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xoelop /
Created February 21, 2025 07:44
Generates a commit message for the staged changes in git, allowing us to pass custom instructions on how the message should look like and copies the commit message to the clipboard
# import pyperclip
import argparse
import os
import subprocess
import openai
from dotenv import load_dotenv
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 2 should actually have 30 columns, instead of 24 in line 1.
Pleno Engenheiro de Software Java | Kotlin,,Impulso,"Remoto, Brazil",false,R$ 13.600 - R$ 14.400 por mês,32979.02,34918.97,BRL,,Brazil,,,"Cloud, Java, AWS, Amazon Web Services, Docker, Spring, Kubernetes, BEM, PostgreSQL, Spring Boot, Kotlin, Postgres",2023-09-11,Mid-Level,BR,2023-09-12T06:32:18.600117+00:00,,engenheiro de software,,"É super importante ter conhecimento no uso de feature flags / feature toggles, DDD, Continuous integration e Continuous delivery, qualidade de código e testes automatizados",feature flags,https:
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 1.
"113375236","","Asistente- Gestión De Documentos","Banco General, S.A.","PROPOSITO DEL CARGO Gestionar, clasificar, digitalizar y ordenar un conjunto de documentos que son necesarios para conservar una base de datos de los clientes; cumpliendo las normas y procedimientos del Banco, el Código de Ética y Valores, las normas y procedimientos de uniforme y de imagen del Banco; y así mantener un control de la producción de información, como de su manejo y edición. FUNCIONES GENERALES Archivo de carpeta o documentos de portafolio de inversión Preparar documentos de cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica para el proceso de digitalización Preparar documentos de cuentas bancarias de persona natural o jurídica para el proceso de digitalización Digitalizar cuentas bancarias y cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica Rearmado de carpeta de cuentas de inversión local o internacional de persona natural o jurídica
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 2.
name_text,newsletter_tags_list_option_category_keywords,profile_image_image,starting_price_number,subscribers_number,Slug,click_rate_number,newsletter_freq_option_newsletter_frequency,open_rate_number,status_option_newsletter_status,url_text,newsletter_other_category_text,newsletter_crosspromotion_option_cross_promotions,long_summary_text,owner1_list_user,verified_date,Modified Date,short_summary_text,facebook_url_text,twitter_url_text,newletter_category_option_category,flytier_url_text
Codementor's Newsletter,"['tech', 'productivity']",//,3000,471771,codementors-newsletter,0.12,week,0.21,approved,,Education,i_m_open_to_cross_newsletter_sponsorships0,"🚩 Codementor is a newsletter that helps developers learn and grow in programming knowledge through curated events and community articles.
⌛️ Every week, Codementor sends a newsletter with upcoming virtual events and featured articles by o
xoelop / tinybird-requests.json
Created December 22, 2022 12:31
Retool dashboard to explore queries to any pipe of your Tinybird account
"uuid": "60799e3a-81e6-11ed-8e5b-1377772fbf58",
"page": {
"id": 115259211,
"data": {
"appState": "[\"~#iR\",[\"^ \",\"n\",\"appTemplate\",\"v\",[\"^ \",\"isFetching\",false,\"plugins\",[\"~#iOM\",[\"textInputToken\",[\"^0\",[\"^ \",\"n\",\"pluginTemplate\",\"v\",[\"^ \",\"id\",\"textInputToken\",\"type\",\"widget\",\"subtype\",\"TextInputWidget2\",\"namespace\",null,\"resourceName\",null,\"resourceDisplayName\",null,\"template\",[\"^3\",[\"spellCheck\",false,\"readOnly\",false,\"iconAfter\",\"\",\"showCharacterCount\",false,\"autoComplete\",false,\"maxLength\",null,\"hidden\",false,\"customValidation\",\"\",\"patternType\",\"\",\"hideValidationMessage\",false,\"textBefore\",\"\",\"validationMessage\",\"\",\"textAfter\",\"\",\"showInEditor\",false,\"showClear\",false,\"pattern\",\"\",\"tooltipText\",\"\",\"labelAlign\",\"left\",\"formDataKey\",\"{{ }}\",\"value\",\"\",\"labelCaption\",\"\",\"labelWidth\",\"33\",\"autoFill\",\"\",\"placeholder\",\"Enter value\",\"la
xoelop /
Created November 8, 2022 17:06
Script to create jobs in the Heroku Scheduler programatically
import json
import requests
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
for i in range(3, 52):
xoelop /
Last active January 25, 2023 15:05
Downloads all paid invoices on Stripe, collected automatically, between 2 dates, in PDF
# if .env, source .env
if test -f .env; then
source .env &&
echo `date`: sourcing .env
# mkdir if not exists
mkdir -p data/script_invoices
# download invoices created later or on this date (yyyy-mm-dd)
xoelop / Explain SQLAlchemy Postgres queries
Last active August 10, 2022 10:20
Some functions to see the execution plan of a Postgres query emitted by SQLAlchemy
# Source:
# This adds the last function, to print the query plan
# Caveats: stmt has to be built using If you use session.query(...) it'll fail.
# This is Postgres-only
# Guide to migrate to SQLAlchemy 2.0-style (from session.query() to select(...) ):
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import ClauseElement
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Executable
xoelop / twitter_theirstack_enrich_result.json
Last active June 23, 2022 16:14
This is the result of enriching '' with
"name": "Twitter",
"url": "",
"industry": "internet",
"country": "United States",
"employee_count": 8200,
"linkedin_url": "",
"technology_names": [
-- s1 is not used
WITH s1 AS (
, count(*) OVER (PARTITION BY 1)
, max(updated_at) max_updated_at
FROM person
GROUP BY linkedin_slug
HAVING count(*) > 1