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Created November 15, 2014 20:46
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Fix for alysum minic promo slider: Data too long for column 'effect' at row 1
Fresh install of prestashop and Alysum theme 3.1.
Error: `Data too long for column 'effect' at row 1`
Failing sql query:
INSERT INTO `ps_minic_options` (
`id_shop`, `effect`
"random,simpleFade, curtainTopLeft, curtainTopRight, curtainBottomLeft, curtainBottomRight, curtainSliceLeft, curtainSliceRight, blindCurtainTopLeft, blindCurtainTopRight, blindCurtainBottomLeft, blindCurtainBottomRight, blindCurtainSliceBottom, blindCurtainSliceTop, stampede, mosaic, mosaicReverse, mosaicRandom, mosaicSpiral, mosaicSpiralReverse, topLeftBottomRight, bottomRightTopLeft, bottomLeftTopRight, bottomLeftTopRight");
Problem is `effect` column is too narrow, see here:
irb(main):001:0> "random,simpleFade, curtainTopLeft, curtainTopRight, curtainBottomLeft, curtainBottomRight, curtainSliceLeft, curtainSliceRight, blindCurtainTopLeft, blindCurtainTopRight, blindCurtainBottomLeft, blindCurtainBottomRight, blindCurtainSliceBottom, blindCurtainSliceTop, stampede, mosaic, mosaicReverse, mosaicRandom, mosaicSpiral, mosaicSpiralReverse, topLeftBottomRight, bottomRightTopLeft, bottomLeftTopRight, bottomLeftTopRight".size
=> 427
Fix is to update pk_promominicslider.php line 54, change effect from varchar 300 to something larger than 427, say 600.
CREATE TABLE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'minic_options` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`id_shop` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`effect` VARCHAR(600),
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