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Created July 2, 2018 07:58
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Youdao Dictionary Console Version in Racket
;;; ydcv.rkt --- Youdao Dictionary Console Version in Racket
;; Author: Xu Chunyang <[email protected]>
;; Created: Mon Jul 2 15:19:31 CST 2018
;; Usage:
;; $ racket ydcv.rkt word
;; n. [语] 单词;话语;消息;诺言;命令
;; vt. 用言辞表达
;; n. (Word)人名;(英)沃德
;;; Code:
#lang racket/base
(require net/uri-codec) ; alist->form-urlencoded
(require net/http-client) ; http-sendrecv
(require json)
(define host "")
(define (uri query)
`((keyfrom . "YouDaoCV")
(key . "659600698")
(type . "data")
(doctype . "json")
(version . "1.1")
(q . ,query)))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(string-append "http://" host (uri "hello"))
(define (explains word)
(define-values (status headers port) (http-sendrecv host (uri word)))
(define ht (read-json port))
(define explains (hash-ref (hash-ref ht 'basic) 'explains))
(module+ main
(if (< (vector-length (current-command-line-arguments)) 1)
(displayln "Error: missing argument for query")
(let ([word (vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 0)])
(for ([i (in-list (explains word))])
(displayln i)))))
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