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Last active October 30, 2018 14:26
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Save yadav26/dc228772927a91194087ef3280866678 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Find overlap rectangles and probe colors of different points
// FindGrpahColor.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
//Split string at delimiter and form a collection - generic code
vector<string> split(string phrase, string delimiter) {
vector<string> list;
string s = phrase;
size_t pos = 0;
string token;
while ((pos = s.find(delimiter)) != string::npos) {
token = s.substr(0, pos);
s.erase(0, pos + delimiter.length());
return list;
bool IsValidString(string &str)
if (str.size() == 0)
return false;
if ( == '#')
return false;
return true;
class chart {
//Topleft = X1,Y1
//BottomRight = X2,Y2
int _x1 = 0;
int _y1 = 0;
int _x2 = 0;
int _y2 = 0;
//Color RGB
int _red = 0;
int _green = 0;
int _blue = 0;
chart() = delete;
chart(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r, int g, int b) : _x1(x1), _y1(y1), _x2(x2), _y2(y2), _red(r), _green(g), _blue(b) { }
~chart() { /*cout << "chart :: destructor called." << endl;*/ }
int getX1() { return _x1; }
int getX2() { return _x2; }
int getY1() { return _y1; }
int getY2() { return _y2; }
int getR() { return _red; }
int getG() { return _green; }
int getB() { return _blue; }
typedef std::shared_ptr<chart> shChartPtr;
typedef std::vector< shChartPtr > vshChartCollection;
shChartPtr getChartshPtr(vector<string>& v1, vector<string>& v2)
string::size_type sz; // alias of size_t
return shChartPtr( new chart(stoi(v1[0], &sz),
stoi(v1[1], &sz),
stoi(v1[2], &sz),
stoi(v1[3], &sz),
stoi(v2[0], &sz),
stoi(v2[1], &sz),
stoi(v2[2], &sz)) );
class View {
int _id=0; // viewid
int _rp = 0; // probed redcolor store
int _gp = 0; // probed greencolor store
int _bp = 0; // probed bluecolor store
vshChartCollection _vshchartCol;
//validate input charts
bool IsInputChartValid(shChartPtr var)
int x1 = var->getX1();
int y1 = var->getY1();
int x2 = var->getX2();
int y2 = var->getY2();
//no negative value
if (x1 < 0 ||
x2 < 0 ||
y1 < 0 ||
y2 < 0
) {
cout << endl << _id << " : Negative dimensions not allwoed.";
return false;
//chart should have correctly managed dimensions TopLeft(X1,Y1)
if ((x1 >= x2) || (y2 >= y1)) {
cout << endl << _id << " : Chart Dimensions are incorrect topLeftX < BottomRightX And TopLeftY > BottomRightY.";
return false;
//chart should have valid color range
if (var->getR() < 0 || var->getR() > 255 ||
var->getG() < 0 || var->getG() > 255 ||
var->getB() < 0 || var->getB() > 255
) {
cout << endl << _id << " : Invalid Color codes must be in 0-255 range.";
return false;
return true;
//Validate all charts; remove all invalid charts from collection and return size
int ValidateAll_InputCharts()
for (vshChartCollection::iterator it = _vshchartCol.begin(); it != _vshchartCol.end(); )
if (false == IsInputChartValid(*it))
it = _vshchartCol.erase(it);
//vshChartCollection::iterator new_end = std::remove_if(_vshchartCol.begin(), _vshchartCol.end(),
