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Created December 8, 2023 17:53
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# Merges regionscanner and jeargh world-gen.json output and unify deepslate ores across output
from pprint import pprint
from re import IGNORECASE, sub
from sys import argv
from json import dump, load
def parse_distrib(entry):
values = {}
for [height, abundance] in [s.split(",") for s in entry["distrib"].strip(";").split(";")]:
values[int(height)] = float(abundance)
return values
with open("regionscanner world-gen.json") as primary_file, open("jeargh world-gen.json") as secondary_file:
primary_file = load(primary_file)
secondary_file = load(secondary_file)
secondary_file_drops = {}
for entry in secondary_file:
secondary_file_drops[entry["block"]] = entry["dropsList"]
primary_file_dict = {}
for entry in primary_file:
primary_file_dict[entry["block"]] = entry
for block, entry in primary_file_dict.items():
if not entry["silktouch"]:
del entry["silktouch"]
entry["dropsList"] = secondary_file_drops[block]
except KeyError:
# Merge deepslate variants
non_deepslate_block = sub(r":deepslate_(.*)ore", r":\1ore", block, flags=IGNORECASE)
if non_deepslate_block != block:
print(block, non_deepslate_block)
non_deepslate_distrib = parse_distrib(primary_file_dict[non_deepslate_block])
for height, abundance in parse_distrib(entry).items():
non_deepslate_distrib[int(height)] += float(abundance)
except KeyError:
non_deepslate_distrib[int(height)] = float(abundance)
entry["distrib"] = ";".join([",".join(l) for l in [[str(x) for x in pair] for pair in non_deepslate_distrib.items()]])
primary_file_dict[non_deepslate_block]["distrib"] = entry["distrib"]
with open("world-gen.json", "w") as out_file:
dump(primary_file, out_file, indent="\t")
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