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Created July 14, 2013 13:49
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Save xphyr/5994345 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple Plugin for "Uptime" that send alerts via Pushover. I am not a Node hacker ... I barely understand why this code works .... but it does. I have not tried it with multiple users yet, so dont know if it will work to do multiple notifications. Let me know if you try it.
* Pushover plugin for the uptime project -
* Thanks to DMathieu for the Campfire plugin which I basically hacked up to make this
* work:
* This index.js files goes to a directory `plugins/pushover` in your installation of uptime.
* Notifies all events (up, down, paused, restarted) to pushover
* This plugin has a dependency on `pushover-notifications`.
* Add this to the "dependencies" object in your `package.json` file :
* "pushover-notifications": "0.1.5"
* To enable the plugin, add the following line to the plugins section of your config file
* plugins:
* - ./plugins/pushover
* Example configuration
* pushover:
* token: 8973lkhjfdso8y3 # Authentication token from pushover for app
* user: 09r4ljfdso98r # This is the user token you want to send to
* event:
* up: true
* down: true
* paused: false
* restarted: false
var config = require('config').pushover;
var CheckEvent = require('../../models/checkEvent');
var pushover = require('pushover-notifications');
exports.initWebApp = function() {
CheckEvent.on('afterInsert', function(checkEvent) {
if (!config.event[checkEvent.message])
checkEvent.findCheck(function(err, check) {
if (err)
return console.error(err);
var msg = {
message: "The application " + + " just went to status " + checkEvent.message,
title: "Uptime Status",
sound: 'magic', // optional
priority: 1 // optional
var push = new pushover({
token: config.token
push.user = config.user;
push.send( msg, function( err, result ) {
if ( err ) {
throw err;
console.log( result );
console.log('Enabled Pushover notifications');
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lologhi commented Sep 20, 2016

This is great, event without understanding why this code works, it's working perfectly for me, thanks !!

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