//_vshchartCol.erase(new_end, _vshchartCol.end());
return _vshchartCol.size();
int getTCId() { return _id; }
int getRP() { return _rp; }
int getGP() { return _gp; }
int getBP() { return _bp; }
bool IsPresentInChart(chart* ch, int x, int y);
//Probe the color of the cordinate
void FindAverageColor(int probeX, int probeY);
View(int id, vshChartCollection vc) : _id(id), _vshchartCol(vc){ }
vshChartCollection& getChartshCol() { return _vshchartCol; }
~View() { /*cout << "View :: Destructor called." << endl;*/ }
int DoChartsOverlap();
bool DoTwoChartsOverlap(shChartPtr var1, shChartPtr var2);
bool FindTwoChartOverlap_IF(shChartPtr aptr, shChartPtr bptr);
bool IsPresentInSharedChart(shChartPtr ch, int x, int y);
void SetAvgColorSharedPtr(int probeX, int probeY);
int FindAllTwoCombinationOverlaps();
typedef std::shared_ptr<View> ViewPtr;
typedef std::vector<ViewPtr> ViewCollection;
ViewCollection viewshCollection;
typedef std::map<vshChartCollection, int > MapStore;
typedef MapStore::iterator itMapStore;
int View::FindAllTwoCombinationOverlaps()
int overlapCnt = 0, nonOverlapCnt = 0, repeated = 0;
int testCounter = 0;
vshChartCollection vtemp, vtemp2;
vshChartCollection::iterator vit;
MapStore mpStore;
itMapStore it;
for (auto& var1 : _vshchartCol) {
for (auto& var2 : _vshchartCol) {
if (var1 == var2)
for (it = mpStore.begin(); it != mpStore.end(); ++it)
vtemp2 = it->first;
int val = it->second;
if ((vtemp2[0] == var1 && vtemp2[1] == var2) ||
(vtemp2[0] == var2 && vtemp2[1] == var1)
//cout << "already tested A-B or B-A ignoring."<<endl;
if (FindTwoChartOverlap_IF(var1, var2) == true)
//cout << endl << endl << "ViewID - " << _id << ":OVERLAP DETECTED " << endl;
//cout << "TopLeft____(x1,y1) = " << var1->getX1() << ", " << var1->getY1() << endl;
//cout << "BottomRight(x2,y2) = " << var1->getX2() << ", " << var1->getY2() << endl;
//cout << "TopLeft____(p1,q1) = " << var2->getX1() << ", " << var2->getX2() << endl;
//cout << "BottomRight(p2,q2) = " << var2->getX2() << ", " << var2->getY2() << endl;
mpStore.insert(std::pair< vshChartCollection, int >(vtemp, testCounter++));
//cout << "\nOverlap = " << overlapCnt << endl;
//cout << "Non Overlap = " << nonOverlapCnt<< endl;
return overlapCnt;
//Figure out if chart overlaps,
int View::DoChartsOverlap( )
if ( ValidateAll_InputCharts() < 2 )
return 0;
return FindAllTwoCombinationOverlaps();
//Figure out if chart overlaps
bool View::DoTwoChartsOverlap(shChartPtr var1, shChartPtr var2)
if (false == (IsInputChartValid(var1) && IsInputChartValid(var2)))
return false;
if (true == FindTwoChartOverlap_IF(var1, var2))
return true;
return false;
bool View::IsPresentInSharedChart(shChartPtr ch, int x, int y)
int x1 = ch->getX1();
int y1 = ch->getY1();
int x2 = ch->getX2();
int y2 = ch->getY2();
if ((x > x1 && x2 > x) && (y1 > y && y > y2))
return true;
return false;
void View::SetAvgColorSharedPtr(int probeX, int probeY)
int i = 0;
int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
for (auto& var : getChartshCol()) {
