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Created January 9, 2016 17:28
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Save y9c/eacfec43ad82f448d111 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a user friendly setting for vimium user
mapkey('?', 'Show usage', 'Normal.showUsage()');
Events.hotKey = 'i'; // hotkey must be one keystroke with/without modifier, it can not be a sequence of keystrokes like `gg`.
// tab
mapkey('ZQ', 'Quit', function() {
mapkey('ZZ', 'Save session and quit', function() {
RUNTIME('createSession', {
name: 'LAST'
mapkey('ZR', 'Restore last session', function() {
RUNTIME('openSession', {
name: 'LAST'
mapkey('T', 'Choose a tab', 'Normal.chooseTab()');
mapkey('x', 'Close current tab', 'RUNTIME("closeTab")');
mapkey('X', 'Restore closed tab', 'RUNTIME("openLast")');
mapkey('yt', 'Duplicate current tab', 'RUNTIME("duplicateTab")');
mapkey('J', 'Go one tab left', 'RUNTIME("previousTab")');
mapkey('K', 'Go one tab right', 'RUNTIME("nextTab")');
mapkey('P', 'pin/unpin current tab', 'RUNTIME("togglePinTab")');
mapkey('B', 'Go one tab history back', 'RUNTIME("historyTab", {backward: true})');
mapkey('gF', 'Go one tab history forward', 'RUNTIME("historyTab", {backward: false})');
// page scroll
mapkey('cs', 'Change scroll target', 'Normal.changeScrollTarget()');
mapkey('gg', 'Scroll to the top of the page', 'Normal.scroll("top")');
mapkey('G', 'Scroll to the bottom of the page', 'Normal.scroll("bottom")');
mapkey('u', 'Scroll a page up', 'Normal.scroll("pageUp")');
mapkey('d', 'Scroll a page down', 'Normal.scroll("pageDown")');
mapkey('j', 'Scroll down', 'Normal.scroll("down")');
mapkey('k', 'Scroll up', 'Normal.scroll("up")');
mapkey('h', 'Scroll left', 'Normal.scroll("left")');
mapkey('l', 'Scroll right', 'Normal.scroll("right")');
// history
mapkey('gh', 'Open Chrome History', 'tabOpenLink("chrome://history/")');
mapkey('H', 'Go back in history', 'history.go(-1)');
mapkey('L', 'Go forward in history', 'history.go(1)');
// new
mapkey('r', 'Reload the page', 'RUNTIME("reloadTab", { nocache: false })');
// input
mapkey('i', 'Go to edit box', 'Hints.create("input:visible, textarea:visible", Hints.dispatchMouseClick)');
// click
Hints.pointers = "a, button, *:visible:css(cursor=pointer), select:visible, input:visible, textarea:visible"; // define all the css selectors that can be followed
mapkey('f', 'Open a link', 'Hints.create(Hints.pointers, Hints.dispatchMouseClick)');
mapkey('F', 'Open a link in new tab', 'Hints.create(Hints.pointers, Hints.dispatchMouseClick, {tabbed: true})');
mapkey('gf', 'Open a link in non-active new tab', 'Hints.create(Hints.pointers, Hints.dispatchMouseClick, {tabbed: true, active: false})');
mapkey('a-f', 'Open multiple links in a new tab', 'Hints.create(Hints.pointers, Hints.dispatchMouseClick, {tabbed: true, active: false, multipleHits: true})');
mapkey('q', 'Click on an Image or a button', 'Hints.create("img, button", Hints.dispatchMouseClick)');
// next and pre page
mapkey('[[', 'Click on the previous link on current page', function() {
var prevLinks = $('a').regex(/((上页|上一页|<<|prev(ious)?)+)/i);
if (prevLinks.length) {
} else {
mapkey(']]', 'Click on the next link on current page', function() {
var nextLinks = $('a').regex(/((下页|下一页|>>|next)+)/i);
if (nextLinks.length) {
} else {
// command
mapkey(':', 'Open commands', 'Normal.openOmnibar({type: "Commands"})');
command('quit', 'quit chrome', function() {
command('listSession', 'list session', function() {
action: 'getSessions'
}, function(response) {
Omnibar.listResults(Object.keys(response.sessions), function(s) {
return $('<li></li>').html(s);
command('createSession', 'createSession [name]', function(name) {
RUNTIME('createSession', {
name: name
command('deleteSession', 'deleteSession [name]', function(name) {
RUNTIME('deleteSession', {
name: name
return true; // to close omnibar after the command executed.
