bestuurd in de eerste of derde persoon. FPS, third person-avontuurspellen, etc."
"title" "Kameraa ohjaava peliohjain"
"description" "Tämä malli on useimmille muita ohjaimia valmiiksi tukeville peleille, joissa on ensimmäisessä tai kolmannessa persoonassa ohjattava kamera. FPS-pelit, kolmannen persoonan seikkailupelit jne."
"title" "Manette avec contrôles caméra"
"description" "Ce modèle fonctionne pour la plupart des jeux ayant un support manette intégré et une caméra contrôlée à la première ou à la troisième personne. FPS, jeux d'aventure à la troisième personne, etc."
"title" "Gamepad mit Kamerasteuerung"
"description" "Diese Vorlage ist für die meisten Spiele konzipiert, die bereits volle Untersützung für Gamepads mit sich bringen und eine First- oder Third-Person-Kamerasteuerung haben. Gedacht für Ego-Shooter, Third-Person-Abenteuerspiele usw."
"title" "Gamepad kamerairányítással"
"description" "Ez a sablon a legtöbb olyan játékhoz való, melyek már rendelkeznek beépített gamepad-támogatással, és van első vagy harmadik személyű kezelésű kamerájuk. Ilyenek az FPS vagy harmadik személyű kalandjátékok stb."
"title" "Gamepad con controlli della telecamera"
"description" "Questo template è pensato per la maggior parte dei giochi che hanno già il supporto per gamepad integrato e hanno la visuale controllata in prima o terza persona. Giochi d'avventura in terza persona, FPS ecc."
"title" "カメラコントロール機能を持つゲームパッド"
"description" "FPS や、アドベンチャーゲームのような、一人称または三人称のカメラ操作を行うゲームパッドに標準対応したゲーム用のテンプレートです。"
"title" "카메라 조작 기능이 있는 게임패드"
"description" "이 템플릿은 이미 게임패드 지원이 내장되어 있으며 1인칭 또는 3인칭 시점 카메라 조작을 지원하는 대부분의 게임을 위한 것입니다. FPS, 3인칭 어드벤쳐 게임 및 기타."
"title" "Kontroler obsługujący kamerę"
"description" "Ten szablon jest dla większości gier, które mają wbudowane wsparcie dla kontrolerów, a także kamerę kontrolowaną z perspektywy pierwszej lub trzeciej osoby, np. FPS-y bądź gry przygodowe."
"title" "Comando com controlos de câmara"
"description" "Este modelo é indicado para jogos que já têm compatibilidade nativa com comando e têm uma câmara que pode ser controlada. Por exemplo, jogos em primeira ou terceira pessoa, do género de aventura, de tiros, etc."
"title" "Gamepad cu controale pentru cameră"
"description" "Acest șablon este pentru majoritatea jocurilor care au deja suport pentru gamepad implementat și au o cameră controlată din perspectivă first sau third person. FPS sau jocuri de aventură third person, etc."
"title" "Геймпад с управлением камерой"
"description" "Этот шаблон предназначен для большинства игр от первого или третьего лица, в которых уже есть встроенная поддержка геймпада (например, для шутеров или экшенов)."
"title" "Mando con controles de cámara"
"description" "Esta plantilla es para la mayoría de juegos que ya incluyen de serie compatibilidad con mando y disponen de cámara controlada en primera o tercera persona: FPS, juegos de aventura en tercera persona, etc."
"title" "Gamepad med kamerakontroller"
"description" "Denna mall är för de flesta spel som redan har inbyggt stöd för spelkontroller och har en kamera som styrs i första- eller tredjeperson. FPS eller äventyrsspel etc."
"title" "支持视角控制的手柄"
"description" "该模板适用于已内置手柄支持,并且拥有第一或第三人称控制视角的大多数游戏。包括 FPS 或第三人称冒险游戏等。"
"title" "เกมแพดพร้อมการควบคุมมุมกล้อง"
"description" "แม่แบบนี้ใช้สำหรับเกมส่วนมากที่มีการรองรับเกมแพดมาในตัวอยู่แล้ว และมีการควบคุมมุมกล้องในมุมมองบุคคลที่หนึ่งหรือสาม เช่น เกมยิงมุมมองบุคคลที่หนึ่ง หรือเกมผจญภัยมุมมองบุคคลที่สาม ฯลฯ"
"title" "Controle com controle de câmera"
"description" "Este modelo é para jogos já compatíveis com controles que possuem uma câmera controlável, seja em primeira ou terceira pessoa, como jogos de tiro, aventura, etc."
"title" "Геймпад с управление на камерата"
"description" "Този шаблон е за повечето игри, които вече имат вградена поддръжка на геймпад и включват управление на камерата от първо или трето лице. Екшъни от първо лице, приключенски игри от трето лице и т.н."