if (true == IsPresentInSharedChart(var, probeX, probeY))
#if __DBG
cout << "Probe belong to chart - " << i << endl;
r += var->getR();
g += var->getG();
b += var->getB();
if (i == 0)
_rp = r / i;
_gp = g / i;
_bp = b / i;
Biggest function to find if the charts overlaps. Check 4 overlap criteria
1. Corners overlap
2. Edge Overlap
3. Nested graph
4. Partial containment
bool View::FindTwoChartOverlap_IF(shChartPtr var1, shChartPtr var2) {
//auto var = getChartshCol();
//auto var1 = var[0];
//auto var2 = var[1];
int x1 = var1->getX1();
int y1 = var1->getY1();
int x2 = var1->getX2();
int y2 = var1->getY2();
int p1 = var2->getX1();
int q1 = var2->getY1();
int p2 = var2->getX2();
int q2 = var2->getY2();
int tcid = _id;
if ((x1<p1) && (p1<x2) && (x2<p2)) //x1<p1<x2<p2 // RIGHT EDGE CHARTS MOVE
if ((y1>q1) && (q1>y2) && (y2>q2))
{//bottom right corner
//cout << endl << _id << " - Bottom-Right Corner";
return true;
if ((y1 >= q1) && (q2 >= y2))
//cout << endl << _id << " - RIGHT In-Edge";
return true;
if ((q1 >= y1) && (y2 >= q2))
//cout << endl << _id << " - Right OUT-EDGE ";
return true;
if ((q1>y1) && (y1>q2) && (q2>y2))
//cout << endl << _id << " - TOP Right Corner";
return true;
if ((p1<x1) && (x1<p2) && (p2<x2)) // left p1<x1<p2<x2
if ((y1>q1) && (q1>y2) && (y2>q2)) // y1>q1>y1>q2
//cout << endl << _id << " - LEFT - BottomCorner";
return true;
if ((y1 >= q1) && (q2 >= y2)) // y1>q1>q2>y2
//cout << endl << _id << " - LEFT - InEdge ";
return true;
if ((q1 >= y1) && (y2 >= q2)) // q1>y1>y2>q2
//cout << endl << _id << " - LEFT - OutEdge ";
return true;
if ((q1>y1) && (y1>q2) && (q2>y2)) // q1>y1>y2>q2
//cout << endl << _id << " - LEFT - TOP Corner";
return true;
if ((q1>y1) && (y1>q2) && (q2>y2)) // q1>y1>q2>y2 //top right corner
if ((p1<x1) && (x1<p2) && (p2<x2)) // p1>x1>p2>x2
//cout << endl << _id << " - TOP ->Left Corner";
return true;
if ((x1 <= p1) && (p2 <= x2)) // x1<p1<p2<x2
//cout << endl << _id << " - TOP InnerEdge";
return true;
if ((p1 <= x1) && (x2 <= p2)) // p1<x1<x2<p2
//cout << endl << _id << " - TOP Out-Edge";
return true;
if ((x1<p1) && (p1<x2) && (x2<p2)) // x1<p1<x2<p2
//cout << endl << _id << " - TOP ->Right Corner";
return true;
if ((y1>q1) && (q1>y2) && (y2>q2))//y1>q1>y2>q2 bottom
if (q2 > x1)
//cout << endl << _id << " - No OverLap";
return true;
if ((p1<x1) && (x1<p2) && (p2<x2)) {
//cout << endl << _id << " - Bottom Left Corner.";
return true;
if ((x1 <= p1) && (p2 <= x2)) {
//cout << endl << _id << " - Bottom INEDGE";
return true;
if ((p1 <= x1) && (x2 <= p2)) {
//cout << endl << _id << " - Bottom OUT-EDGE";
return true;
if ((x1<p1) && (p1<x2) && (x2<p2)) {
//cout << endl << _id << " - Bottom Right Corner";
return true;
if ((q1 >= y1) && (y2 >= q2) && (x1 <= p1) && (p2 <= x2)) {
//cout << endl << _id << " - Vertical Intrunk overlap.";
return true;
if ((y1 >= q1) && (q2 >= y2) && (p1 <= x1) && (x2 <= p2)) {
//cout << endl << _id << " - Horizontal Intrunk overlap.";
return true;
if (((p1 <= x1) && (p2 >= x2) && (q1 >= y1) && (y2 >= q2)) ||
((x1 <= p1) && (p2 <= x2) && (y1 >= q1) && (q2 >= y2))
) // nesting ??
