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// | |
// SnapCarousel.swift | |
// prototype5 | |
// | |
// Created by xtabbas on 5/7/20. | |
// Copyright © 2020 xtadevs. All rights reserved. | |
// | |
import SwiftUI | |
struct SnapCarousel: View { | |
@EnvironmentObject var UIState: UIStateModel | |
var body: some View { | |
let spacing: CGFloat = 16 | |
let widthOfHiddenCards: CGFloat = 32 /// UIScreen.main.bounds.width - 10 | |
let cardHeight: CGFloat = 279 | |
let items = [ | |
Card(id: 0, name: "Hey"), | |
Card(id: 1, name: "Ho"), | |
Card(id: 2, name: "Lets"), | |
Card(id: 3, name: "Go") | |
] | |
return Canvas { | |
/// TODO: find a way to avoid passing same arguments to Carousel and Item | |
Carousel( | |
numberOfItems: CGFloat(items.count), | |
spacing: spacing, | |
widthOfHiddenCards: widthOfHiddenCards | |
) { | |
ForEach(items, id: \.self.id) { item in | |
Item( | |
_id: Int(item.id), | |
spacing: spacing, | |
widthOfHiddenCards: widthOfHiddenCards, | |
cardHeight: cardHeight | |
) { | |
Text("\(item.name)") | |
} | |
.foregroundColor(Color.white) | |
.background(Color("surface")) | |
.cornerRadius(8) | |
.shadow(color: Color("shadow1"), radius: 4, x: 0, y: 4) | |
.transition(AnyTransition.slide) | |
.animation(.spring()) | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
struct Card: Decodable, Hashable, Identifiable { | |
var id: Int | |
var name: String = "" | |
} | |
public class UIStateModel: ObservableObject { | |
@Published var activeCard: Int = 0 | |
@Published var screenDrag: Float = 0.0 | |
} | |
struct Carousel<Items : View> : View { | |
let items: Items | |
let numberOfItems: CGFloat //= 8 | |
let spacing: CGFloat //= 16 | |
let widthOfHiddenCards: CGFloat //= 32 | |
let totalSpacing: CGFloat | |
let cardWidth: CGFloat | |
@GestureState var isDetectingLongPress = false | |
@EnvironmentObject var UIState: UIStateModel | |
@inlinable public init( | |
numberOfItems: CGFloat, | |
spacing: CGFloat, | |
widthOfHiddenCards: CGFloat, | |
@ViewBuilder _ items: () -> Items) { | |
self.items = items() | |
self.numberOfItems = numberOfItems | |
self.spacing = spacing | |
self.widthOfHiddenCards = widthOfHiddenCards | |
self.totalSpacing = (numberOfItems - 1) * spacing | |
self.cardWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.width - (widthOfHiddenCards*2) - (spacing*2) //279 | |
} | |
var body: some View { | |
let totalCanvasWidth: CGFloat = (cardWidth * numberOfItems) + totalSpacing | |
let xOffsetToShift = (totalCanvasWidth - UIScreen.main.bounds.width) / 2 | |
let leftPadding = widthOfHiddenCards + spacing | |
let totalMovement = cardWidth + spacing | |
let activeOffset = xOffsetToShift + (leftPadding) - (totalMovement * CGFloat(UIState.activeCard)) | |
let nextOffset = xOffsetToShift + (leftPadding) - (totalMovement * CGFloat(UIState.activeCard) + 1) | |
var calcOffset = Float(activeOffset) | |
if (calcOffset != Float(nextOffset)) { | |
calcOffset = Float(activeOffset) + UIState.screenDrag | |
} | |
return HStack(alignment: .center, spacing: spacing) { | |
items | |
} | |
.offset(x: CGFloat(calcOffset), y: 0) | |
.gesture(DragGesture().updating($isDetectingLongPress) { currentState, gestureState, transaction in | |
self.UIState.screenDrag = Float(currentState.translation.width) | |
}.onEnded { value in | |
self.UIState.screenDrag = 0 | |
if (value.translation.width < -50) { | |
self.UIState.activeCard = self.UIState.activeCard + 1 | |
let impactMed = UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: .medium) | |
impactMed.impactOccurred() | |
} | |
if (value.translation.width > 50) { | |
self.UIState.activeCard = self.UIState.activeCard - 1 | |
let impactMed = UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: .medium) | |
impactMed.impactOccurred() | |
} | |
}) | |
} | |
} | |
struct Canvas<Content : View> : View { | |
let content: Content | |
@EnvironmentObject var UIState: UIStateModel | |
@inlinable init(@ViewBuilder _ content: () -> Content) { | |
self.content = content() | |
} | |
var body: some View { | |
content | |
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: .infinity, alignment: .center) | |
.background(Color.white.edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all)) | |
