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Created August 1, 2023 16:48
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kcp tree with controller-runtime
package main
import (
kcptenancyv1alpha1 ""
ctrlruntimeclient ""
func main() {
if err := kcptenancyv1alpha1.AddToScheme(scheme.Scheme); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to register kcptenancyv1alpha1 scheme: %v", err)
kcpConfig, err := clientcmd.LoadFromFile("kubeconfig")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to build kubeconfig for kcp cluster: %v", err)
restConfig, err := clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfig(*kcpConfig, nil).ClientConfig()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to REST config for kcp cluster: %v", err)
usePatchedImplementation := true
var reader ctrlruntimeclient.Reader
if usePatchedImplementation {
reader, err = NewClusterAwareAPIReader(restConfig, ctrlruntimeclient.Options{})
} else {
reader, err = kcp.NewClusterAwareAPIReader(restConfig, ctrlruntimeclient.Options{})
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to connect to kcp cluster: %v", err)
listWorkspaces(kontext.WithCluster(context.Background(), "root"), reader, 0)
func listWorkspaces(ctx context.Context, reader ctrlruntimeclient.Reader, indent int) {
clusterName, _ := kontext.ClusterFrom(ctx)
clusterPath := clusterName.Path()
prefix := strings.Repeat(" ", indent)
workspaceList := kcptenancyv1alpha1.WorkspaceList{}
if err := reader.List(ctx, &workspaceList); err != nil {
fmt.Printf(fmt.Sprintf("%s! failed to list workspaces: %v\n", prefix, err))
for _, workspace := range workspaceList.Items {
fmt.Printf(fmt.Sprintf("%s* %s (%s, %s)\n", prefix, workspace.Name, workspace.Spec.Type.Name, workspace.Status.Phase))
childPath := clusterPath.Join(workspace.Name)
childName := logicalcluster.Name(childPath.String())
listWorkspaces(kontext.WithCluster(ctx, childName), reader, indent+2)
// ###################################################################################
// code copied from ctrl-runtime in order to patch the delegated client
// ###################################################################################
func NewClusterAwareAPIReader(config *rest.Config, opts ctrlruntimeclient.Options) (ctrlruntimeclient.Reader, error) {
httpClient, err := ClusterAwareHTTPClient(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opts.HTTPClient = httpClient
return cluster.DefaultNewAPIReader(config, opts)
// ClusterAwareHTTPClient returns an http.Client with a cluster aware round tripper.
func ClusterAwareHTTPClient(config *rest.Config) (*http.Client, error) {
httpClient, err := rest.HTTPClientFor(config)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
httpClient.Transport = newClusterRoundTripper(httpClient.Transport)
return httpClient, nil
// clusterRoundTripper is a cluster aware wrapper around http.RoundTripper.
type clusterRoundTripper struct {
delegate http.RoundTripper
// newClusterRoundTripper creates a new cluster aware round tripper.
func newClusterRoundTripper(delegate http.RoundTripper) *clusterRoundTripper {
return &clusterRoundTripper{
delegate: delegate,
func (c *clusterRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
cluster, ok := kontext.ClusterFrom(req.Context())
if ok {
req = req.Clone(req.Context())
req.URL.Path = generatePath(req.URL.Path, cluster.Path())
req.URL.RawPath = generatePath(req.URL.RawPath, cluster.Path())
return c.delegate.RoundTrip(req)
// apiRegex matches any string that has /api/ or /apis/ in it.
var apiRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(/api/|/apis/)`)
var clustersRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^/clusters/[^/]+`)
// generatePath formats the request path to target the specified cluster.
func generatePath(originalPath string, clusterPath logicalcluster.Path) string {
// HACK: strip any pre-existing /clusters/.... prefix
originalPath = clustersRegex.ReplaceAllString(originalPath, "")
// If the originalPath already has cluster.Path() then the path was already modifed and no change needed
if strings.Contains(originalPath, clusterPath.RequestPath()) {
return originalPath
// If the originalPath has /api/ or /apis/ in it, it might be anywhere in the path, so we use a regex to find and
// replaces /api/ or /apis/ with $cluster/api/ or $cluster/apis/
if apiRegex.MatchString(originalPath) {
return apiRegex.ReplaceAllString(originalPath, fmt.Sprintf("%s$1", clusterPath.RequestPath()))
// Otherwise, we're just prepending /clusters/$name
path := clusterPath.RequestPath()
// if the original path is relative, add a / separator
if len(originalPath) > 0 && originalPath[0] != '/' {
path += "/"
// finally append the original path
path += originalPath
return path
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