"title" "Χειριστήριο με πλήκτρα κάμερας"
"description" "Αυτό το πρότυπο είναι για τα περισσότερα παιχνίδια που έχουν ενσωματωμένη υποστήριξη χειριστηρίου και έχουν μια ελεγχόμενη κάμερα πρώτου ή τρίτου προσώπου. FPS ή παιχνίδια περιπέτειας τρίτου προσώπου κλπ."
"title" "Kamera Kontrollü Oyun Kumandası"
"description" "Bu şablon hali hazırda oyun içi oyun kumandası desteği ve birincil veya üçüncü kişi kontrollü kameraya sahip oyunlar içindir. FPS veya Üçüncü Kişi Macera oyunları vb."
"title" "Ґеймпад з елементами керування камерою"
"description" "Цей шаблон для більшості ігор, що вже мають вбудовану підтримку ґеймпада і у яких камера керується від першої або третьої особи. Шутери від першої особи чи пригодницькі ігри від третьої особи тощо."
"id" "0"
"mode" "four_buttons"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "xinput_button A, Modules, , "
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press RETURN, Quick Comms, , "
"binding" "xinput_button B, Panels, , "
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_PLUS, 75% Ahead, , "
"binding" "xinput_button X, Weapons, , "
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press N, Night Vision, , "
"binding" "xinput_button Y, Targeting, , "
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press H, Highest Threat, , "
"id" "1"
"mode" "dpad"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, Engines, , "
"haptic_intensity" "1"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, Reset, , "
"haptic_intensity" "1"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT, Weapons, , "
"haptic_intensity" "1"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT, Systems, , "
"haptic_intensity" "1"
"requires_click" "0"
"layout" "0"
"id" "2"
"mode" "mouse_joystick"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT, , "
"haptic_intensity" "1"
"id" "3"
"mode" "joystick_move"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT, , "
"binding" "key_press Y, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"id" "4"
"mode" "trigger"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_ASTERISK, 50% Reverse, , "
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press DASH, Throttle Down, , "
"haptic_intensity" "1"
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_FORWARD_SLASH, , "
"double_tap_time" "258"
"output_trigger" "1"
"edge_binding_radius" "29667"
"adaptive_threshold" "0"
"id" "5"
"mode" "trigger"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_DASH, 50% Ahead, , "
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press EQUALS, Throttle Up, , "
"haptic_intensity" "1"
"binding" "key_press TAB, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"double_tap_time" "258"
"repeat_rate" "1000"
"output_trigger" "2"
"edge_binding_radius" "29667"
"adaptive_threshold" "0"
"id" "6"
"mode" "joystick_move"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT, , "
"binding" "key_press BACK_TICK, , "
"binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 2 0 1, , "
"chord_button" "15"
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"curve_exponent" "4"
"edge_binding_radius" "32767"
"edge_binding_invert" "1"
"deadzone_outer_radius" "12666"
"id" "10"
"mode" "dpad"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, Flee 2-4-0, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "25"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "175"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "325"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press 2, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"repeat_rate" "150"
"haptic_intensity" "1"
"delay_start" "475"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, Pursue 0-4-2, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "25"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "175"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "325"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press 2, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"repeat_rate" "150"
"haptic_intensity" "1"
"delay_start" "475"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, Gank 0-2-4, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "25"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "175"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "325"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press 3, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"repeat_rate" "150"
"haptic_intensity" "1"
"delay_start" "475"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, Blind 4-2-0, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "25"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "175"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "325"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press 1, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"repeat_rate" "150"
"haptic_intensity" "1"
"delay_start" "475"
"interruptable" "0"
"layout" "0"
"id" "13"
"mode" "absolute_mouse"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"mouse_smoothing" "0"
"id" "14"
"mode" "four_buttons"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "key_press RIGHT_CONTROL, Paste, , "
"binding" "key_press V, Paste, , "
"binding" "xinput_button B, , "
"binding" "xinput_button X, , "
"binding" "xinput_button Y, , "
"id" "16"
"mode" "four_buttons"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"layer" "1"
"id" "17"
"mode" "trigger"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"layer" "1"
"id" "18"
"mode" "trigger"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"layer" "1"
"deadzone_outer_radius" "27853"
"edge_binding_radius" "28672"
"id" "23"
"mode" "trigger"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"layer" "1"
