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Created May 7, 2018 22:08
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Wekan Ldap Testing
diff --git a/lib/server.js b/lib/server.js
index 2a925dc..546566d 100644
--- a/lib/server.js
+++ b/lib/server.js
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ AT.prototype._init = function() {
+ // console.log("Accounts", Accounts.findUserByEmail('[email protected]'));
// Marks AccountsTemplates as initialized
this._initialized = true;
diff --git a/lib/server_methods.js b/lib/server_methods.js
index 500440d..92c7e57 100644
--- a/lib/server_methods.js
+++ b/lib/server_methods.js
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
"use strict";
+const Future = Npm.require('fibers/future');
+const ldap = Npm.require('ldap');
ATCreateUserServer: function(options) {
if (AccountsTemplates.options.forbidClientAccountCreation) {
@@ -18,6 +21,8 @@ Meteor.methods({
profile = _.pick(profile, allFieldIds);
profile = _.omit(profile, "username", "email", "password");
+ console.log("profile", profile);
// Validates fields" value
var signupInfo = _.clone(profile);
if (options.username) {
@@ -60,6 +65,7 @@ Meteor.methods({
var validationErr = field.validate(value, "strict");
if (validationErr) {
validationErrors[fieldId] = validationErr;
@@ -99,6 +105,10 @@ Meteor.methods({
delete options.profile;
+ if (_.isEmpty(options.password)) {
+ delete options.password;
+ }
// Create user. result contains id and token.
var userId = Accounts.createUser(options);
// safety belt. createUser is supposed to throw on error. send 500 error
@@ -118,6 +128,140 @@ Meteor.methods({
if ( && AccountsTemplates.options.sendVerificationEmail) {
+ return userId;
+ },
+ ATAuthenticateLdapUserServer: function (options) {
+ check(options, Object);
+ if (!options.username) return;
+ const user = options.username;
+ const password = options.password;
+ let userId;
+ const userData = logarLdap(user, password);
+ if (!userData) return;
+ const localUser = Accounts.findUserByUsername(user);
+ if (!localUser) {
+ // createUser() does more checking.
+ // Validates fields" value
+ var newUser = {
+ username: user,
+ email : userData.mail,
+ profile : {
+ fullname :
+ }
+ };
+ var signupInfo = {};
+ if (newUser.username) {
+ signupInfo.username = newUser.username;
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.lowercaseUsername) {
+ signupInfo.username = signupInfo.username.trim().replace(/\s+/gm, ' ');
+ signupInfo.username = signupInfo.username.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/gm, '');
+ newUser.username = signupInfo.username;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( {
+ =;
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.lowercaseUsername) {
+ =\s+/gm, '');
+ =;
+ }
+ }
+ // if (options.password) {
+ // signupInfo.password = options.password;
+ // }
+ var validationErrors = {};
+ var someError = false;
+ // Validates fields values
+ _.each(AccountsTemplates.getFields(), function (field) {
+ var fieldId = field._id;
+ var value = signupInfo[fieldId];
+ if (fieldId === "password") {
+ // Can"t Pick-up password here
+ // NOTE: at this stage the password is already encripted,
+ // so there is no way to validate it!!!
+ // check(value, Object);
+ return;
+ }
+ var validationErr = field.validate(value, "strict");
+ if (validationErr) {
+ validationErrors[fieldId] = validationErr;
+ someError = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.showReCaptcha) {
+ var secretKey = null;
+ if (AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha && AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha.secretKey) {
+ secretKey = AccountsTemplates.options.reCaptcha.secretKey;
+ } else {
+ secretKey = Meteor.settings.reCaptcha.secretKey;
+ }
+ var apiResponse ="", {
+ params: {
+ secret : secretKey,
+ response: options.profile.reCaptchaResponse,
+ remoteip: this.connection.clientAddress,
+ }
+ }).data;
+ if (!apiResponse.success) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error(403, AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.captchaVerification,
+ apiResponse['error-codes'] ? apiResponse['error-codes'].join(", ") : "Unknown Error.");
+ }
+ }
+ if (someError) {
+ throw new Meteor.Error(403, AccountsTemplates.texts.errors.validationErrors, validationErrors);
+ }
+ // Create user. result contains id and token.
+ userId = Accounts.createUser(newUser);
+ } else userId = localUser._id;
+ // safety belt. createUser is supposed to throw on error. send 500 error
+ // instead of sending a verification email with empty userid.
+ if (!userId) {
+ throw new Error("createUser failed to insert new user");
+ }
+ this.setUserId(userId);
+ // Call postSignUpHook, if any...
