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Forked from johnynek/gist:8290375
Created January 6, 2014 21:55
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groupBy('source) {
.mapStream[(String,Int), (String, Int, Int, Int)]
(('destination, 'links) -> ('destination, 'links, 'rank, 'gap)) { destLinks =>
destLinks.scanLeft(None: Option[(String, Int, Int, Int)]) {
(prevRowOut: Option[(String,Int,Int,Int)], thisRow: (String, Int)) =>
val (dest, links) = thisRow
prevRowOut match {
case None => Some((dest, links, 1, 0)) // rank 1, gap 0 -- not exactly what you wanted...
case Some((prevDest, prevLinks, prevRank, prevGap)) =>
Some(dest, links, prevRank + 1, prevLinks - links)
.collect { case Some(x) => x } // drop the initial None, and unwrap
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