} | |
} | |
struct Item<Content: View>: View { | |
@EnvironmentObject var UIState: UIStateModel | |
let cardWidth: CGFloat | |
let cardHeight: CGFloat | |
var _id: Int | |
var content: Content | |
@inlinable public init( | |
_id: Int, | |
spacing: CGFloat, | |
widthOfHiddenCards: CGFloat, | |
cardHeight: CGFloat, | |
@ViewBuilder _ content: () -> Content | |
) { | |
self.content = content() | |
self.cardWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.width - (widthOfHiddenCards*2) - (spacing*2) //279 | |
self.cardHeight = cardHeight | |
self._id = _id | |
} | |
var body: some View { | |
content | |
.frame(width: cardWidth, height: _id == UIState.activeCard ? cardHeight : cardHeight - 60, alignment: .center) | |
} | |
} | |
struct SnapCarousel_Previews: PreviewProvider { | |
static var previews: some View { | |
SnapCarousel() | |
} | |
} |
Great! Would love to see the outcome!! Follow me on twitter @xtabbas
Am the sample code above but am running to this error Fatal error: No ObservableObject of type UIStateModel found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for UIStateModel may be missing as an ancestor of this view.: file SwiftUI, line 0 No ObservableObject of type UIStateModel found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for UIStateModel may be missing as an ancestor of this view.: file SwiftUI, line 0
. Looking forward to hearing from you.
@gbrigens you’ll need to add UIStateModel as an environment object in the preview and in your scenedelegate if you’re running on device
If you're interested, I created https://github.com/ericg-learn-apple/SnapCarousel implementing this view.
One thing I noticed is that it was possible to go off the end. You should no longer be able to swipe right or left if there is no other card to swipe to. I haven't looked into fixing it yet.
MatthewWaller, would be interested to see your enhancement as well.
To restrict swiping at the left or right most cards change:
- condition at line 116 with (value.translation.width < -50 && CGFloat(self.UIState.activeCard) < numberOfItems - 1)
- condition at line 122 with (value.translation.width > 50 && CGFloat(self.UIState.activeCard) > 0)
Thanks @klaus95!
Note: to get that working I had to amend numberOfItems
to self.numberOfItems
Great snippet, thanks!
How to make this work in Landscape orientation?
This does not work for tvOS
This does not work for tvOS
I didn’t say that i wanna make it work on TV os. I just asked for how to make it work in landscape orientation
Hello, I needed to do something similar. I have found your article and after a bit of shuffling around came up with this version. Compared to yours it needs to wrap inner Carousel views in a CarouselCard, but it requires less info sent down the pipes (ids are auto calculated): https://gist.github.com/jlegeny/0781d81834102e2bf2f99423e1fa26ed
I have some issues with code paths that re-create the carousel though, looking into it.
Here's a fix for preventing going off the end:
.onEnded { value in
self.UIState.screenDrag = 0
if (value.translation.width < -50) && self.UIState.activeCard < Int(numberOfItems) - 1 {
self.UIState.activeCard = self.UIState.activeCard + 1
let impactMed = UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: .medium)
if (value.translation.width > 50) && self.UIState.activeCard > 0 {
self.UIState.activeCard = self.UIState.activeCard - 1
let impactMed = UIImpactFeedbackGenerator(style: .medium)
@xtabbas Wouldn't it have worked out using GeometryReader inside your Card inside a horizontal ScrollView?
I'm trying to do something like this here, but with a vertical ScrollView, where items should grow larger based on the current on-screen position they're getting from a GeometryProxy. (But so far I've not found a solution yet)
DragGesture has weird default distance to start detection as '10' point.
It is probably better to make minimumDistance 0 for better ux.
You may try this at Carousel body view gesture > DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
Thanks. 🤟🏻
is it ok to calculate animations like that? Is it running on CPU instead of Metal?
Does anyone try to use that with drawingGroup?
@TD540 Wondering if you were able to get it working with GeometryReader?
