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Alexander S. xsynaptic

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domenic / readable-stream-progress.js
Last active February 10, 2020 17:05
XHR-esque progress events on top of streams
function processBodyChunkwiseWithProgress(res, processChunk) {
const dummyEventTarget = document.createElement("div"); // why isn't EventTarget constructible? :(
const lengthComputable = res.headers.has("Content-Length");
const total = res.headers.get("Content-Length") || 0;
let loaded = 0;
// Using
const fireProgressThrottled = _.throttle(fireProgress, 50, { trailing: false });
timkinnane / dynamic_image_downsize.php
Created February 2, 2015 08:49
Filter the output of image_downsize() to return dynamically generated images for intermediate or inline sizes. Long description in php doc block.
* Filter the output of image_downsize() to return dynamically generated images for intermediate or inline sizes.
* <p>Because Wordpress generates all image sizes on first upload, if you change
* theme or size settings after the upload, there won't be a matching file for
* the requested size.<br/>
* This filter addresses the problem of the default downsize process laoding
* a large file and scaling it down in the browser if it doesn't find the right
* size image. This can cause large files to be loaded unnecessarily and will
thelibrarian / Fixing XCode Command Line
Last active November 6, 2017 03:28
How to fix compile errors with the XCode command line tools on Mac OS X. Solves problems such as failing to find Framework header files (e.g. ruby.h).

The Problem

If you have installed the standalone Command Line Tools for XCode on your Mac (i.e. without having installed), some of these tools can get a bit confused due to a couple of oversights on Apple's part in finalising the setup.

Note: all commands below will need to be run from an Administrator account, or by an account with appropriate permission in /etc/sudoers.

The Solution

1. Failing to Find Frameworks

Sometime when compiling against the preinstalled Frameworks (e.g. Ruby or Python), various tools will inexplicable fail to find header files that are quite clearly there. This is caused by the fact that no XCode has been selected for the command-line tools. Wait, I hear you cry, I don't have XCode installed! Indeed, but you nonetheless need to select one, and point it somewhere where the command line tools exist, like so

trinitronx / truecrypt_fix.bash
Last active February 18, 2025 07:29 — forked from jimjh/truecrypt_fix.bash
Fixes annoying brew doctor messages caused by Truecrypt
libs=( "/usr/local/lib/libmacfuse_i32.2.dylib" \
"/usr/local/lib/libosxfuse_i32.2.dylib" \
"/usr/local/lib/libosxfuse_i64.2.dylib" \
"/usr/local/lib/libmacfuse_i64.2.dylib" \
"/usr/local/lib/" \
"/usr/local/lib/" \
"/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/osxfuse.pc" )
roborourke / wp-set-excerpt-length.php
Created July 26, 2012 11:56
Set excerpt length on the fly in wordpress.
* Sets the excerpt length for the output of the next excerpt
* @param int $length the number of words to show
* @return void
function set_excerpt_length( $length = 50 ) {
getsource / WP_Bag_of_Tricks.txt
Created October 26, 2011 21:07 — forked from boogah/WP_Bag_of_Tricks.txt
Things I've learned by being DreamHost's resident WordPress nerd.
WP Bag of Tricks
1. Helpful Scripts/Plugins:
Hacks: (Can be extremely resource intensive.)