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Working from home

Alexandre Mutel xoofx

Working from home
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git clone --recursive mono-m
cd mono-m
./ --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-llvm && make -j10 && make install
csc -o P.cs && mono --aot=llvm p.exe && mono p.exe
#or with additional llvm arguments for opt and llc:
zingaburga /
Last active January 19, 2025 10:33
ARM’s Scalable Vector Extensions: A Critical Look at SVE2 For Integer Workloads

ARM’s Scalable Vector Extensions: A Critical Look at SVE2 For Integer Workloads

Scalable Vector Extensions (SVE) is ARM’s latest SIMD extension to their instruction set, which was announced back in 2016. A follow-up SVE2 extension was announced in 2019, designed to incorporate all functionality from ARM’s current primary SIMD extension, NEON (aka ASIMD).

Despite being announced 5 years ago, there is currently no generally available CPU which supports any form of SVE (which excludes the [Fugaku supercomputer](