@minierparedes I'm doing something slightly different than a "snapping" carrousel, but in theory, inside a ScrollView
(and inside ForEach
), you could wrap a GeometryReader
directly around each Item(...)
, and that way you learn the Item's frame position from the GeometryProxy
(either using a .global, or a .named CoordinateSpace on the ScrollView), and with that position you could calculate a value for an .offset
modifier on each Item, that elastically snaps to a fixed point.
Check out Understanding frames and coordinates inside GeometryReader, ScrollView effects using GeometryReader and Animating gestures.
@TD540 I really appreciate your taking the time to give me such great advice and especially the links to how to get more info. I am still very new to Swift and especially SwiftUI so I was not successful in implementing this. I still have a very high level of understanding and concept of how it should work but was not able to get it to work. I will have to continue working on it slowly. Thank you again. Interested in seeing what you are working on.
@minierparedes I've just set my personal little SwiftUI project to "public" 🤪. You can check out what I'm doing with GeometryReader in RecordBoxView.swift.
in NavigavionView set .navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle()), There will be a bug back.
In case it's useful for anyone: the id of the items must equal their index in order to correctly set their height when scrolling.
Or what I did was set the _id
of Item
to the index value but set the real view id to the real one that depends on the data.
Is there a way I can dynamically change the background color (slide transition) depending on a current item in a carousel?
For example, each card represents a topic, like "Nature", "Art", "Sports", etc. How do I change the background color when the user chooses one of the topics?
Any one encountered this runtime warning? Is there a way to resolve this warning?
Publishing changes from within view updates is not allowed, this will cause undefined behavior.
update: this should be an Xcode 14 specific issue, please refer to https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/711899
Great snippet and article. I was wondering if anyone else solved the issue GefeiShHEN noted:
Publishing changes from within view updates is not allowed, this will cause undefined behavior.
The forum post he referred to returns 404 and googling around didn't find any obvious fix.
Great snippet and article. I was wondering if anyone else solved the issue GefeiShHEN noted:
Publishing changes from within view updates is not allowed, this will cause undefined behavior.
The forum post he referred to returns 404 and googling around didn't find any obvious fix.
Hi @MartinLBarron! Please try to click on that link again, it shall be fixed now. Alternatively, you could try copy and paste the url directly to your browser.
It looks slow when dragging. so I teak little bit
.animation(UIState.screenDrag == 0 ? .easeOut : .linear(duration: 0), value: UIState.screenDrag)
Hi @xtabbas, thanks for amazing solution. It really help to find way out!
I would like consider a small improvement in case bouncing at start and the end:
Add translation wrapper property
@GestureState var translation: CGFloat = 0
In .updating method of gesture you should update this translation property.Like here:
.updating($translation) { value, out, _ in out = value.translation.width self.UIState.screenDrag = Float(value.translation.width) }
After that, using it for calculation offset
CGFloat(calcOffset) - (translation / 2)
This one will create a scroll limit in the beginning of carousel, and at the end!
Hi @xtabbas, thanks for amazing solution. It really help to find way out!
I would like consider a small improvement in case bouncing at start and the end:
- Add translation wrapper property
@GestureState var translation: CGFloat = 0
- In .updating method of gesture you should update this translation property.Like here:
.updating($translation) { value, out, _ in out = value.translation.width self.UIState.screenDrag = Float(value.translation.width) }
- After that, using it for calculation offset
CGFloat(calcOffset) - (translation / 2)
This one will create a scroll limit in the beginning of carousel, and at the end!Cheers!
Would you mind sharing your approach?
in NavigavionView set .navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle()), There will be a bug back.
add clipped()
to Canvas view to remove offset part.
return Canvas {
/// TODO: find a way to avoid passing same arguments to Carousel and Item
numberOfItems: CGFloat(items.count),
spacing: spacing,
widthOfHiddenCards: widthOfHiddenCards
) {
ForEach(items, id: \.self.id) { item in
_id: Int(item.id),
spacing: spacing,
widthOfHiddenCards: widthOfHiddenCards,
cardHeight: cardHeight
) {
.shadow(color: .gray, radius: 4, x: 0, y: 4)
.clipped() <- here!
This is really great! As an add challenge, I'm trying to make it where if you do a quick gesture, like a quick scroll, it moves past several cards before settling on one and snapping.