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Last active July 14, 2018 02:07
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Save xiaohan2012/8495073 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Weighted Majority algorithm used in online learning
#compare the results under different various beta values
betas=(0.01 0.1 0.5 0.9 0.99)
for i in "${betas[@]}"
python $i
python :beta-value
python 0.1
import numpy as np
import sys
from wm import weighted_majority
np.random.seed (1234)
T = 250
n = 10
v = 0.2
beta = float(sys.argv[1])
xs = np.where (np.random.rand (T, n) >= 0.5, 1, -1)
x1s = xs[:, 0]
ys = np.where(np.random.rand (1, T) >= v, x1s, -x1s).T
#create a inner scope so that the value of i will be preserved, refer to this
hypothesis = [(lambda i: lambda x: x[i])(i) for i in xrange (n)]
weights, cum_loss, cum_loss_nonnoise = weighted_majority(xs, ys, hypothesis, beta)
#ploting the results
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
rown, coln = 3,4
ts = [5, 10, 12, 15, 20, 28, 40, 60, 100, 140, 190, 250, 310]
for i, t in zip(xrange (rown * coln), ts):
#the normalized weight
normalized_weight = weights[t, :] / np.sum (weights[t, :])
print normalized_weight
plt.subplot (rown, coln, i+1) (np.arange (n), normalized_weight)
plt.title ('t = %s' %t)
plt.savefig ('img/weights-beta=%.2f.png' %beta)
#plotting the cumulative loss function
plt.clf ()
plt.plot (cum_loss)
plt.title ('cumulative loss function when beta = %.2f' %beta)
plt.savefig ('img/cum-loss-beta=%.2f.png' %beta)
#plotting the cumulative loss function considering only the non-noise case
plt.clf ()
plt.plot (cum_loss_nonnoise)
plt.title ('cumulative loss(non-noise) function when beta = %.2f' %beta)
plt.savefig ('img/cum-loss-nonnoise-beta=%.2f.png' %beta)
Three files are included:
1. ``: the weighted majority algorithm
2. ``: the main program which takes a specific beta value and make a list of plots
3. ``: bash script that experiments on a list of beta values. This is a good entry of this gist.
import numpy as np
def weighted_majority (xs, ys, hypothesis, beta):
#initialize the weights,
weights = np.ones ((len (xs) + 1, len (hypothesis)))
cum_loss = np.zeros (len (xs))
predictions = np.ones (len(hypothesis))
for i, x, y in zip(xrange (len(xs)), xs, ys):
for j, h in enumerate(hypothesis):
predictions[j] = h (x)
#updating weight
if predictions[j] == y:
weights[i+1, j] = weights[i, j]
weights[i+1, j] = weights[i, j] * beta
#voting process
pos_ind, neg_ind = (predictions == 1), (predictions == -1)
pos_sum, neg_sum = np.sum (weights[i, pos_ind]), np.sum (weights[i, neg_ind])
output = (1 if pos_sum > neg_sum else -1)
if y == output: #correct prediction
cum_loss[i] = (0 if i == 0 else cum_loss[i-1])
else:#incorrect prediction
cum_loss[i] = (1 if i == 0 else cum_loss[i-1] + 1)
return weights, cum_loss
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