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Last active July 23, 2022 03:39
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Clojure + Postgres Test Container + Flyway example
(ns test-db
"Example of using testcontainers and launching a postgres container with flyway migrations.
NB. databases are created but not destroyed which can be handy for debugging tests.
* Connecting to template1 from psql for example will cause create database to fail
* Based on ideas from"
(:require [clj-test-containers.core :as tc]
[ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as str])
(:import (org.flywaydb.core
;; deps.edn needs:
;; clj-test-containers/clj-test-containers {:mvn/version "0.7.2"}
;; org.testcontainers/postgresql {:mvn/version "1.16.3"}
(defonce ^:dynamic *pg-docker-container* nil)
;; adjust to your needs
(def +migration-locations+ ["filesystem:./resources/flyway-migrations"])
(def ^:const +pg-user+ "pg-user")
(def ^:const +pg-password+ "secret")
(def ^:const +pg-port+ 5432)
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *future* nil)
(def ^:private ^:dynamic *queue* (java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue.))
(defonce ^:dynamic *pg-db-spec*
;; :host and :port are merged in after the container is started
;; :dbname need to be determined by the user
{:dbtype "postgresql"
:user +pg-user+
:password +pg-password+})
(defn pg-jdbc-url
(let [{:keys [host port]} *pg-db-spec*]
(when-not (or host port)
(throw (ex-info "pg container did not initialize? host/port not found" *pg-db-spec*)))
(format "jdbc:postgresql://%s:%s/%s" host port database-name)))
(defn halt!
(some-> *future* future-cancel)
(some-> *pg-docker-container* tc/stop!)
(alter-var-root #'*pg-docker-container* (constantly nil))
(alter-var-root #'*pg-db-spec* dissoc :host :port)
(defn- launch-container
(-> {:image-name "postgres:13.6"
:exposed-ports [5432]
:env-vars {"POSTGRES_USER" +pg-user+
"POSTGRES_PASSWORD" +pg-password+
"POSTGRES_DB" "postgres"}}
(defn- produce-next-db!
[{:keys [user] :as connect-db}]
(while (not (Thread/interrupted))
(let [new-db-name (str/lower-case (str "pg_db_" (str/replace (random-uuid) #"[-]" "")))
new-db-spec (assoc connect-db :dbname new-db-name)]
(jdbc/execute! connect-db (format "create database \"%s\" owner \"%s\" encoding = 'utf8'" new-db-name user) {:transaction? false})
(.put *queue* new-db-spec)
(catch java.sql.SQLException ex
(.put *queue* (assoc new-db-spec :ex ex)))))))
(defn init!
"Returns a promise returns `:ok` when inited."
[& {:keys [pre-migrate-fn post-migrate-fn]
:or {pre-migrate-fn (constantly nil)
post-migrate-fn (constantly nil)} :as _opts}]
(let [p (promise)
f (future
(let [c (launch-container)]
(alter-var-root #'*pg-docker-container* (constantly c))
;; fill out the spec
(alter-var-root #'*pg-db-spec* assoc :host (:host *pg-docker-container*)
:port (get (:mapped-ports *pg-docker-container*) +pg-port+))
(let [db-name "template1"
db (assoc *pg-db-spec* :dbname db-name)]
(pre-migrate-fn db)
(-> (Flyway/configure)
(.locations (into-array String +migration-locations+))
(.dataSource (pg-jdbc-url db-name) +pg-user+ +pg-password+)
(post-migrate-fn db)
(deliver p :ok)
(produce-next-db! (assoc *pg-db-spec* :dbname db-name))))
(catch Throwable t
(deliver p t))))]
(alter-var-root #'*future* (constantly f))
(defn next-db!
(let [{:keys [ex] :as db} (.take *queue*)]
(when ex
(throw (ex-info "db production failed" {} ex)))
;; TODO:
;; - Better error handling
;; - Keep only the 100 most recent databases. Drop older ones
;; Example usage:
(def -promise (init! :pre-migrate-fn (fn [_db] (println "pre-migrate-fn called"))
:post-migrate-fn (fn [_db] (println "post-migrate-fn called"))))
@-promise ;; should say :ok
(def -next-db (next-db!))
(jdbc/query -next-db ["select current_database()"])
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