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xrchz /
Last active December 31, 2024 13:37
Package Management for HOL4

Module Management for HOL4

WIP: this gist is being updated as it is being written.

This describes the design for a system to ease building/downloading and installing HOL4 and working with HOL theories. The hoped for advantages are:

  • Less building locally: for modules that are just being used, they can be downloaded pre-built and immediately used.
  • Easy to get up-and-running with HOL4 as a new user. No complex or esoteric
xrchz / rewards.js
Last active June 22, 2024 23:08
Ways of getting Rocket Pool Rewards
import { ethers } from 'ethers'
// tested using a fork of mainnet (where we can impersonate the signers)
// e.g. anvil -f http://localhost:8545@20143000 -p 8549
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider('http://localhost:8549')
const rocketStorage = new ethers.Contract('rocketstorage.eth',
'function getAddress(bytes32) view returns (address)',
xrchz / Deck.vy
Created February 23, 2023 17:03
Vyper InvalidType error
# @version ^0.3.7
# mental poker deck protocol
# Implements the paper
# A Fast Mental Poker Protocol by Tzer-Jen Wei & Lih-Chung Wang
# using the alt-bn128's G1 ( for G
# For discrete log equality non-interactive ZK proofs, we use the scheme
# described in Wallet Databases with Observers by David Chaum & Torben Pryds Pederson
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Started Go-Ethereum Daemon on mainnet.
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.632] Starting Geth on Ethereum mainnet...
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.633] Bumping default cache on mainnet provided=1024 updated=4096
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.635] Maximum peer count ETH=50 LES=0 total=50
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.636] Smartcard socket not found, disabling err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"
WARN [06-24|13:01:27.637] Sanitizing cache to Go's GC limits provided=4096 updated=2651
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.637] Set global gas cap cap=50,000,000
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.653] Allocated trie memory caches clean=397.00MiB dirty=662.00MiB
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.653] Allocated cache and file handles database=/var/lib/gethmainnet/geth/chaindata cache=1.29GiB handles=262,144
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.724] Opened ancient database database=/var/lib/gethmainnet/geth/chaindata/ancient readonly=false
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Started Go-Ethereum Daemon on mainnet.
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.632] Starting Geth on Ethereum mainnet...
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.633] Bumping default cache on mainnet provided=1024 updated=4096
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.635] Maximum peer count ETH=50 LES=0 total=50
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.636] Smartcard socket not found, disabling err="stat /run/pcscd/pcscd.comm: no such file or directory"
WARN [06-24|13:01:27.637] Sanitizing cache to Go's GC limits provided=4096 updated=2651
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.637] Set global gas cap cap=50,000,000
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.653] Allocated trie memory caches clean=397.00MiB dirty=662.00MiB
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.653] Allocated cache and file handles database=/var/lib/gethmainnet/geth/chaindata cache=1.29GiB handles=262,144
INFO [06-24|13:01:27.724] Opened ancient database database=/var/lib/gethmainnet/geth/chaindata/ancient readonly=false
xrchz / ex2Script.sml
Last active July 5, 2018 06:29
A simple CakeML CF spec involving references
open preamble basis
val _ = translation_extends "basisProg";
val ex2 = process_topdecs`
fun ex2 x r = let val r' = ref r in r := x; !r' end`;
val () = append_prog ex2;
val st2 = get_ml_prog_state();
xrchz / HOL cheat sheet
Last active September 27, 2017 05:51
HOL cheat sheet
( means ";" in Isar )
tac1 \\ tac2
means apply tac1 to the current proof state
then apply tac2 to all the resulting subgoals