+ var postSignUpHook = AccountsTemplates.options.postSignUpHook;
+ if (postSignUpHook) {
+ postSignUpHook(userId, options);
+ }
+ return userId;
// Resend a user's verification e-mail
@@ -139,4 +283,92 @@ Meteor.methods({
throw new Meteor.Error(403, "Already verified");
+function logarLdap(user, password) {
+ // console.log("passei aqui", process.env.LDAP_search_attributes);
+ // const ldap = AccountsTemplates.ldap2();
+ const baseDN = process.env.LDAP_base_dn;
+ const host = process.env.LDAP_host;
+ const port = process.env.LDAP_port;
+ const objectClass = process.env.LDAP_object_class;
+ const searchField = process.env.LDAP_search_field;
+ const searchFilter = user;
+ const searchScope = process.env.LDAP_search_scope;
+ // const searchAttributes = ['cn', 'sn', 'mail'];
+ const searchAttributes = process.env.LDAP_search_attributes.split(',');
+ const timeout = process.env.LDAP_timeout;
+ const connectTimeout = process.env.LDAP_connect_timeout;
+ const idleTimeout = process.env.LDAP_idle_timeout;
+ const tlsOptions = process.env.LDAP_tls_options;
+ const strictDN = process.env.LDAP_strict_dn;
+ // const searchAttributes = ['*'];
+ const client = ldap.createClient({
+ url: `${host}:${port}`,
+ timeout,
+ tlsOptions,
+ connectTimeout,
+ idleTimeout,
+ strictDN
+ });
+ client.bind(`uid=${user},${baseDN}`, password, (err => {
+ console.log("deu merda", err);
+ if (err) searchFuture.return(null);
+ //todo tratamento de erro (Credentials are not valid)
+ }));
+ const opts = {
+ filter : `(&(objectclass=${objectClass})(${searchField}=${searchFilter}))`,
+ scope : searchScope,
+ attributes: searchAttributes
+ };
+ // for (let i = 0; i < 800000; i++) {
+ //
+ // }
+ var searchFuture = new Future();
+ var result = false;
+, opts, (err, res) => {
+ let userData;
+ // console.log('status d: ', new Date().getTime());
+ console.log("deu merda 2", err);
+ res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) {
+ // console.log('entry: ' + JSON.stringify(entry.object));
+ userData = entry.object;
+ });
+ res.on('searchReference', function (referral) {
+ // console.log('referral: ' + referral.uris.join());
+ });
+ res.on('error', function (err) {
+ console.error('error 2365: ' + err.message);
+ // throw new Meteor.Error(403, err.message);
+ // cb (err.message);
+ });
+ res.on('end', function (result) {
+ // console.log('status: ' + result);
+ // console.log('status 2: ' + result.status);
+ // console.log('status CS: ', new Date().getTime());
+ searchFuture.return(userData);
+ });
+ });
+ result = searchFuture.wait();
+ return result;
diff --git a/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_form.js b/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_form.js
index 2f8d53c..8222e6b 100644
--- a/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_form.js
+++ b/lib/templates_helpers/at_pwd_form.js
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ AT.prototype.atPwdFormEvents = {
username_and_email = toLowercaseUsername(username_and_email);
loginSelector = username_and_email;
+ if (!loginSelector.includes('@')) username = loginSelector;
userOk = false;
@@ -169,10 +170,27 @@ AT.prototype.atPwdFormEvents = {
+ let options = {
+ username,
+ password : password
+ };
- return Meteor.loginWithPassword(loginSelector, password, function(error) {
+"ATAuthenticateLdapUserServer", options, function(error, userId){
+ if (userId) {
+ Meteor.connection.setUserId(userId);
AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, state);
- });
+ } else {
+ return Meteor.loginWithPassword(loginSelector, password, function(error) {
+ AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, state);
+ })
+ }
+ });
// -------
@@ -206,15 +224,15 @@ AT.prototype.atPwdFormEvents = {
preSignUpHook(password, options);
- return"ATCreateUserServer", options, function(error){
+ return"ATCreateUserServer", options, function(error, teste){
if (error && error.reason === 'Email already exists.') {
if (AccountsTemplates.options.showReCaptcha) {
- AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, undefined, function(){
+ AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, undefined, function() {
if (AccountsTemplates.options.sendVerificationEmail && AccountsTemplates.options.enforceEmailVerification){
- AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, state, function () {
+ AccountsTemplates.submitCallback(error, state, function() {
// Cleans up input fields' content
_.each(AccountsTemplates.getFields(), function(field){
diff --git a/package.js b/package.js
index 079ab6e..d7081ea 100644
--- a/package.js
+++ b/package.js
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ Package.describe({
git: '',
+Npm.depends({'ldap' : '0.7.1'});
Package.onUse(function(api) {
api.versionsFrom('[email protected]');
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