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Created February 12, 2011 05:30
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Save y2kdev/823548 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ls . # files in current directory
ls .. # files in parent directory
tree > log.txt # put the results of a command in a file (You must have tree installed. It's available via macports <sudo port install tree>)
ls >> log.txt # append the results of a command in a file
mkdir -p one/two/ # create multiple directories in one step
env # print out environment variables in name value pair
Control + a # go to the beginning line
Control + e # go to the end line
Control + k # delete all to the right
Control + w # delete previous word
Control + r # search history interactively
Control + c # force quit out of a program i.e. vi, vim, nano etc..
q,x,ctrl+q,ctrl+x or ESC # common escape commands for processes
ESC + b # go back a word
ESC + f # go forward a word
!33 # execute an item in the history index, in this case 33
!! # previously executed command
!$ # last argument of previous command
!cd # will run the last command in history that started with the text, in this case cd
cat file.txt # print contents of file
cat file.txt | pbcopy # put file contents into clipboard
pbpaste # paste your clipboard
f # forward paging while in the man pages
b # backward paging while in the man pages
q # quit man page
Option + (Click) # move the cursor to a specific position
man -k searchTerm # search manual for search term results
cd - # toggle back to previous directory
tail file.log # print the end of a file
tail -f file.log # follow changes at the end of a file
head file.log # print beginning of a file
sudo chown user:group file.txt #change user and group permissions
sudo chown -R user:group folder #change user and group permissions recursively on a folder
chmod ugo=rwx #Give Read, Write and Execute access to User, Group and Other (short hand: chmod ugo+rwx or chmod a+rwx) using alpha notation
chmod u=rwx,g=rw,o=r #Give Read, Write and Execute access to User,Read and Write to Group and Read only to Other using alpha notation
chmod o-wx file.txt #Remove permissions using alpha notation
chmod 777 file.txt #Set permission on file with numeric notation. See alpha conversions: (r=4) (w=2) (e=1)
chmod -R 755 folder #Set permission on folder with numeric notation
sudo #substitute user and do
sudo -k #terminate session as substitute user
whereis #get location information about a command
which #get location information about a command
whatis #get information about a command
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