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Created February 11, 2011 13:22
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Save y2kdev/822327 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
aliases for bash setup
alias tc='top -o cpu' # check cpu usage
alias tm='top -o vsize' # check memory usage
alias dud="du -d 1 -h" # disk usage
alias c="clear" # clear interface
alias dc="rm -rf" # remove folder with content in it
alias h="history" # review log of commands
alias tgzu="tar -xzvf" # uzip tar gzip file
alias dl="wget -N" # download file and overwrite if required
alias dlc="curl -O" # download file and overwrite if required
alias o="open ." # open current directory in the finder
alias gi="git init" # create repository
alias gv="git version" # retrieve the current version of git
alias gs="git status" # retrieve the status of the workspace
alias ga="git add" # add a file, must specify the file name after alias
alias gaa="git add ." # add all files to staging
alias gai="git add -i" # add files interactively
alias gb="git branch" # list all current branches
alias gci="git commit -a -m" # add files to staging and commit them
alias gco="git checkout" #switch to git branch
alias gcl="git clone" #download or checkout a git repo
alias gc="git gc" # for git garbage collection
alias gcb="git checkout -b" #create and switch to a git branch
alias gd="git diff" #create and switch to a git branch
alias gl="git log" #get commit history without formatting
alias glm="git log --pretty=\"format:%ad %h (%an): %s\" --date=short" #medium log
alias gls="git log --pretty=oneline" #log in online formate
alias gr="git reflog" #Get hidden history
alias gpu="git push" #push files to remote server
alias gu="git gui &" #run git gui in the background
alias gk="gitk &" #run gitk in the background
alias ss="svn st -u" # svn status of my modified files
alias si="svn info" # info about local and remote state
alias su="svn up --ignore-externals" # svn update ignore externals
alias sl="svn log --limit" # svn log and specify a number to return a specific amount of revisions
alias sco="svn co --ignore-externals" # svn checkout and ignore externals
alias sd="svn diff -r" # get a diff, pass in i.e.:168:169 index.xml (revisions to compare and file)
alias sci="svn ci -m" # svn check in with comment
alias saa="svn add * --force" # svn add all unrevisioned files
alias slf="svn log --verbose | grep" # search svn log for relevant info
# Source Targets
alias ra=". ~/bin/dotfiles/bash/aliases"
alias rc=". ~/bin/dotfiles/bash/config"
alias re=". ~/bin/dotfiles/bash/env"
alias rw="mate -w ~/bin/dotfiles/bash/aliases && ra"
alias ddoc="cd ~/Documents/ && ls -a"
alias dp="cd ~/Documents/Projects/ && ls -a"
alias ds="cd ~/Desktop/svn && ls -a"
alias dsns="cd ~/Desktop/svn/project1 && ls -a"
alias dd="cd ~/Desktop/ && ls -a"
alias db="cd ~/bin/"
alias sl="ssh -p $PORT $USER@$DOMAIN"
# new working directory @ the current level and change into that directory
# example: nwd project
function nwd {
mkdir $1
cd $1
#rsync the current path to the specified path -e=.svn -e=.git
#example1: rsyncd ../syncdir
#example2: rsyncd ../syncwithoutgitfiledir --exclude=.git
function rsyncd {
rsync -v -a $ADD_PARAMS $CURR_DIR $1
#recursively copy files and list results
#example: cpd ../new/path
function cpd {
cp -rv $CURR_DIR $1
#move current directory and change into the directory you moved the directory to
#example: mvd ../new/path
function mvd {
mv $CURR_DIR $1
cd $1
ls -a
#remove the current directory and cd down a level
#example: rmd
function rmd {
cd ../
rm -rf $CURR_DIR
ls -a
#zip the current directory recursively
#example: zipd
#how to unzip: unzip
function zipd {
zip -r $1 .
#update xml from a server to your current directory
function uxml {
#tar gzip a file or folder
#example: tgz archive myproject
function tgz {
tar -czvf $1.tgz $2
#find a file type
#example: ft html
function ft {
find . -name "*."$1 -print
#find a file name like this
#example: f index
function f {
find . -name "*"$1"*" -print
#use secure copy to uploaded the current directory
#example: scpto /web/js
function scpto {
#use rsync copy to sync the current directory
#example: rsyncto /web/js
function rsyncto {
#svn merge theirs full, for when you want all the branches changes in another branch/trunk
#$1 - starting revision, $2 - ending revision, $3 - project, $4 - branch name
#example: smtf 15:30 modules branchname
function smtf {
svn merge -r $1:$2 http://svn/repos/projectname/$3/branches/$4/ . --accept theirs-full --dry-run
#update all svn paths for project
#example: sua
function sua {
echo "------projectname1------"
cd $SVN_REPO_PATH/projectname1
svn up --ignore-externals
echo "------projectname2------"
cd $SVN_REPO_PATH/projectname2
svn up
echo "------projectname3------"
cd $SVN_REPO_PATH/projectname3
svn up
echo "------all repos updated------"
#switch current directory path to branch
#example: sw modules newbranch
function sw {
svn switch http://svn/repos/projectname/$1/branches/$2/ .
#switch development workspace to another branch
#example: swa branchname
function swa {
echo "------SHELL------"
cd $DEV_PATH/shell/
svn switch http://svn/repos/projectname/shell/branches/$1/ .
echo "------MODULES------"
cd $DEV_PATH/modules/
svn switch http://svn/repos/projectname/modules/branches/$1/ .
echo "------SHAREDLIBRARIES------"
cd $DEV_PATH/sharedlibraries/
svn switch http://svn/repos/projectname/sharedlibraries/branches/$1/ .
echo "----All of your development branches have been switched to " $1 " ----"
#switch development workspace to trunk
#example: swat
function swat {
echo "------SHELL------"
cd $DEV_PATH/shell/
svn switch http://svn/repos/projectname/shell/trunk/ .
echo "------MODULES------"
cd $DEV_PATH/modules/
svn switch http://svn/repos/projectname/modules/trunk/ .
echo "------SHAREDLIBRARIES------"
cd $DEV_PATH/sharedlibraries/
svn switch http://svn/repos/projectname/sharedlibraries/trunk/ .
echo "----All of your development branches have been switched to trunk ----"
#Move a branch to the trunk (delete branch and move branch to trunk without merge considerations to bypass tree conflicts when merge is not actually required only)
#example: sbt modules branchname
function sbt {
svn del http://svn/repos/projectname/$1/trunk -m "removing trunk to mv branch into trunk for full reintegration"
svn mv http://svn/repos/projectname/$1/branches/$2 http://svn/repos/projectname/$1/trunk -m "adding branch into trunk for full clone copy without merge considerations"
echo "------BRANCH:" $2 " MOVED TO TRUNK:" $1"------"
#Commit without using quotes
#example: gcii doing commit without quotes
function gcii {
git commit -m -v "$*"
#List top ten commands
function lt {
history | awk '{a[$2]++}END{for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}' | sort -rn | head
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