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Created December 18, 2017 21:13
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The conky minimal word clock setup, Runs extremly fine, install conky-all before use
background no
own_window yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_class Conky
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
alignment mm
gap_x -20
gap_y 65
use_xft yes
xftfont Sawasdee:size=18
xftalpha 0.1
update_interval 15.0
uppercase no
double_buffer yes
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_argb_value 0
draw_shades no
default_shade_color 000000
default_color ffffff
color1 2d2d2d
${alignc}${color}I t ${color1}L ${color}i s ${color1}a s T i m e
${alignc}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 35}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 15}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 20}${color}${endif}${endif}A ${color1}c ${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 15}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 20}${color}${endif}${endif}Q u a r t e r ${color1}d c
${alignc}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 20}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 30}${color}${endif}${endif}T w e n t y ${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 25}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 30}${color}${endif}${else}${color1}${endif}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 5}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 10}${color}${endif}${endif}F i v e ${color1}x
${alignc}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 30}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 35}${color}${endif}${endif}H a l f ${color1}B ${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 10}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 15}${color}${endif}${endif}T e n ${color1}f t o
${alignc}${else}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 45}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 50}${color}${endif}${endif}A ${color1}C ${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 45}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 50}${color}${endif}${endif}Q u a r t e r ${color1}d c
${alignc}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 35}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 45}${color}${endif}${endif}T w e n t y ${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 40}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 35}${color}${endif}${else}${color1}${endif}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 55}${color}${endif}F i v e ${color1}x
${alignc}H a l f b ${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 50}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 55}${color}${endif}${endif}T e n ${color1}F ${color}t o${color1}
${alignc}${endif}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 35}${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} >= 5}${color}${endif}${endif}P a s t ${color1}e r u ${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 35}${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 9}${color}${else}${color1}${endif}N i n e
${alignc}${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 1}${color}${else}${color1}${endif}O n e ${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 6}${color}${else}${color1}${endif}S i x ${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 3}${color}${else}${color1}${endif}T h r e e
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${alignc}${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 8}${color}${else}${color1}${endif}E i g h t ${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 11}${color}${else}${color1}${endif}E l e v e n
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${alignc}${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 10}${color}${else}${color1}${endif}T e n ${else}${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 8}${colH R E Eor}${else}${color1}${endif}N i n e
${alignc}${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 12}${color}${else}${color1}${endif}O n e ${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 5}${color}${else}${color1}${endif}S i x ${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 2}${color}${else}${color1}${endif}T hree
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${alignc}${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 6}${color}${else}${color1}${endif}S e v e n${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 11}${color}${else}${color1}${endif} T w e l v e
${alignc}${if_match ${exec date +"%I"} == 9}${color}${else}${color1}${endif}T e n ${endif}${color1}s e ${if_match ${exec date +"%M"} < 5}${color}${endif}O C l o c k
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