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Last active January 21, 2020 06:04
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Defining Dependencies in Gradle Kotlin DSL

This's for the article Defining Dependencies in Gradle Kotlin DSL.

If you're using kotlin-dsl in a multi-project manner, you may want to define all the dependencies in one place. You can put the files into buildSrc, define dependencies in a compat way like this:

extra.deps {
    "auto" {
    "gson" to ""

    // for testing
    "mockito" {
        "core" to "org.mockito:mockito-core:2.10.0"
        "inline" to "org.mockito:mockito-inline:2.10.0"

Then refer to them from (each) sub-project's build.gradle.kts

dependencies {
    val kt = kotlin(deps["kt"])


import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtraPropertiesExtension
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.extra
const val DEPS_ATTR = "deps"
/** Supertype of a dependency definition */
interface DependencyItem {
operator fun get(key: String): Any
/** Leaf nodes in the dependency tree, defines a single dependency */
data class DependencyNotation(private val notation: String) : CharSequence by notation,
DependencyItem {
override operator fun get(key: String): String = notation
override fun toString() = notation
/** Defines a group of dependencies */
class DependencyGroup : DependencyItem {
private val dependencies = mutableMapOf<String, DependencyItem>()
/** Get dependency with the [key].
* A `.` notation is also allowed to retrieve grouped dependencies, e.g, `deps["support.appCompat"]`.
override operator fun get(key: String): DependencyItem = key.split('.')
.fold(this as DependencyItem) { acc, k ->
(acc as? DependencyGroup)?.getItem(k) ?: acc
private fun getItem(key: String): DependencyItem =
dependencies[key] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException(
"dependency `$key` not found in group $this"
/** Define a dependency */
operator fun set(key: String, item: DependencyItem) = dependencies.set(key, item)
/** Define a dependency */
operator fun set(key: String, notation: String) =
dependencies.set(key, DependencyNotation(notation))
* The key/value syntax to define a dependency.
* ```
* deps {
* "core-ktx" to "androidx.core:core-ktx:$ktx_version"
* "appcompat" to "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$appcompat_version"
* }
* ```
infix fun String) = set(this, notation)
/** The `in` operator */
operator fun contains(key: String): Boolean = key in dependencies
* The closure syntax to define grouped dependencies.
* ```
* "androidx" {
* "core-ktx"("androidx.core:core-ktx:$ktx_version")
* "appcompat"("androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$appcompat_version")
* }
* ```
operator fun invoke(config: DependencyGroup.() -> Unit): DependencyGroup = apply(config)
* The `()` syntax to define a single dependency.
* ```
* deps {
* "core-ktx"("androidx.core:core-ktx:$ktx_version")
* "appcompat"("androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$appcompat_version")
* }
* ```
operator fun String.invoke(notation: String) = set(this, notation)
* The key/value syntax to define grouped dependencies.
* ```
* "androidx"(
* "core-ktx" to "androidx.core:core-ktx:$ktx_version"
* "appcompat" to "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$appcompat_version"
* )
* ```
operator fun String.invoke(vararg dependencies: Pair<String, Any>) =
set(this, create(*dependencies))
* The closure syntax to define a dependency group.
* ```
* "androidx" {
* "core-ktx"("androidx.core:core-ktx:$ktx_version")
* "appcompat"("androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$appcompat_version")
* }
* ```
operator fun String.invoke(init: DependencyGroup.() -> Unit) = set(this, create().apply(init))
override fun toString() = dependencies.toString()
companion object {
private fun create(dependencies: Map<String, Any>): DependencyGroup {
val inst = DependencyGroup()
dependencies.forEach {
val (key, item) = it
when (item) {
is String -> inst[key] = item
is DependencyItem -> inst[key] = item
is Map<*, *> -> inst[key] = create(item as Map<String, Any>)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported dependency item type of `$item`")
return inst
private fun create(vararg dependencies: Pair<String, Any>): DependencyGroup =
* Retrieve the dependency tree from extra properties, a new one will be created for the first access.
val ExtraPropertiesExtension.deps: DependencyGroup get() =
if (has(DEPS_ATTR)) this[DEPS_ATTR] as DependencyGroup
else DependencyGroup().apply {
this@deps[DEPS_ATTR] = this
* Retrieve current project's dependency tree.
* If no `deps` property defined in a sub-project, looks for it in the root project.
val Project.deps: DependencyGroup get() =
if (parent == null || extra.has(DEPS_ATTR)) extra.deps
else rootProject.deps
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.DependencyHandler
import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtraPropertiesExtension
import org.gradle.kotlin.dsl.kotlin
import java.util.*
operator fun Project.contains(propertyName: String): Boolean = hasProperty(propertyName)
fun Project.loadProperties(path: String, extra: ExtraPropertiesExtension)
= loadProperties(file(path), extra)
fun Project.loadProperties(file: File, extra: ExtraPropertiesExtension) {
if (!file.exists()) return
Properties().apply {
FileInputStream(file).use {
forEach { (k, v) ->
extra["$k"] = v
fun DependencyHandler.kotlin(module: CharSequence) = kotlin(module.toString())
fun DependencyHandler.kotlin(module: DependencyItem)
= kotlin(module as? CharSequence
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected module type for $module"))
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vladad commented Feb 28, 2019

I think you should close FileInputStream instance in loadProperties extension method in utils.kt.

Maybe change to:

file.inputStream().use {

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