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Created October 25, 2014 11:18
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CYK parsing algorithm
The CYK parsing algorithm
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import product
import texttable #needs to be installed, can be accessed at
def _print_tabel(table, nrow, ncol):
"""Utility function to print to dynamic programming table"""
t = texttable.Texttable()
rows = [[" "] + map(str, xrange(1, ncol+1))]
for i in xrange(-1, nrow-1):
row_content = ['\n'.join(table[i][j]) for j in xrange(ncol)]
rows.append([str(i+1)] + row_content)
print t.draw() + "\n"
def CYK_parse(words, rules):
words: list of words
rules: list of production rules indexed by the right hand side term
Possible parses of the input words
table = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(list)) #dynamic programming table
bp = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(list))) #back-pointer table for parse tree reconstruction
for j in xrange(len(words)):
for A in rules[tuple([words[j]])]: #all derivations, A that A -> words[j]
for i in xrange(j-2, -2, -1):
for k in xrange(i+1, j):
for B, C in product(table[i][k], table[k][j]):
for A in rules[(B, C)]:
bp[i][j][A].append(((i,k,B), (k,j, C)))
_print_tabel(table, len(words), len(words))
def recons(bp, i, j, sym):
Reconstruct the parse tree
trees = []
if len(bp[i][j][sym]) == 1 and isinstance(bp[i][j][sym][0], str): # terminals
return [(sym, bp[i][j][sym][0])]
for p1, p2 in bp[i][j][sym]:
i,k,B = p1
k,j,C = p2
for left_tree, right_tree in product(recons(bp, i, k, B),
recons(bp, k, j, C)):
trees.append((sym, left_tree, right_tree))
return trees
return recons(bp, -1, len(words)-1, "S")
if __name__ == "__main__":
raw_rules = [
("S", ("NP", "VP")),
("S", ("X1", "VP")),
("X1", ("AUX", "NP")),
("S", ("book",)),
("S", ("include",)),
("S", ("prefer",)),
("S", ("VERB", "NP")),
("S", ("X2", "PP")),
("S", ("VERB", "PP")),
("S", ("VP", "PP")),
("NP", ("I",)),
("NP", ("she",)),
("NP", ("me",)),
("NP", ("TWA",)),
("NP", ("Houston",)),
("NP", ("DET", "NOMINAL")),
("NOMINAL", ("book",)),
("NOMINAL", ("flight",)),
("NOMINAL", ("meal",)),
("NOMINAL", ("money",)),
# lexicons
("VP", ("book",)),
("VP", ("include",)),
("VP", ("prefer",)),
("VP", ("VERB", "NP")),
("VP", ("X2", "PP")),
("X2", ("VERB", "NP")),
("VP", ("VERB", "PP")),
("VP", ("VP", "PP")),
("PP", ("PREPOSITION", "NP")),
("DET", ("that" )),
("DET", ("this", )),
("DET", ("a", )),
("DET", ("the", )),
("NOUN", ("book", )),
("NOUN", ("flight", )),
("NOUN", ("meal", )),
("NOUN", ("money", )),
("VERB", ("book", )),
("VERB", ("include", )),
("VERB", ("prefer", )),
("PRONOUN", ("I", )),
("PRONOUN", ("she", )),
("PRONOUN", ("me", )),
("PROPER-NOUN", ("TWA", )),
("PROPER-NOUN", ("Houston", )),
("AUX", ("does", )),
("PREPOSITION", ("from", )),
("PREPOSITION", ("to", )),
("PREPOSITION", ("on", )),
("PREPOSITION", ("near", )),
("PREPOSITION", ("through", )),
def index_rules(rules):
indexing = defaultdict(list)
for A,B in rules:
return indexing
for tree in CYK_parse(["does", "the", "flight", "include", "a", "meal"], index_rules(raw_rules)):
print tree
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