local wezterm = require "wezterm" |
local module = {} |
local data_dir = (os.getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME") or wezterm.home_dir .. "/.local/share") .. "/wezterm/" |
local pidfile_path = data_dir .. "wuake_pid" |
local last_exit_path = data_dir .. "wuake_last_exit" |
local pid = wezterm.procinfo.pid() |
-- returns file content as string or nil if file doesn't exist |
local function read_file(file_path) |
local f = io.open(file_path) |
if f ~= nil then |
local s = f:read() |
f:close() |
return s |
end |
end |
local function write_file(file_path, s) |
local f = io.open(file_path, "w") |
f:write(s) |
f:close() |
end |
local function read_pidfile() |
return read_file(pidfile_path) |
end |
local function log_pidfile() |
wezterm.log_info("pid: " .. (read_pidfile() or "nil")) |
end |
local function write_pidfile() |
return write_file(pidfile_path, pid) |
end |
function module.setup(params) |
local default_params = { |
margin_left = 0, |
margin_top = 0, |
-- it is recommended to set either these two or width_factor and height_factor, otherwise |
-- they might not behave in the way you expect. |
margin_right = 0, |
margin_bottom = 0, |
-- width multiplier (1 = 100%) |
width_factor = 1, |
-- height multiplier default: (50% if margin_bottom is unset, else 100%) |
height_factor = params.margin_bottom and 1 or 0.5, |
-- name of the unix domain that wuake is associated with |
domain = "wuake", |
-- whether to create a unix domain. defaults to true except if domain was explicitly set |
create_unix_domain = not params.domain, |
-- config overrides for the dropdown window |
config_overrides = {}, |
} |
for key, value in pairs(default_params) do |
params[key] = params[key] or value |
end |
if params.create_unix_domain then |
params.config.unix_domains = params.config.unix_domains or {} |
table.insert(params.config.unix_domains, { |
name = params.domain |
}) |
end |
local function close_dropdown() |
log_pidfile() |
wezterm.log_info("wuake done") |
-- write unix timestamp with high precision to file so we can check if wuake just exited |
-- because the new invocation stole focus |
write_file(last_exit_path, wezterm.time.now():format("%s%.f")) |
-- faster and more reliable than wezterm.mux.get_domain(params.domain):detach(): |
os.exit() |
end |
-- update-status is fired earlier than gui-attached and thus is a tiny bit faster |
-- also it directly gives us access to the window object |
wezterm.on("update-status", function(window) |
-- wezterm.log_info("update status: " .. wezterm.procinfo.pid() .. " " .. window:active_pane():get_domain_name()) |
-- run setup once per process |
if wezterm.GLOBAL.wuake_setup_done then return end |
-- don't run on normal windows |
-- checking argv is faster than checking window:active_pane():get_domain_name() |
local this_proc_info = wezterm.procinfo.get_info_for_pid(pid) |
if this_proc_info.argv[2] ~= "connect" or this_proc_info.argv[3] ~= params.domain then |
wezterm.log_info("not a wuake window") |
else |
local now = tonumber(wezterm.time.now():format("%s%.f")) |
local pid_info = wezterm.procinfo.get_info_for_pid(read_pidfile() or 0) |
-- wezterm.log_info(pid_info or "pid_info: nil") |
local last_exit = read_file(last_exit_path) |
-- wezterm.log_info("now: " .. now .. " last exit: " .. (last_exit or "nil")) |
-- if no dropdown is open or was open in the last 500ms |
if ( |
not ( |
pid_info |
and pid_info.name == "wezterm-gui" |
) and ( |
last_exit |
and now - 0.5 > tonumber(last_exit) |
) |
) then |
wezterm.log_info("starting wuake...") |
write_pidfile() |
local screens = wezterm.gui.screens() |
window:set_position(screens.active.x + params.margin_right, screens.active.y + params.margin_top) |
window:set_inner_size( |
screens.active.width * params.width_factor - params.margin_right - params.margin_left, |
screens.active.height * params.height_factor - params.margin_bottom - params.margin_top |
) |
window:set_config_overrides(params.config_overrides) |
else |
os.remove(pidfile_path) |
close_dropdown() |
end |
end |
wezterm.GLOBAL.wuake_setup_done = true |
end) |
wezterm.on("window-focus-changed", function(window, pane) |
if pane:get_domain_name() == params.domain and not window:is_focused() then |
wezterm.log_info("wuake: focus lost") |
close_dropdown() |
end |
end) |
end |
return module |
This is working on macOS latest (18.3). How could I rename window to wuake? I tried using
but was getting nil value. I also tried changing thewezterm-gui
string to no avail. I want to be able to find the window with my TWM.