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Last active March 19, 2016 00:25
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sql shit
This is just an example of our current db and number of dups
MobilePhone, count(MobilePhone)
FROM TerminalMemberTable
WHERE IsActive = 1 AND LastTransaction IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY MobilePhone
HAVING count(MobilePhone) > 1
ORDER BY count(MobilePhone) DESC
512xxxxxxx 4
5125555555 3 // Bob Anderson
For row in rows
Any other rows with row[MobilePhone]?
Consolidate user information from those rows
Any other rows with row[email]?
Consolidate user information from those rows
I now should have all user information available and the card numbers that user has.
select MemberCardNumber, MemberName, MemberSurname, MobilePhone, HomePhone, EmailAddress
from TerminalMemberTable
where IsActive = 1 and LastTransaction is not NULL
AND TerminalMemberTable.MobilePhone = '5125555555'
99999990005278 bob anderson 5125555555 [email protected]
99999900136201 Bob Anderson 5125555555 5125556666
99999999005269 BOB ANDERSON 5125555555
select MemberCardNumber, MemberName, MemberSurname, MobilePhone, HomePhone, EmailAddress
from TerminalMemberTable
where IsActive = 1 and LastTransaction is not NULL
AND TerminalMemberTable.EmailAddress = '[email protected]'
99999990005278 bob anderson 5125555555 [email protected]
99999990005561 [email protected]
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