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Forked from swiftui-lab/emoji-wave.swift
Created July 3, 2021 01:14
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// Author: The SwiftUI Lab
// Post: Advanced SwiftUI Animations - Part 4
// Link: (TimelineView)
import SwiftUI
struct CyclicTimelineSchedule: TimelineSchedule {
let timeOffsets: [TimeInterval]
func entries(from startDate: Date, mode: TimelineScheduleMode) -> Entries {
Entries(last: startDate, offsets: timeOffsets)
struct Entries: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
var last: Date
let offsets: [TimeInterval]
var idx: Int = -1
mutating func next() -> Date? {
idx = (idx + 1) % offsets.count
last = last.addingTimeInterval(offsets[idx])
return last
extension TimelineSchedule where Self == CyclicTimelineSchedule {
static func cyclic(timeOffsets: [TimeInterval]) -> CyclicTimelineSchedule {
.init(timeOffsets: timeOffsets)
enum KeyFrameAnimation {
case none
case linear
case easeOut
case easeIn
struct KeyFrame {
let offset: TimeInterval
let rotation: Double
let yScale: Double
let y: CGFloat
let animationKind: KeyFrameAnimation
var animation: Animation? {
switch animationKind {
case .none: return nil
case .linear: return .linear(duration: offset)
case .easeIn: return .easeIn(duration: offset)
case .easeOut: return .easeOut(duration: offset)
let keyframes = [
// Initial state, will be used once. Its offset is useless and will be ignored
KeyFrame(offset: 0.0, rotation: 0, yScale: 1.0, y: 0, animationKind: .none),
// Animation keyframes
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, rotation: 0, yScale: 0.5, y: 20, animationKind: .linear),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.4, rotation: 0, yScale: 1.0, y: -20, animationKind: .linear),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.5, rotation: 360, yScale: 1.0, y: -80, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.4, rotation: 360, yScale: 1.0, y: -20, animationKind: .easeIn),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.2, rotation: 360, yScale: 0.5, y: 20, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.4, rotation: 360, yScale: 1.0, y: -20, animationKind: .linear),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.5, rotation: 0, yScale: 1.0, y: -80, animationKind: .easeOut),
KeyFrame(offset: 0.4, rotation: 0, yScale: 1.0, y: -20, animationKind: .easeIn),
struct ManyEmojis: View {
@State var emojiCount = 0
let dates: [Date] = [.now.addingTimeInterval(0.3), .now.addingTimeInterval(0.6), .now.addingTimeInterval(0.9)]
var body: some View {
TimelineView(.explicit(dates)) { timeline in
HStack(spacing: 80) {
if emojiCount > 0 {
JumpingEmoji(emoji: "😃")
if emojiCount > 1 {
JumpingEmoji(emoji: "😎")
if emojiCount > 2 {
JumpingEmoji(emoji: "😉")
.onChange(of: { (date: Date) in
emojiCount += 1
.frame(width: 400)
struct JumpingEmoji: View {
let emoji: String
// Use all offset, minus the first
let offsets = Array( { $0.offset }.dropFirst())
var body: some View {
TimelineView(.cyclic(timeOffsets: offsets)) { timeline in
HappyEmoji(emoji: emoji, date:
struct HappyEmoji: View {
let emoji: String
// current keyframe number
@State var idx: Int = 0
// timeline update
let date: Date
var body: some View {
.modifier(Effects(keyframe: keyframes[idx]))
.animation(keyframes[idx].animation, value: idx)
.onChange(of: date) { _ in advanceKeyFrame() }
.onAppear { advanceKeyFrame()}
func advanceKeyFrame() {
// advance to next keyframe
idx = (idx + 1) % keyframes.count
// skip first frame for animation, which we
// only used as the initial state.
if idx == 0 { idx = 1 }
struct Effects: ViewModifier {
let keyframe: KeyFrame
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.scaleEffect(CGSize(width: 1.0, height: keyframe.yScale))
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: keyframe.rotation))
.offset(y: keyframe.y)
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