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Created June 26, 2018 12:05
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Creates an ssl certificate with a random generated passphrase
# Check if argument for dhcp interface is present
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
printf "Supply arguments for CERTIFICATE_NAME, CERTIFICATE_SUBJ"
exit 1
# Certificate subject
# double backslashes ( \\ ) to supply connection for added spaces on some parameters of the subject, depends on shell
# '/C=XX/ST=XXXXX/L=XXXXX/O=XXX\\XX/OU=XX\\XX/CN=XXXX.XX/[email protected]'
# Generate passpahrase
echo 'EXECUTING --> openssl rand -base64 512 > '$CERTIFICATE_NAME
openssl rand -base64 256 > $CERTIFICATE_NAME
# Generate a Private Key
echo 'EXECUTING --> openssl genrsa -des3 -passout file:'$CERTIFICATE_NAME' -out '$CERTIFICATE_NAME'.key'
openssl genrsa -des3 -passout file:$CERTIFICATE_NAME -out $CERTIFICATE_NAME.key
# Generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request)
echo 'EXECUTING --> openssl req -sha256 -new -passin file:'$CERTIFICATE_NAME' -key '$CERTIFICATE_NAME'.key -out '$CERTIFICATE_NAME'.csr -subj '$CERTIFICATE_SUBJ
openssl req -sha256 -new -passin file:$CERTIFICATE_NAME -key $CERTIFICATE_NAME.key -out $CERTIFICATE_NAME.csr -subj $CERTIFICATE_SUBJ
# Remove Passphrase from Key
echo 'EXECUTING --> openssl rsa -in '$CERTIFICATE_NAME'.key.pass -passin file:'$CERTIFICATE_NAME' -out '$CERTIFICATE_NAME'.key'
openssl rsa -in $CERTIFICATE_NAME.key.pass -passin file:$CERTIFICATE_NAME -out $CERTIFICATE_NAME.key
# Generate a Self-Signed Certificate for 10 years
echo 'EXECUTING --> openssl x509 -sha256 -req -days 3650 -in '$CERTIFICATE_NAME'.csr -signkey '$CERTIFICATE_NAME'.key -out '$CERTIFICATE_NAME'.crt'
openssl x509 -sha256 -req -days 3650 -in $CERTIFICATE_NAME.csr -signkey $CERTIFICATE_NAME.key -out $CERTIFICATE_NAME.crt
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