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Created September 17, 2013 11:43
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Proof of Novikoff's Perceptron Convergence Theorem (Unfinished)
Section Perceptron.
Require Import QArith List.
Inductive Q_vector : nat -> Set :=
| vnil : Q_vector O
| vcons : forall n : nat,
Q -> Q_vector n -> Q_vector (S n).
Implicit Arguments vcons [n].
Notation "x ; v" := (vcons x v)
(at level 80, right associativity).
Fixpoint scala_mult {n : nat} (a : Q) (v : Q_vector n)
: Q_vector n :=
match v with
| vnil => vnil
| x ; v' => vcons (a * x) (scala_mult a v')
Notation "a '[*]' v" := (scala_mult a v)
(at level 40, no associativity).
Definition inner_prod {n : nat} (v1 v2 : Q_vector n) : Q.
induction n as [| n' inner_prod'].
(* Case : n = 0 *)
apply 0.
(* Case : n = S n' *)
inversion_clear v1 as [| t x1 v1'].
inversion_clear v2 as [| t x2 v2'].
apply (x1 * x2 + inner_prod' v1' v2').
Notation "v1 '[.]' v2" := (inner_prod v1 v2)
(at level 40, left associativity).
Definition vcombine_with {n : nat}
(op : Q -> Q -> Q) (v1 v2 : Q_vector n)
: Q_vector n.
induction n as [| n' vcombine_with'].
(* Case : n = 0 *)
apply vnil.
(* Case : n = S n' *)
inversion_clear v1 as [| t x1 v1'].
inversion_clear v2 as [| t x2 v2'].
apply (op x1 x2 ; vcombine_with' v1' v2').
Infix "[+]" := (vcombine_with Qplus)
(at level 50, left associativity).
Infix "[-]" := (vcombine_with Qminus)
(at level 50, left associativity).
Inductive label : Set := positive | negative.
Definition predict {n : nat} (weight testee : Q_vector n)
: label :=
if Qle_bool (weight [.] testee) 0 then negative
else positive.
Variable observe : forall n : nat, Q_vector n -> label.
Implicit Arguments observe [n].
Definition train {n : nat} (weight testee : Q_vector n)
: Q_vector n :=
match predict weight testee, observe testee with
| positive, positive => weight
| positive, negative => weight [-] testee
| negative, positive => weight [+] testee
| negative, negative => weight
Theorem Novikoff : forall (n : nat) (samples : list (Q_vector n))
(init_weight : Q_vector n),
exists trainings : list (Q_vector n),
incl trainings samples /\
(let w := fold_left train
trainings init_weight in
forall testee : Q_vector n,
In testee samples ->
predict w testee = observe testee).
End Perceptron.
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