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Last active November 13, 2018 06:38
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ukanren in almost transducers
(ns ukanren-transducers
(:refer-clojure :exclude [== disj conj]))
(defrecord Lvar [name])
(defn lvar [] (->Lvar (gensym "lvar")))
(defn lvar? [v] (instance? Lvar v))
(def empty-state {})
(defn walk [u s]
(if (and (lvar? u) (contains? s u))
(recur (s u) s)
(defn unify [u v s]
(let [u (walk u s)
v (walk v s)]
(cond (= u v) s
(lvar? u) (assoc s u v)
(lvar? v) (assoc s v u)
(and (vector? u)
(vector? v))
(reduce (fn [s [u v]] (unify u v s)) s (map vector u v)))))
(defn == [u v]
(comp (map #(unify u v %))
(remove nil?)))
;; In order to do disjunction the goal outputs must be able to be
;; interleaved. Unfortunatly there is no mechanism to do that in
;; transducers. Lets create one by saving the result so far, and
;; a function to produce the next output. This can then be returned
;; from the goals. This breaks the transducer spec, so we'll need
;; a way to make things eager again later if we want to interface
;; with a transducer pipeline function.
(defrecord D [d cont])
(defn alternate [r f & gs]
(let [v (f r)]
(if (reduced? v)
(if (instance? D v)
(let [{:keys [d cont]} v]
(if (empty? gs)
(->D d (fn [r] (f r)))
(->D d (fn [r]
(apply alternate r (clojure.core/conj (vec gs) cont))))))
(if (empty? gs)
(->D v (fn [r]
(apply alternate r gs))))))))
(defn disj [& goals]
(fn [xf]
;; This almost certainly breaks the transducer rules.
;; The transducers created from goals don't ever get the
;; completion arity called on them. But since this should
;; only be called on goals, and goals don't need to complete,
;; and it does call complete on the xf exactly once, I think
;; it works out ok
(let [xfs (eduction (map #(% xf)) goals)]
([] (xf))
([r] (xf r))
([r i]
(let [ms (into [] (map #(fn [r] (% r i))) xfs)]
;; By returning a delay, nested `disj`s can move
;; to the next goal during alternation. This allows
;; recursion in the first goal at the cost of another delay
(->D r (fn [r] (apply alternate r ms)))))))))
;; Requiring 2 or more goals requires taking each produced value from the
;; first goal and feeding it as input to the next. Transducer
;; composition does that.
(def conj comp)
;; ----------------------
;; Nicer interface
;; --------------------
(defn walk* [u s]
(let [u (walk u s)]
(if (vector? u)
(into (empty u) (map #(walk* % s)) u)
;; Having to manually expand disjunctions would be really annoying.
;; So we lets use a transducer to force the computations.
;; This does make it non-lazy so the full list is generated.
;; By using a `take` transducer we can prevent infinite computation though.
(defn force-disj [xf]
([] (xf))
([r] (xf r))
([r i]
(loop [v (xf r i)]
(if (reduced? v)
(if (instance? D v)
(let [{:keys [d cont]} v]
(recur (cont d)))
;; run the computation with the right transducer stack
;; that will force computations and walk the data and produce
;; the value of the lvar passed to f
(defn run-eager [n f]
(let [l (lvar)]
;; Since the computation is forced, might as well vectorize it
(into [] (comp force-disj
(f l)
(map #(walk* l %))
(take n))
;; But being fully lazy would be awesome, so lets write our own
;; transduce pipeline functions that understand the delay mechanism
;; and only compute when necessary.
;; First we need a transducer that represents the bottom of the
;; transducer stack. When an output value is created, store it in
;; a volatile that was passed in. We don't have to worry about losing
;; data as a delay will be created by anything that would produce more
;; than one output
(defn set-input [next]
([] nil)
([r] nil)
([r i] (vreset! next i))))
;; Next we need a lazyseq that will check the stored value, and compute
;; a new one when needed. The result value passed in can be nil, as
;; we are using a volatile to get the data. If we wanted a real pipeline
;; function, then this should also take the input and read the next
;; input value when done gathering all the produced values from the first one.
(defn lseq [next f empty]
(if (= @next empty)
(let [v (f nil)]
(if (instance? D v)
(lseq next (:cont v) empty)
(list @next)))
(let [x @next]
(vreset! next empty)
(cons x (lseq next f empty))))))
;; Finally, a fully lazy run that will walk the lvar passed to f
(defn run [n f]
(let [e (Object.)
next (volatile! e)
l (lvar)
xf ((comp (f l)
(map #(walk* l %))
(take n))
(set-input next))]
(lseq next #(xf % empty-state) e)))
;; Helper to make creating recursive transducers easier
(defn recur-xf [f]
(fn [xf]
(let [xf ((f) xf)]
([] (xf))
([result] (xf result))
([result input]
(xf result input))))))
(defn fives [x]
(disj (== x 5)
(recur-xf #(fives x))))
(defn sixes [x]
(disj (recur-xf #(sixes x))
(== x 6)))
(defn fives-and-sixes [x]
(disj (fives x)
(sixes x)))
(defn conj-disj-together [q]
(let [x (lvar)
y (lvar)
z (lvar)]
(conj (== q y)
(== q [x 1])
(disj (== y 4)
(== x 3)
(== x 2)))))
(run-eager 2 (fn [q] (== 1 2))) ;; => []
(run-eager 2 (fn [q] (== 1 1))) ;; => [#lvar{...}]
(run-eager 2 fives) ;; => [5 5]
(run-eager 2 sixes) ;; => [6 6]
(run-eager 6 fives-and-sixes) ;; => [5 6 5 6 5 6]
(run-eager 5 conj-disj-together) ;; => [[3 1] [2 1]]
(run 2 (fn [q] (== 1 2))) ;; => ()
(run 2 (fn [q] (== 1 1))) ;; => (#lvar{...})
(run 2 fives) ;; => (5 5)
(run 2 sixes) ;; => (6 6)
(run 6 fives-and-sixes) ;; => (5 6 5 6 5 6)
(run 5 conj-disj-together) ;; => ([3 1] [2 1])
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