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Created May 16, 2016 03:41
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eWay Response Codes
ResponseMessage Reason
A2000 Transaction Approved
A2008 Honour With Identification
A2010 Approved For Partial Amount
A2011 Approved, VIP
A2016 Approved, Update Track 3
D4401 Refer to Issuer
D4402 Refer to Issuer, special
D4403 No Merchant
D4404 Pick Up Card
D4405 Do Not Honour
D4406 Error
D4407 Pick Up Card, Special
D4409 Request In Progress
D4412 Invalid Transaction
D4413 Invalid Amount
D4414 Invalid Card Number
D4415 No Issuer
D4419 Re-enter Last Transaction
D4421 No Action Taken
D4422 Suspected Malfunction
D4423 Unacceptable Transaction Fee
D4425 Unable to Locate Record On File
D4430 Format Error
D4431 Bank Not Supported By Switch
D4433 Expired Card, Capture
D4434 Suspected Fraud, Retain Card
D4435 Card Acceptor, Contact Acquirer, Retain Card
D4436 Restricted Card, Retain Card
D4437 Contact Acquirer Security Department, Retain Card
D4438 PIN Tries Exceeded, Capture
D4439 No Credit Account
D4440 Function Not Supported
D4441 Lost Card
D4442 No Universal Account
D4443 Stolen Card
D4444 No Investment Account
D4450 Visa Checkout Transaction Error
D4451 Insufficient Funds
D4452 No Cheque Account
D4453 No Savings Account
D4454 Expired Card
D4455 Incorrect PIN
D4456 No Card Record
D4457 Function Not Permitted to Cardholder
D4458 Function Not Permitted to Terminal
D4459 Suspected Fraud
D4460 Acceptor Contact Acquirer
D4461 Exceeds Withdrawal Limit
D4462 Restricted Card
D4463 Security Violation
D4464 Original Amount Incorrect
D4466 Acceptor Contact Acquirer, Security
D4467 Capture Card
D4475 PIN Tries Exceeded
D4482 CVV Validation Error
D4490 Cut off In Progress
D4491 Card Issuer Unavailable
D4492 Unable To Route Transaction
D4493 Cannot Complete, Violation Of The Law
D4494 Duplicate Transaction
D4495 Amex Declined
D4496 System Error
D4497 MasterPass Error
D4498 PayPal Create Transaction Error
D4499 Invalid Transaction for Auth/Void
F7000 Undefined Fraud Error
F7001 Challenged Fraud
F7002 Country Match Fraud
F7003 High Risk Country Fraud
F7004 Anonymous Proxy Fraud
F7005 Transparent Proxy Fraud
F7006 Free Email Fraud
F7007 International Transaction Fraud
F7008 Risk Score Fraud
F7009 Denied Fraud
F7010 Denied by PayPal Fraud Rules
F9001 Custom Fraud Rule
F9010 High Risk Billing Country
F9011 High Risk Credit Card Country
F9012 High Risk Customer IP Address
F9013 High Risk Email Address
F9014 High Risk Shipping Country
F9015 Multiple card numbers for single email address
F9016 Multiple card numbers for single location
F9017 Multiple email addresses for single card number
F9018 Multiple email addresses for single location
F9019 Multiple locations for single card number
F9020 Multiple locations for single email address
F9021 Suspicious Customer First Name
F9022 Suspicious Customer Last Name
F9023 Transaction Declined
F9024 Multiple transactions for same address with known credit card
F9025 Multiple transactions for same address with new credit card
F9026 Multiple transactions for same email with new credit card
F9027 Multiple transactions for same email with known credit card
F9028 Multiple transactions for new credit card
F9029 Multiple transactions for known credit card
F9030 Multiple transactions for same email address
F9031 Multiple transactions for same credit card
F9032 Invalid Customer Last Name
F9033 Invalid Billing Street
F9034 Invalid Shipping Street
F9037 Suspicious Customer Email Address
F9049 Genuine Customer
F9050 High Risk Email Address and amount
F9113 Card issuing country differs from IP address country
S5000 System Error
S5010 Unknown error returned by gateway
S5011 PayPal Connection Error
S5012 PayPal Settings Error
S5085 Started 3dSecure
S5086 Routed 3dSecure
S5087 Completed 3dSecure
S5088 PayPal Transaction Created
S5099 Incomplete (Access Code in progress/incomplete)
S9901 Response is not JSON
S9902 Empty response
S9990 Rapid endpoint not set or invalid
S9991 Rapid API key or password not set
S9992 Error connecting to Rapid gateway
S9993 Authentication error
S9995 Error converting to or from JSON, invalid parameter
S9996 Rapid gateway server error
