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Steve Leonard xsleonard

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joshwand / gist:1145669
Created August 15, 2011 03:41
Blocking the new version of the NYTimes paywall

The NYTimes has updated their paywall-- it's slightly more sophisticated. The content is no longer hidden behind a big transparent div, but instead is now actually removed from the page entirely. It's still simple to defeat, though. Using adblock plus (or your preferred adblocking device), block the following URLs:


And you're done.

jacobbubu / ioslocaleidentifiers.csv
Created February 15, 2012 14:41
iOS Locale Identifiers
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: No commas found in this CSV file in line 0.
mr Marathi
bs Bosnian
ee_TG Ewe (Togo)
ms Malay
kam_KE Kamba (Kenya)
mt Maltese
ha Hausa
es_HN Spanish (Honduras)
ml_IN Malayalam (India)
ro_MD Romanian (Moldova)
jexchan /
Created April 10, 2012 15:00
Multiple SSH keys for different github accounts

Multiple SSH Keys settings for different github account

create different public key

create different ssh key according the article Mac Set-Up Git

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
dnishimura / Makefile.golang
Created June 20, 2012 17:51 — forked from yanatan16/Makefile.golang
Makefile for Golang projects
# Makefile for a go project
# Author: Jon Eisen
# site:
# Targets:
# all: Builds the code
# build: Builds the code
# fmt: Formats the source files
# clean: cleans the code
marktheunissen / pedantically_commented_playbook.yml
Last active January 22, 2025 09:27 — forked from phred/pedantically_commented_playbook.yml
Insanely complete Ansible playbook, showing off all the options
This playbook has been removed as it is now very outdated.
mralexgray / strings `which diskutil` | grep Usage
Created June 23, 2012 19:07
OS X Lion diskutil commands (documented and hidden).sh
Usage: diskutil coreStorage list
Usage: diskutil coreStorage info[rmation] [-plist]
Usage: diskutil coreStorage convert
Usage: diskutil coreStorage revert
Usage: diskutil coreStorage create lvgName
Usage: diskutil coreStorage delete lvgUUID
Usage: diskutil coreStorage addDisk lvgUUID NewMemberDeviceName
Usage: diskutil coreStorage removeDisk pvUUID
Usage: diskutil coreStorage deleteVolume lvUUID
Usage: diskutil coreStorage resizeVolume lvUUID size
description "train the spam filter"
instance $x
stop on reddit-stop or runlevel [016]
respawn limit 10 5
nice 10
philchristensen /
Created September 5, 2013 16:28
Minimal script for sending/reading from Amazon SQS using Boto/Python.
conf = {
"sqs-access-key": "",
"sqs-secret-key": "",
"sqs-queue-name": "",
"sqs-region": "us-east-1",
"sqs-path": "sqssend"
import boto.sqs
conn = boto.sqs.connect_to_region(
huonw /
Created January 15, 2014 12:42
do-while loops in Rust
while {
let x = foo();
x != 0
} {}
dduan / UISegmentedControl+VerticalLayout.swift
Last active July 25, 2024 05:52
Turns a UISegmentedControl into a vertical layout.
import UIKit
extension UISegmentedControl {
func goVertical() {
self.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(M_PI_2))
for segment in self.subviews {
for segmentSubview in segment.subviews {
if segmentSubview is UILabel {
(segmentSubview as UILabel).transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(-M_PI_2))