//cout << endl << _id << " - Nested boxes .";
return true;
// Following code to find out the failing / non overlapping maps
#if __DBG
cout << endl << endl << "ViewID - " << _id << ": NO OVERLAP DETECTED " << endl;
cout << "TopLeft____(x1,y1) = " << x1 << ", " << y1 << endl;
cout << "BottomRight(x2,y2) = " << x2 << ", " << y2 << endl;
cout << "TopLeft____(p1,q1) = " << p1 << ", " << q1 << endl;
cout << "BottomRight(p2,q2) = " << p2 << ", " << q2 << endl;
return false;
bool readInputs(string path)
std::ifstream file(path);
if (!file)
return false;
if (file.is_open())
std::string line;
int testCaseId = 0;
while (getline(file, line))
//cout << line << endl;
if (false == IsValidString(line))
string::size_type sz; // alias of size_t
int nCharts = std::stoi(line, &sz);
std::string tmp;
vector<string> listCordinates;
vector<string> listColors;
//vChartCollection vc;
vshChartCollection vshc;
for (int count = 0; count < nCharts; ++count)
getline(file, tmp);
//cout << tmp << endl;
if (false == IsValidString(line))
listCordinates = split(tmp, ",");
getline(file, tmp);
//cout << tmp << endl;
if (false == IsValidString(line))
listColors = split(tmp, ",");
shChartPtr pshTemp = getChartshPtr(listCordinates, listColors);
ViewPtr val = ViewPtr(new View(testCaseId++, vshc));
return true;
Inputs are read from an input file. Original Input formatted file is supplied under name "Input_org.txt"
Number of chart in this view
Topleft cordinate of chart 1, Bottom-RightCordinate of chart-1( X1,Y1,X2,Y2 )
RGB of chart 1
Topleft cordinate of chart 2,, Bottom-RightCordinate of chart-2( P1,Q1,P2,Q2 )
RGB of chart 2
# = comment ignored
1. Get total "combination of 2" overlapping charts
For single View, enter only one View entry
2. Probe points/cordinates are hardcoded value
Limitation -
no proper format shared for how many color probes per View, hence it has to be tested manually
everytime, how to do - example is present state
1. enter only single View details in input file.
2. Modify source for Probe Cordinates
Output -
ViewID-0 - R= 0, G= 0, B= 0
ViewID-0 - R= 10, G= 20, B= 30
ViewID-0 - R= 40, G= 50, B= 60
ViewID-0 - R= 25, G= 35, B= 45
int main( int argc, char**argv )
string path = argv[1] ? argv[1]: "";
if (false == readInputs(path))
cout << "Input test cases file read failed. path issue." << endl;
return 0;
int counter = 0;
for( auto& var : viewshCollection)
cout << "\n\nViewID-" << var->getTCId() << ": Total Charts in View - " << var->getChartshCol().size() ;
counter = var->DoChartsOverlap();
cout << "\nChart Overlapped - " << counter ;
Hardcoded static color probing points, Call SetAvgColorSharedPtr for each point to be probed.
//Probe A - outside of both charts
var->SetAvgColorSharedPtr(10, 10);
cout << "\nProbePointColor => R= " <<var->getRP() << ", G= "<< var->getGP()<< ", B= "<< var->getBP() ;
////Probe B - Inside Chart A => should return Chart A colors
//var->SetAvgColorSharedPtr(15, 35);
//cout << "ViewID-" << var->getTCId() << " - R= " << var->getRP() << ", G= " << var->getGP() << ", B= " << var->getBP() << endl;
////Probe C - Inside Chart B => should return Chart B colors
//var->SetAvgColorSharedPtr(25, 15);
//cout << "ViewID-" << var->getTCId() << " - R= " << var->getRP() << ", G= " << var->getGP() << ", B= " << var->getBP() << endl;
////Probe D - Inside Overlap => should return average
//var->SetAvgColorSharedPtr(25, 25);
//cout << "ViewID-" << var->getTCId() << " - R= " << var->getRP() << ", G= " << var->getGP() << ", B= " << var->getBP() << endl;
return 0;
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yadav26 commented Oct 30, 2018

Question Statement - Give two rectangles (TopLeft) and (BottomRight) cordinates and their color respectively, Find
1 . if they overlap
2. Color of a coordinate , if lies in overlapping zone get the average of two colors.

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