V6000 Validation error
V6001 Invalid CustomerIP
V6002 Invalid DeviceID
V6003 Invalid Request PartnerID
V6004 Invalid Request Method
V6010 Invalid TransactionType, account not certified for eCome only MOTO or Recurring available
V6011 Invalid Payment TotalAmount
V6012 Invalid Payment InvoiceDescription
V6013 Invalid Payment InvoiceNumber
V6014 Invalid Payment InvoiceReference
V6015 Invalid Payment CurrencyCode
V6016 Payment Required
V6017 Payment CurrencyCode Required
V6018 Unknown Payment CurrencyCode
V6023 EWAY_CARDCVN Required
V6033 Invalid Expiry Date
V6034 Invalid Issue Number
V6035 Invalid Valid From Date
V6040 Invalid TokenCustomerID
V6041 Customer Required
V6042 Customer FirstName Required
V6043 Customer LastName Required
V6044 Customer CountryCode Required
V6045 Customer Title Required
V6046 TokenCustomerID Required
V6047 RedirectURL Required
V6048 CheckoutURL Required when CheckoutPayment specified
V6049 Invalid Checkout URL
V6051 Invalid Customer FirstName
V6052 Invalid Customer LastName
V6053 Invalid Customer CountryCode
V6058 Invalid Customer Title
V6059 Invalid RedirectURL
V6060 Invalid TokenCustomerID
V6061 Invalid Customer Reference
V6062 Invalid Customer CompanyName
V6063 Invalid Customer JobDescription
V6064 Invalid Customer Street1
V6065 Invalid Customer Street2
V6066 Invalid Customer City
V6067 Invalid Customer State
V6068 Invalid Customer PostalCode
V6069 Invalid Customer Email
V6070 Invalid Customer Phone
V6071 Invalid Customer Mobile
V6072 Invalid Customer Comments
V6073 Invalid Customer Fax
V6074 Invalid Customer URL
V6075 Invalid ShippingAddress FirstName
V6076 Invalid ShippingAddress LastName
V6077 Invalid ShippingAddress Street1
V6078 Invalid ShippingAddress Street2
V6079 Invalid ShippingAddress City
V6080 Invalid ShippingAddress State
V6081 Invalid ShippingAddress PostalCode
V6082 Invalid ShippingAddress Email
V6083 Invalid ShippingAddress Phone
V6084 Invalid ShippingAddress Country
V6085 Invalid ShippingAddress ShippingMethod
V6086 Invalid ShippingAddress Fax
V6091 Unknown Customer CountryCode
V6092 Unknown ShippingAddress CountryCode
V6106 Invalid EWAY_CARDCVN
V6108 Invalid CustomerHostAddress
V6109 Invalid UserAgent
V6111 Unauthorised API Access, Account Not PCI Certified
V6112 Redundant card details other than expiry year and month
V6113 Invalid transaction for refund
V6114 Gateway validation error
V6115 Invalid DirectRefundRequest, Transaction ID
V6116 Invalid card data on original TransactionID
V6117 Invalid CreateAccessCodeSharedRequest, FooterText
V6118 Invalid CreateAccessCodeSharedRequest, HeaderText
V6119 Invalid CreateAccessCodeSharedRequest, Language
V6120 Invalid CreateAccessCodeSharedRequest, LogoUrl
V6121 Invalid TransactionSearch, Filter Match Type
V6122 Invalid TransactionSearch, Non numeric Transaction ID
V6123 Invalid TransactionSearch,no TransactionID or AccessCode specified
V6124 Invalid Line Items. The line items have been provided however the totals do not match the TotalAmount field
V6125 Selected Payment Type not enabled
V6126 Invalid encrypted card number, decryption failed
V6127 Invalid encrypted cvn, decryption failed
V6128 Invalid Method for Payment Type
V6129 Transaction has not been authorised for Capture/Cancellation
V6130 Generic customer information error
V6131 Generic shipping information error
V6132 Transaction has already been completed or voided, operation not permitted
V6133 Checkout not available for Payment Type
V6134 Invalid Auth Transaction ID for Capture/Void
V6135 PayPal error processing refund
V6140 Merchant account is suspended
V6141 Invalid PayPal account details or API signature
V6142 Authorise not available for Bank/Branch
V6150 Invalid Refund Amount
V6151 Refund amount greater than original transaction
V6152 Original transaction already refunded for total amount
V6153 Card type not support by merchant
V6160 Encryption Method Not Supported
V6161 Encryption failed, missing or invalid key
V6165 Invalid Visa Checkout data or decryption failed
V6170 Invalid TransactionSearch, Invoice Number is not unique
V6171 Invalid TransactionSearch, Invoice Number not found
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