"id" "22"
"mode" "trigger"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"layer" "1"
"id" "21"
"mode" "four_buttons"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"layer" "1"
"id" "26"
"mode" "joystick_move"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"id" "27"
"mode" "disabled"
"name" "Action Set Layers"
"description" ""
"id" "36"
"mode" "flickstick"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"rotation_2" "0"
"flickstick_rotation_sensitivity" "5454"
"id" "42"
"mode" "absolute_mouse"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"id" "44"
"mode" "radial_menu"
"name" "Emotes"
"description" ""
"binding" "controller_action empty_binding, , ghost_035_magic_0321.png, "
"haptic_intensity" "2"
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_8, Point, ghost_100_target_0070.png, "
"haptic_intensity" "2"
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_9, Wave, ghost_040_act_0309.png, "
"haptic_intensity" "2"
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_6, Agree, ghost_110_social_0020.png, "
"haptic_intensity" "2"
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_3, Disagree, ghost_110_social_0010.png, "
"haptic_intensity" "2"
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_2, Go, ghost_040_act_0327.png, "
"haptic_intensity" "2"
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_1, Stop, ghost_060_vehicle_0130.png, "
"haptic_intensity" "2"
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_4, Applaud, ghost_040_act_0130.png, "
"haptic_intensity" "2"
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_7, Salute, ghost_110_social_0305.png, "
"haptic_intensity" "2"
"touchmenu_button_fire_type" "1"
"touch_menu_position_x" "90"
"touch_menu_scale" "150"
"id" "68"
"mode" "dpad"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, Flee 2-4-0, , "
"delay_start" "25"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, , "
"delay_start" "150"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT, , "
"delay_start" "275"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press 2, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"delay_start" "400"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, Pursue 0-4-2, , "
"delay_start" "25"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, , "
"delay_start" "150"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT, , "
"delay_start" "275"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press 2, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"delay_start" "400"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, Gank 0-2-4, , "
"delay_start" "25"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT, , "
"delay_start" "150"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, , "
"delay_start" "275"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press 3, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"delay_start" "400"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, Blind 4-2-0, , "
"delay_start" "25"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT, , "
"delay_start" "150"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, , "
"delay_start" "275"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press 1, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"delay_start" "400"
"interruptable" "0"
"layout" "0"
"id" "67"
"mode" "dpad"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_UP, Engines, , "
"haptic_intensity" "3"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_DOWN, Reset, , "
"haptic_intensity" "3"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_RIGHT, Weapons, , "
"haptic_intensity" "3"
"binding" "xinput_button DPAD_LEFT, Systems, , "
"haptic_intensity" "3"
"requires_click" "0"
"layout" "0"
"id" "77"
"mode" "joystick_move"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT, , "
"id" "76"
"mode" "absolute_mouse"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"mouse_smoothing" "0"
"id" "75"
"mode" "trigger"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_DASH, 50% Ahead, , "
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press EQUALS, Throttle Up, , "
"haptic_intensity" "1"
"binding" "key_press TAB, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"double_tap_time" "258"
"repeat_rate" "1000"
"output_trigger" "2"
"deadzone_outer_radius" "27853"
"edge_binding_radius" "28672"
"adaptive_threshold" "0"
"id" "74"
"mode" "trigger"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_ASTERISK, 50% Reverse, , "
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press DASH, Throttle Down, , "
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_FORWARD_SLASH, , "
"double_tap_time" "258"
"output_trigger" "1"
"deadzone_outer_radius" "27853"
"edge_binding_radius" "28672"
"adaptive_threshold" "0"
"id" "73"
"mode" "joystick_move"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_LEFT, , "
"binding" "key_press Y, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"id" "72"
"mode" "four_buttons"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "key_press RIGHT_CONTROL, Paste, , "
"binding" "key_press V, Paste, , "
"binding" "xinput_button B, , "
"binding" "xinput_button X, , "
"binding" "xinput_button Y, , "
"id" "71"
"mode" "four_buttons"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "xinput_button A, Modules, , "
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press RETURN, Quick Comms, , "
"binding" "xinput_button B, Panels, , "
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press KEYPAD_PLUS, 75% Ahead, , "
"binding" "xinput_button X, Weapons, , "
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press N, Night Vision, , "
