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Forked from hubert3/
Created January 26, 2014 05:11
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Python implementation of passcode hashing algorithm used on the Samsung Galaxy S4 GT-I9505 4.2.2
Correct PIN for hash and salt below is 1234.
Get 40-character hash value in ascii hex format from file /data/system/password.key on the phone
Get salt in signed numeric format by doing sqlite3 query SELECT value FROM locksettings WHERE name = 'lockscreen.password_salt' on /data/system/locksettings.db
by @hubert3 2014-01-23
import sys
from hashlib import sha1
from binascii import unhexlify
def get_salt(salt):
int_salt = int(salt)
int_salt = (int_salt & 0xffffffffffffffff)
salt = hex(int(int_salt)).lstrip("0x")
salt = salt.rstrip('L')
return salt
samsung_hash = unhexlify('867B4B7F6C7E5CCC50A1BD183D8C3E5801F20344'.lower())
salt = get_salt(-3343618892075477414)
for pin in map('{:04}'.format,range(0,10000)):
print 'Hashing PIN %s' % pin
digest = sha1('0'+pin+salt).digest() # binary digest, not ascii hex
for i in map(str,range(1,1024)): # Samsung uses 1024 SHA-1 iterations
digest = sha1(digest+i+pin+salt).digest()
if digest == samsung_hash:
print 'FOUND PIN %s' % pin
print 'PIN not found'
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