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Last active January 23, 2020 16:08
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DeezLoader Offical Page

Deezloader Remix


Available for macOS, Linux, Windows.

In the process of a rewrite. Final release will be v4.2.0. The repository might get DMCA' so, make Git Clones/Forks
You can compile yourself now to test for bugs (See rewrite branch in the Git repository)
(see News channel for more information)

Repository :

Telegram :

Download : @DeezloaderRemix
Download Mirrors : Wiki/Downloads
News : @RemixDevs
Help and Discussion : @DeezloaderRemixCommunity

Deezloader Remix Mobile


Used to be Deezloader Android
Based on Deezloader Remix.

Repository :
Download :

Telegram :

Download : @DeezloaderAndroid
Help and Discussion : DeezloaderAndroidCommunity

Music Hunters (Telegram Bot)


Repository :

Deezer and Spotify Music Downloader Bot in Telegram. Really convinient and easy to use.

Main Bot : @MusicHuntersBot
Backup/Beta Bot : @m1hbot
Community/Album Database : @musichunterss

Deezloader Remix on Docker


Repository :
Docker Hub :

Allows you to run Deezloader Remix on a Docker container. Useful for people who own a Media Server. Information regarding setting it up is present in the README of the project.

Thanks to u/Bockiii for making this available.

Deezloader Remaster

Not recommended (Abandoned)

Not recommended as it lacks counteless functionalities.
It is extremely good looking though.

Repository :
Discord :
Download :!zeBiWS7a!_W2cCdzF2hT-m5ysOo_nJA

Keep an eye on /r/DeezloadersIsBack/ for more updates.

Deezloader Reborn

Not recommended (Doesn't work and Abandoned)

Repository :

Downloads :

Telegram : @Deezloader

DeezLoader Reborn V3.1.1 final (old and not working)

DeezLoader Reborn V3.1.1 final

DeezLoader Reborn is here to replace the old DeezLoader V2.3.1.
With this software you can download high-qualiy music and enjoy.

DeezLoader Reborn has been discontinued due to DMCA

I highly recommend you to use SMLoadr

Pastebin link:


  • Download FLAC/MP3-320 music content from Deezer(FLAC needs to be turned on in the settings 'turn on HIFI')
  • Search musics
  • Use Deezer links as an alternative for Searching and downloading inside the software
  • Download multiple musics at a time
  • Download Albums and artists
  • Tagging system on MP3-320 and FLAC
  • Simple and user friendly

Download Links

Virus total


  • BTC/BCH: 1A25gu2vMXLfQBYArYLMBcTpnuwPiKW6vL
  • LTC: LbrVLYkmJ3k2woXACMKshg8KqbMqt1yhAz
  • Paypal: [email protected]

How to run

  • Download the installer and run it.
  • Run DeezLoader.

How to compile

  • Download Node JS latest version
  • Download the source code in the download section
  • Run or run the command npm install && npm run dist or yarn install && yarn run dist if you have yarn installed
  • Go to dist and you will see the installer and the software folder
  • Have fun(Easy Peasy)

If you are a linux user and it returns an error or stucks at creating AppImage then go to package.json and delete this

	"icon": "res/icon.ico"
	"icon": "res/icon.icns"