"binding" "xinput_button Y, Targeting, , "
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "key_press H, Highest Threat, , "
"id" "70"
"mode" "flickstick"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "xinput_button JOYSTICK_RIGHT, , "
"flickstick_rotation_sensitivity" "5454"
"id" "69"
"mode" "joystick_move"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "key_press BACK_TICK, , "
"binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 1 0 1, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"delay_start" "25"
"curve_exponent" "4"
"edge_binding_radius" "32767"
"edge_binding_invert" "1"
"deadzone_outer_radius" "12666"
"id" "79"
"mode" "flickstick"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "controller_action CHANGE_PRESET 1 0 1, , "
"chord_button" "15"
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"rotation_2" "0"
"flickstick_rotation_sensitivity" "5454"
"id" "81"
"mode" "flickstick"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"flickstick_rotation_sensitivity" "5454"
"id" "82"
"mode" "reference"
"description" ""
"referenced_mode" "44"
"id" "66"
"mode" "switches"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "controller_action SHOW_KEYBOARD, , "
"binding" "xinput_button START, , "
"binding" "xinput_button select, , "
"binding" "mouse_button RIGHT, Secondary Fire, , "
"binding" "mouse_button LEFT, Primary Fire, , "
"binding" "xinput_button SHOULDER_LEFT, , "
"binding" "xinput_button SHOULDER_RIGHT, , "
"binding" "mode_shift left_trackpad 68"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "mode_shift right_trackpad 82"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "mode_shift button_diamond 14"
"interruptable" "0"
"id" "7"
"mode" "switches"
"name" ""
"description" "#Description"
"binding" "controller_action SHOW_KEYBOARD, , "
"binding" "xinput_button START, , "
"binding" "xinput_button select, , "
"binding" "mouse_button RIGHT, Secondary Fire, , "
"binding" "controller_action add_layer 3 0 1, , "
"chord_button" "15"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "mouse_button LEFT, Primary Fire, , "
"binding" "controller_action add_layer 4 0 1, , "
"chord_button" "15"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "xinput_button SHOULDER_LEFT, , "
"binding" "xinput_button SHOULDER_RIGHT, , "
"binding" "mode_shift left_trackpad 10"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "mode_shift right_trackpad 36"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "mode_shift button_diamond 14"
"interruptable" "0"
"id" "19"
"mode" "switches"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "mouse_button RIGHT, Staggered Gauss, , "
"binding" "mouse_button LEFT, Fire weapon, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"binding" "key_press V, Next fire group, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"repeat_rate" "625"
"haptic_intensity" "3"
"binding" "controller_action remove_layer 3 0 1, , "
"chord_button" "15"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "mouse_button LEFT, Phalanx Modshards, , "
"binding" "mouse_button LEFT, Fire weapon, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"binding" "key_press V, Next fire group, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"repeat_rate" "349"
"haptic_intensity" "3"
"binding" "controller_action add_layer 4 0 1, , "
"binding" "controller_action remove_layer 3 0 0, , "
"chord_button" "15"
"interruptable" "0"
"layer" "1"
"id" "24"
"mode" "switches"
"name" ""
"description" ""
"binding" "mouse_button RIGHT, 4x Gatling Gauss, , "
"binding" "mouse_button LEFT, Fire weapon, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"binding" "key_press V, Next fire group, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"repeat_rate" "513"
"haptic_intensity" "3"
"binding" "controller_action add_layer 3 0 1, , "
"binding" "controller_action remove_layer 4 0 0, , "
"chord_button" "15"
"interruptable" "0"
"binding" "mouse_button LEFT, 3x Gatling Gauss, , "
"binding" "mouse_button LEFT, Fire weapon, , "
"haptic_intensity" "0"
"binding" "key_press V, Next fire group, , "
"hold_repeats" "1"
"repeat_rate" "684"
"haptic_intensity" "3"
"binding" "controller_action remove_layer 4 0 1, , "
"chord_button" "15"
"interruptable" "0"
"layer" "1"
"id" "0"
"name" "Default"
"7" "switch active"
"1" "left_trackpad active"
"10" "left_trackpad active modeshift"
"2" "right_trackpad inactive"
"6" "right_trackpad active"
"26" "right_trackpad inactive modeshift"
"36" "right_trackpad inactive modeshift"
"42" "right_trackpad inactive"
"27" "right_trackpad inactive modeshift"
"0" "button_diamond active"
"14" "button_diamond active modeshift"
"3" "joystick active"
"44" "joystick inactive"
"4" "left_trigger active"
"5" "right_trigger active"
"13" "gyro active"
"id" "1"
"name" "Preset_1000003"
"66" "switch active"
"67" "left_trackpad active"
"68" "left_trackpad inactive modeshift"
"69" "right_trackpad inactive"
"70" "right_trackpad inactive modeshift"
"77" "right_trackpad inactive modeshift"
"79" "right_trackpad active"
"81" "right_trackpad inactive modeshift"
"82" "right_trackpad active modeshift"
"71" "button_diamond active"
"72" "button_diamond active modeshift"
"73" "joystick active"
"74" "left_trigger active"
"75" "right_trigger active"
"76" "gyro active"
"id" "2"
"name" "Preset_1000001"
"19" "switch active"
"16" "button_diamond active"
"17" "left_trigger active"
"18" "right_trigger active"
"id" "3"
"name" "Preset_1000002"
"24" "switch active"
"21" "button_diamond active"
"22" "left_trigger active"
"23" "right_trigger active"
"left_trackpad_mode" "0"
"right_trackpad_mode" "0"
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