\n\nA couple additional comments:\n\n· There is also a new billing wiki: [https://corpwiki.appnexus.com/display/billing/][1]\n\n· It is one thing to understand the difference between a campaign and line item, and another to give advice to a client on where they should set a budget. Some guidelines that I have gathered are:\n\no A line item budget should be used if you are getting paid in CPC or CPA, but is not necessary when you are getting paid in CPM as long as you are setting a campaign budget (see next bullet)\n\no Always set a campaign budget to control the amount you are spending, or in the case of getting paid CPM, also control the amount your advertiser is spending\n\no While line item budgets don’t always need to be set as per the above, it can be confusing to use campaign monitor without setting both a line item and campaign budget. For example, if you have 1 month flight dates on the line item and 1 week flight dates on the campaign and a budget only set on the campaign, campaign monitor will extrapolate the line item budget and it will look like you are way under budget on the line item if you are on track on the campaign.\n\n \n\nFrom: Alex Chatfield \nSent: Friday, October 14, 2011 5:17 PM \nTo: Tyler Pines; Eddie Chou \nCc: Niteen Prajapati; know \nSubject: RE: Questions from the UK\n\n \n\nHey Niteen,\n\n \n\nA “site-under” is another way of saying a full-page pop-under. To set-up a full page pop creative:\n\n \n\n![][2]\n\n \n\nTo set-up a full page pop placement:\n\n \n\n![][3]\n\n \n\nLet me know if you have any questions.\n\n \n\nCheers,\n\nAlex\n\n______________________________ \nAlex Chatfield \nAppNexus, Inc. \n28 West 23rd St, 5th Floor \nNew York, NY 10010\n\nOffice: 646-825-6500 \nFax: 917-720-9046 \nEmail: [[email protected]][4]\n\n \n\nFrom: Tyler Pines [[mailto:[email protected]]][5] \nSent: Friday, October 14, 2011 4:43 PM \nTo: Eddie Chou \nCc: Niteen Prajapati; know \nSubject: Re: Questions from the UK \nImportance: High\n\n \n\nRegarding pops, AppNexus will attempt to pop under, but behavior varies across browsers. Some don't allow it at all. Regarding pop sites...that doesn't really have to do with AppNexus, it has to do with the creative that is popped.\n\n \n\nOn Oct 14, 2011, at 4:39 PM, Eddie Chou wrote:\n\n \n\nNiteen,\n\n \n\nSee below.\n\n \n\n-Eddie\n\n \n\n \n\nFrom: Niteen Prajapati <[[email protected]][6]> \nDate: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 08:43:13 -0700 \nTo: know <[[email protected]][7]> \nSubject: Questions from the UK\n\n \n\n Hey guys,\n\n \n\nSo Ezra is out and I need some basic questions answering from my client:\n\n \n\n - Can we bill an member entirely in $ or does it have to be local currency \nto where the advertiser is running the campaign?\n\n \n\n[Eddie] With very few (any??) exceptions, we always bill our clients in USD. \nHow the advertiser pays the network (our client) is entirely out of our business \nrelationship. We've had some discussions around billing our clients in non-USD, \nbut I don't know that we've come up with an offering on that yet. I would not \nsuggest to any client that we'd pay them in non-USD at the moment. Feels like \nthere's a knowledge gap here around how we work with our clients from a financial \nperspective. I'm not sure the best place to get trained up but I know we have \na billing PPT. There's also reading material around advertiser currency. Definitely \nsit own with Ezra around this when he returns.\n\n \n\n- If there is No billing info: can a member we go live?\n\n \n\n[Eddie] By Billing, do you mean a Contract? If so, the answer is from a technical \nperspective, they cannot go live. Also, from a business perspective, they should \nNOT go live. \n\n \n\n- We need site under i.e. the whole page to open, not just a pop. If I select pop up/under, I am left with blank space on the window, according to the creative size I set\n\n \n\n[Eddie] I'm clueless around pops\n\n \n\n - What happes If the Campaign budget is higher than the Line Item budget?\n\n \n\n[Eddie] Read up in the wiki about the diff between campaign and line item budgets. \nThere's a significant difference here – at least for cost/revenue - and if \nyou don't understand that, it's going to be a major problem for setting up \ncampaigns.\n\n \n\n- Do you have the possibility to insert site under? At this moment we just have pop under. Is there any option where we can actually be able to set up a site under campaign?\n\n \n\n[Eddie] See above on my site under ignorance.\n\n \n\n- For the click_url, we know that it is possible to create a campaign without the click_tracking. However, if we finally find the solution to integrate that parameter, and that we have asked for an audit by the platform, do we need to ask again the audit for the platform?\n\n \n\n[Eddie] Yes, any updates to the creative tag or landing page will trigger a \nreaudit since the creative content could have changed based on edits to the \ntag code. \n\n \n\n- For the user login creation, except what has been described during the presentation, it is not possible to get some login just to have access to one country? I mean we have created login per country and we would like if it is possible to have access only to the campaigns of this country?\n\n \n\n[Eddie] Best we can do currently is limit a login to specific advertisers or \npublishers. \n\n \n\nIf anyone can help me out that would be great, if you need more info let me know.\n\n \n\nThanks, \n\n \n\n \n\n____________________________ \nNiteen Prajapati \n****AppNexus Europe Ltd \n48 Charlotte Street \nLondon, W1T 2NS\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nThe information contained in this email message and any attachments is confidential \ninformation intended only for the use of the recipient(s) to whom it is addressed. \nIf the reader of this message is not an intended recipient, you are hereby \nnotified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this message or its \nattachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication \nin error, please immediately notify the sender by return email message and \ndelete all copies of the original communication. Thank you for your cooperation. \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n\n\n[1]: https://corpwiki.appnexus.com/display/billing/\n[2]: cid:[email protected]\n[3]: cid:[email protected]\n[4]: mailto:[email protected]\n[5]: mailto:[mailto:[email protected]]\n[6]: mailto:[email protected]\n[7]: mailto:[email protected]
February 29, 2012 22:46
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