command('openSession', 'openSession [name]', function(name) {
RUNTIME('openSession', {
name: name
// visual mode
mapkey('v', 'Toggle visual mode', 'Visual.toggle()');
// find
mapkey('/', 'Find in current page', 'Normal.openFinder()');
mapkey('*', 'Find selected text in current page', function() {;
mapkey('n', 'Next found text', '');
mapkey('N', 'Previous found text', '');
mapkey('m', 'Add current URL to vim-like marks', Normal.addVIMark, 1);
mapkey("'", 'Jump to vim-like mark', Normal.jumpVIMark, 1);
mapkey('w', 'Switch frames', 'Normal.rotateFrame()');
mapkey('p', 'Paste html on current page.', function() {
Normal.getContentFromClipboard(function(response) {
document.body.innerHTML =;
mapkey('cc', 'Open selected link or link from clipboard', function() {
Normal.getContentFromClipboard(function(response) {
tabOpenLink(window.getSelection().toString() ||;
// url
mapkey('ou', 'Open an URLs', 'Normal.openOmnibar({type: "URLs"})');
mapkey('b', 'Open a bookmark', 'Normal.openOmnibar(({type: "Bookmarks"}))');
mapkey('oh', 'Open URL from history', 'Normal.openOmnibar({type: "History"})');
mapkey('om', 'Open URL from vim-like marks', 'Normal.openOmnibar({type: "VIMarks"})');
mapkey('ys', "Copy current page's source", function() {
var aa = document.documentElement.cloneNode(true);
mapkey('yf', "Copy current page's URL", 'Normal.writeClipboard(window.location.href)');
mapkey('yl', "Copy current page's title", 'Normal.writeClipboard(document.title)');
mapkey('ob', 'Open Search with alias b', 'Normal.openOmnibar({type: "SearchEngine", extra: "b"})');
mapkey('og', 'Open Search with alias g', 'Normal.openOmnibar({type: "SearchEngine", extra: "g"})');
mapkey('ow', 'Open Search with alias w', 'Normal.openOmnibar({type: "SearchEngine", extra: "w"})');
mapkey('t', 'Open Chrome newtab', 'tabOpenLink("chrome://newtab/")');
mapkey('gb', 'Open Chrome Bookmarks', 'tabOpenLink("chrome://bookmarks/")');
mapkey('gj', 'Open Chrome Bookmarks', 'tabOpenLink("chrome://chrome/settings/contentExceptions#javascript")');
mapkey('gc', 'Open Chrome Cache', 'tabOpenLink("chrome://cache/")');
mapkey('gd', 'Open Chrome Downloads', 'tabOpenLink("chrome://downloads/")');
mapkey('gk', 'Open Chrome Cookies', 'tabOpenLink("chrome://settings/cookies")');
mapkey('ge', 'Open Chrome Extensions', 'tabOpenLink("chrome://extensions/")');
mapkey('gn', 'Open Chrome net-internals', 'tabOpenLink("chrome://net-internals/#proxy")');
mapkey('gs', 'View page source', 'RUNTIME("viewSource", { tab: { tabbed: true }})');
mapkey('gu', 'Go up one path in the URL', function() {
var url = location.href;
if (location.pathname.length > 1) {
url = url.endsWith('/') ? url.substr(0, url.length - 1) : url;
url = url.substr(0, url.lastIndexOf('/'));
window.location.href = url;
mapkey('gU', 'Go to root of current URL hierarchy', 'window.location.href = window.location.origin');
mapkey('se', 'Edit Settings', 'RUNTIME("editSettings", { tab: { tabbed: true }})');
mapkey('sr', 'Reset Settings', 'Normal.resetSettings()');
mapkey('si', 'Open Chrome Inpect', 'tabOpenLink("chrome://inspect/#devices")');
mapkey(';q', 'Insert jquery library on current page', 'Normal.insertJS("//")');
// search
addSearchAliasX('g', 'google', '', 's', '', function(response) {
var res = eval(response.text);
addSearchAliasX('b', 'baidu', '', 's', '', function(response) {
var res = eval(response.text);
addSearchAliasX('w', 'bing', '', 's', '', function(response) {
var res = eval(response.text);
addSearchAliasX('s', 'stackoverflow', '');
addSearchAliasX('h', 'github', '');
$(document).dblclick(function(event) {
var sel = window.getSelection().toString();
if (sel && sel.length) {
'url': '' + sel
}, function(res) {
var res = eval("a=" + res.text);
var b = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).getBoundingClientRect();
var pos = [ - 18, b.left + b.width / 2 - 12];
top: pos[0],
left: pos[1]
}, || res.msg);
}).click(function() {
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