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Created March 21, 2018 03:31
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ScopeStack example from DICE
// Simplified scope stack implementation
#include <new>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cassert>
typedef unsigned char u8;
class LinearAllocator {
static const size_t Alignment = 16;
LinearAllocator(void *ptr_, size_t size)
: m_ptr((u8*)ptr_)
, m_end(m_ptr + size)
static unsigned int alignedSize(size_t size) {
return (size + (Alignment - 1)) & ~(Alignment - 1);
void* allocate(size_t size) {
size = alignedSize(size);
u8 *result = m_ptr += size;
assert(result + size <= m_end);
return result;
void *ptr() { return m_ptr; }
void rewind(void *ptr) {
m_ptr = (u8*) ptr;
u8 *m_ptr, *m_end;
struct Finalizer {
void (*fn)(void *ptr);
Finalizer *chain;
template <typename T>
void destructorCall(void *ptr) {
class ScopeStack {
LinearAllocator& m_alloc;
void *m_rewindPoint;
Finalizer *m_finalizerChain;
static void* objectFromFinalizer(Finalizer *f) {
return ((u8*)f) + LinearAllocator::alignedSize(sizeof(Finalizer));
Finalizer *allocWithFinalizer(size_t size) {
return (Finalizer*) m_alloc.allocate(size + LinearAllocator::alignedSize(sizeof(Finalizer)));
explicit ScopeStack(LinearAllocator& a)
: m_alloc(a)
, m_rewindPoint(a.ptr())
, m_finalizerChain(0)
~ScopeStack() {
for (Finalizer *f = m_finalizerChain; f; f = f->chain) {
template <typename T>
T* newObject() {
// Allocate memory for finalizer + object.
Finalizer* f = allocWithFinalizer(sizeof(T));
// Placement construct object in space after finalizer. Do this before
// linking in the finalizer for this object so nested calls will be
// finalized after this object.
T* result = new (objectFromFinalizer(f)) T;
// Link this finalizer onto the chain.
f->fn = &destructorCall<T>;
f->chain = m_finalizerChain;
m_finalizerChain = f;
return result;
template <typename T>
T* newPOD() {
return new (m_alloc.allocate(sizeof(T))) T;
// C++ suckage: need overloads ov newObject() for many arguments..
struct Foo {
static int count;
int num;
Foo() : num(count++) { printf("Foo ctor %d\n", num); }
~Foo() { printf("Foo dtor %d\n", num); }
int Foo::count;
u8 test_mem[65536];
int main()
LinearAllocator allocator(test_mem, sizeof(test_mem));
ScopeStack outerScope(allocator);
Foo* foo0 = outerScope.newObject<Foo>();
ScopeStack innerScope(allocator);
Foo* foo1 = innerScope.newObject<Foo>();
Foo* foo2 = innerScope.newObject<Foo>();
return 0;
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