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Last active August 18, 2022 14:35
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  • Save xyuanmu/4249fc4f5bce8571383417f1639cb299 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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@echo off & title 批量转码优酷KUX为MP4 & cd /d %~dp0
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
rem 优酷客户端 ffmpeg.exe 所在目录,若路径不对,请自行修改
set ffmpeg="C:\Program Files (x86)\YouKu\YoukuClient\nplayer\ffmpeg.exe"
if not exist %ffmpeg% (
echo.请修改优酷客户端 ffmpeg.exe 所在目录!
if exist *.kux (
for /r . %%i in (*.kux) do (
%ffmpeg% -i "%%i" -c copy "%%~dpni.mp4"
rem 请自行删除文件
rem del "%%i"
) else (
echo.请将此批处理放到 kux 文件所在目录!
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Thank you very much for the code!

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