Version 3.1.1
- Fixed Deezer's API change again haha
Version 3.1.0
- Fixed Download Freeze
- Improved logs
- Improved UI
- Fixed album artwork size not being saved
- Fixed some typo
- Fixed synced lyrics for mp3
- Fixed Track fetching for unsupported countries
Version 3.0.15
- Added replaygain tag
- Added logout option
- Added signup option
- Added multi url support, seperated by ';'
- Fixed incomplete audio files
- Fixed track fallback(alternative property)(Deezer's API update)
- Improved logging system
- Improved pad numbers
- Removed init page since it is not used anymore
Version 3.0.14
- Login is required due to Deezer's patch(Crashes when downloading anything)
- Added BPM tag
Version 3.0.13
- Fixed timeout of the download system
- Fixed images for tracks
- Fixed and Improved MP3 tags
- Added %type%(Record type) for album name format
Version 3.0.12
- Added request retry, connections will retry if fail
- Added record type to the search section(Results of Albums and Artists albums)
- Fixed dots at end of playlists
- Fixed download freezes (metadata image issues)
- Removed the title bar from the web GUI
- Improved download speed and decryption system
Version 3.0.11
- Fixed artwork duplicate for two tracks with the same name
- Added tags: mixer, author, writer, engineer and producer
- Fixed copyright tag when it is not available
- Removed performer tag from FLAC
- Removed label tag and changed from track date to album/ep/single date tag
- Restored decrypting system due to mp3 being corrupt
- Fixed crash when downloading a track with album folder enabled
Version 3.0.10
- Improved downloading and decrypting system
- Improved update notifier
- Added 1400p artworks
- Alternative tracks will take the original tracks tag if possible
- Removed Disc folders, tracks of albums with discs will be combined into one.
- Removed 'dev' from the update notifier
- Artist folders are now named by the artist of the albums
- Fixed album name option when artist option is checked
- Fixed android's home location(It had two slashes)
- Fixed default android path
- Fixed album's %year%
- Fixed downloading issues for non supported countries
- Fixed ENOENT crashes caused by queues
- Fixed a minor bug in the alternative track code
- Added a backup server for update notifier
Version 3.0.9
- Added synced and unsynced lyrics, album name option and number playlist by album option
- Added pad track number(01,02)
- Fixed dots at end of folders when album/arist folder is enabled
- Fixed ENOENT when folder does not exists
- Fixed alternative track downloading, it will only download it if it will fail to download the non alternative one
- Changed license to GNU GPL 3.0
- Changed all spaces in the JS code to tabs
- Improved update notifier, it will redirect you to the download page
Version 3.0.8
- Fixed initializing stuck
- Removed Diacritics remover
- Changed name fixer
- Added barcode for FLAC
- Added support for Android
- Added web server http://localhost:1730
- Updated libraries
Version 3.0.7
- Fixed crash when composer or publisher tag is not available
- Added version to the update notifier
Version 3.0.6
- Login page will only appear for those who need it
- Added composer, publisher and copyright tag
- Fixed the issue that only the first album would be clickable from an artist
- Fixed crash when no internet in the login page
Version 3.0.5
- Changed repo from github to gitlab
- Fixed Login error for Deezer Family Accounts
- Fixed composer tag
Version 3.0.4
- Fixed download crashes
- Fixed failed tracks when downloading some albums and playlists
- Fixed folder does not exists crash
- Improved tags
- Changed album cover dir to the albums folder
- Changed settings style
- Fixed login crash when there is no connection
Version 3.0.3
- Added auto login
- Added MP3 Fallback
- Added auto update
- Fixed login error not being triggered sometimes
Version 3.0.2
- Fixed crashes when songs could not be downloaded
- Added bpm tag
- Added logging system(Fixed same song downloading and some songs not being available)
- Fixed corruped FLAC's
- Added %year%
- Fixed dots at end
- Fixed undefined genre
Version 3.0.1
- Added a couple of tags
- Fixed minor bugs
- Removed tag libs, a moudle is used instead
Version 3.0.0
- Added Vorbis comments(To support FLAC tagging)
- Added HIFI(FLAC) quality (Opt-IN in settings)
- Updated http to https
- Updated all libraries to their latest version
- Fixed random crash when searching
- Fixed the track info grabber(Downloading was not possible)
- Fixed artist duplicate in tagging
- Changed the default artwork size to 1200p
- Changed config location to UserData folder(Appdata)
Version 2.3.1
- Fixed the %number% variable to only list the current track
- Fixed the resolution for users with a screensize less than 1400x900p
- Fixed folder/file creation name for windows (...again...)
- Fixed explicit tooltip
- Added more logging
- Added progress bar support for artists
- Added a checkbox to select everything in album/playlist-modal
- Added tooltip for supported naming patterns
- Added an option to select a different artwork size. (500p, 800p(default), 1000p, 1200p)
- Enhanced tagging, now all artists are written to the 'artist'-field

Version 2.3.0
- Fixed app refusing to start when some folders are missing
- Fixed playlist file not containing the correct file names
- Fixed folders with a dot at the end resulting in undeletable file
- Fixed the progress bar for albums and playlists
- Relocated explicit icon to the front of the filename
- Added more explicit icons in album-/playlist- and artist-modal
- Added a new feature which allow the user to only download selected song from an album or playlist

Version 2.2.1
- Fixed settings module (sigh ... again)
- Fixed issue related to folders that have special chars

Version 2.2.0
- Fixed settings panel, all settings should work as expected now
- Fixed writing location of config.json
- Fixed crashing when searching for cyrillic characters, it should work fine now
- Moved the folder for cover arts to the temp folder of the system
- Added icon for explicit songs
- The window size and position are now remembered
- The "Scroll to top" button works again
- Fixed problem with folders that contain dots and other symbols
- A bunch of refactoring thanks to Blind-Mute
- Fixed cover art not embedding on OSX
- Minor performance improvements

Version 2.1.2
- Fixed Deezer API connection
- Fixed tracks metadata naming for diacritics text
- Added custom location for downloads settings

Version 2.1.1
- Added context menu
- Corrected some spelling mistakes
- Fixed crash when searching with special characters like Æ, Ø and Å.

Version 2.1.0
- Updated all libraries to their latest version (this should fix issues with newer node versions)
- Updated the design of the app, checked spelling and added responsive so it can be better used on a mobile browser.
- Fixed small bug with overlapping texts in settings modal
- Fixed clear button in the downloads section not working
- Added error logging

Version 2.0.3
- Removed the updater to stop spamming the domain of the original author
- Removed character fixing in metadata that would result in AC/DC being turned to AC_DC.
- Fixed the Artist's album list not being loaded. Now it loads and has the option to download the album.
- Changed the default country in top charts to UK instead of Germany (not a feature, just a thing I did when I was
tinkering with the code and forgot to change)
- Fixed compatibility issues with Node v6 (works on older versions too, but there might be problems with downloading
the cover art, so please update to v6 if you can)


Original Developer


Former Maintainers




No longer maintained by ExtendLord


  • I am not responsible for the usage of this program by other people.
  • I do not recommend you doing this illegally or against Deezer's terms of service.
  • This project is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Thanks to /u/zpoo32 for reporting several issues in this list!

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